Saturday 4 December 2021



Sugata Bose @সৈয়দা সাজ্জাদা রহমান জলি : কিন্তু কোনওটা অবিদ্যার পথ আর কোনওটা বিদ্যার, কোনও দেয়াল বাধাস্বরূপ আর কোনও দেয়াল সহায়সম্বল, আশ্রয়স্থল |

Sugata Bose @সৈয়দা সাজ্জাদা রহমান জলি : আমি দার্শনিক অর্থে মন্তব্য করেছি, রাজনৈতিক অর্থে নয় | বৌদ্ধিক, সাংস্কৃতিক, আধ্যাত্মিক তত্ত্ব উপস্থাপন করেছি মাত্র, কোনও রকম বক্র অর্থ নয় |

Sugata Bose @Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev : Why does this man not go for a fashion parade? What gaudy dresses he wears! Fit for being an exotic model, a hybrid of the Semitic prophet and the modern fashionable woman.

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya: Ecstasy on one side and conversion on the other. Hinduism 🕉 is in the jaws of a queer dual syndrome where preachers tell lies about Islam and hide its intention of bringing about the destruction of Hinduism.

Sugata Bose @Abhijit Mandal : The state of the future Hindu 🕉 race after they have been annihilated one and all by Jihadis. Only squirrels will be left to offer obeisance to the Lord.

Sugata Bose @সৈয়দা সাজ্জাদা রহমান জলি : Hussein Shaheed Suhrawardy, the dastardly perpetrator of the Great Calcutta Killing of 16 August, 1946 and the Noakhali genocide of Hindus 🕉 subsequently for over two and a half months that precipitated Partition on Muslim League's demand. Gandhiji and the Congress capitulated. Today, you call him the spiritual progeny of democracy. Strange! What democratic means he had adopted to attain Partition! And Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was his close confidante and associate.

P.S. In your biographical sketch you have conveniently omitted mention of his dastardly pre-Partition Hindu 🕉 genocide acts. This is how history is ever chronicled. Be honest in historical narration. Else, future generations will be misled. That is also expected by way of maintenance of truth, a fundamental attribute of an honest human being.

Sugata Bose @Debashis Ghosh : Mercy to be shown if the kaffir converts.

Sugata Bose @Utpal Aich : Grand. Succinct. You are doing a great work in clarifying conceptions, erstwhile erroneous and mindlessly misleading.

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : You never read. Without reading your interpretations come in. You are teaching the author the meaning of his post. You have neither read nor understood. In an examination this would have fetched fail mark in this question. Wonder of wonders!

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : You never read. Without reading your interpretations come in. You are teaching the author the meaning of his post. You have neither read nor understood. In an examination this would have fetched fail mark in this question. Wonder of wonders!

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : But fatwas keep coming on critics of Islam ☪️ with huge sums offered for the heads of the so-called offenders.

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : The posts get progressively better with the promise of fresher primrose with every passing day.

Sugata Bose @YouTube - Rajiv Malhotra of Infinity Foundation : The 'namastey' ought to be said in a humbler tone because it is God within the addressed person who is being addressed thus in truth. The Divine Presence, if apprehended a bit, would lower the pitch and soften the manner. Let this then be the altered mode in gentler address to begin the show.

Sugata Bose @Bhairab Bagdi : Cowards and hypocrites these liberal critics of the Hindus 🕉 are.

Sugata Bose @Facebook friends : Shame that such poor viewership should keep my posts outcaste amidst a plethora of puerile posts!

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Why don't you ever read and comment to focus?

Sugata Bose @Surya Sarathi Roy : Were you personally related to him (Lieutenant Commander Rajat Kumar Sen)?

Sugata Bose @Surya Sarathi Roy : No wonder valour runs in your blood, too.

Sugata Bose @Surya Sarathi Roy : Oh, I see! That's why you have that martial look. No wonder. It's ever in the family, this valorous martial tradition and service in the defence of the nation.

Sugata Bose @Joyaditta Brahmachari : But Mahaprabhu did not take up arms. His movement was resistant on the basis of non-violent spirituality. But the Sikhs resisted both spiritually as well as with arms. Where lay the racial difference?

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : After much meandering the river meets the ocean, then becomes the ocean. Now how to separate the river from the ocean or the ocean from the ocean? It is now all तदाकार.

Sugata Bose @Sourabh Mondol : Strategic confession, part of the larger game plan of obtaining the sympathy of one and all for future electoral objectives, or a real change of heart post maturity in the swansong of his (Jyoti Basu's) political life? [Reference to Jyoti Basu's comment on Netaji by way of regret and recompense.]

Sugata Bose @Goutam Bose : What a beautiful enunciation on the nature of the Sanatan Dharma and its flowing tradition in evolutionary and existential terms by one of the great Hindu 🕉 thinkers of all time!

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : বলছ ? পল্টু series, seriously ?

Sugata Bose @Narendra Singh : Bengalis have not forgotten but it is true that certain personalities somehow get greater prominence and certain others for some reason do not. Maybe it is the pan-India impact of some that gets them greater prominence and localised effect that leads to neglect of the others. However, it should not be so, for each individual has shed his life's blood to bring about independence. But public selective memory and the space limitations of history books lead to this relative highlighting of individual attainments in the cause of the motherland's freedom. But the worst offenders are those who highlight these discrepancies without bothering to know any more about these forgotten heroes beyond just knowing some of their names when their whole history of daring exploits in patriotic self-sacrifice are there for deep study or easy perusal today, thanks to online availability of information.

Sugata Bose @YouTube [Ramakrishna Bhaktamandali] : Why do you allow these immoral advertisements before beaming a spiritual programme? Thakur said, 'Kamini-kanchan tyag.' Is this evidence of that renunciation?

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Ah! What a beautiful piece of praise for the one (Shree Krishna) who is supremely praiseworthy, the source of the very Vak one uses to do so!

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Animation of the inanimate post photographic inanimation of the animate.

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Let the Bhagavad Geeta inspire us to affirmative, vigorous action for defence of the Dharma rather than merely effusive engagement in song and dance and such activities which cannot withstand the pressure of proselytising attacks from Islam and Christianity.

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Friendship, indeed, like that of Krishnaarjun.

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Alas! We, Hindus 🕉, have forgotten this message in our proclivity for puerile pastimes.

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Preach the bold words of the Geeta on your profile with exact reference to shloks. But in a bold manner in defence of the Dharma, not those shloks of asceticism alone. The fighting part. Svadharmey nidhanam shreyoh paradharma bhayaavaha etc.

Sugata Bose @Bhairab Bagdi : Right. But so many Hindus still plead on behalf of Islam, as if apologists for their proselytising cause.

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : And we have been fooled by our religious organisations and their monastic preachers. We have been fooled worst by our self-indulgence, by our stubborn refusal to read, learn, introspect and realise the implications of Islam.

Sugata Bose @Abhishek Bose : Gandhi calls Abdul Rashid brother after the latter has murdered Swami Shraddhanandaji and absolves him of the guilt of murder, blaming the forces that engendered hate for the same. But which forces? This is the moot question. Arya Samaj 'Shuddhikaran' or Islamic scriptural doctrine?

Sugata Bose @Randeep Bhattacharya : No, Rabindranath throughout his life maintained utmost respect for Gandhi despite maintaining pronounced differences in views on national and human issues with the latter.

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma Already seen and given the 'like'. But there's no detailed write-up attached to it, something that would be informative and educative. Please add something to that tune. Otherwise, mere effusion will not spread the message of the Sanatan Dharma to those who are athirst for it. A post may be for personal satisfaction or it may be for the purpose of spreading the message which the world needs. Instead of spreading Christianity we should spread the Sanatan Dharma. I, however, have not given up hope as yet, seeing the general preoccupation with the self and the lack of catering to national interest in terms of raising consciousness in the world about India and her spiritual heritage. Sometimes I do feel desperate to behold this apathy but then I remember Bhagavan Krishna and carry on with my labour of love, forsaking the fruit at his hallowed feet. Thus I trudge on, sometimes with inspiration, sometimes in desperation, but I carry on nonetheless.

Sugata Bose @Bhaskar Sen Sharma : That will be wonderful for you are such a gifted writer and so full of inspiration.

Sugata Bose @Asad Noor's Vlog : Why the cross ✝️ sign? Is it safer, hence, more convenient to convey the message thus which you hope intelligent readers will understand what it means by deflected subtle implication?

Sugata Bose @Asad Noor's Vlog : The Saudi royal family is playing a double game banning Islamic organisations that are detrimental to its stay in power while Islamising Bangladesh and Pakistan beyond bounds by heavily funding madrassas and mosques.

Sugata Bose @Randeep Bhattacharya : But Tagore wrote a biographical study of Gandhi, evidently out of respect for him in his book 'Chaaritra Puja'. He rode for five days by train from Shantiniketan to Poona in 1931 to break Gandhi's fast. There he sang to Gandhi and pleaded with him to break fast whereupon Gandhi relented. I hope I remember my facts about this latter incident right.

Sugata Bose @Why 'Kotwaal'? That is an Arabic word, the sign of our thousand year bondage to Islamic invaders and their imposition of Islamic culture on us. We should speak in sanitised Hindi shorn of such invasive Islamic linguistic infiltration and lodged firmly in Sanskrit roots instead.

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : Great work you are doing, Riya Bhattacharya, improving by the day. This is seminal service for all. Those that will read will spiritually benefit and from it all other advantages follow.

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : But when the Islamic assailant comes to convert by force?

Sugata Bose @Taslima Nasreen : Because it is a one-way traffic in Islam as you best know. Islam has the freedom to criticise other religions but the other religions have none such to criticise Islam ☪️. Scripturally sanctioned in Islam this existential truth is. Now, what can you do about it but to disregard and disobey with consequences attached for sure, for the world seems to have accepted this unidirectional mandate of Islam ☪️ ?

Sugata Bose @Taslima Nasreen : You are downright sweeping in your statements. It obviously gets you the desired rating points for your broader message to get through. But it is unbecoming of one who vouchs for truth, fairness and civic justice when you allow yourself the indiscretion of indiscreet, blanket remarks such as these.

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakraborty : Serve, Nilanjana, serve. You are writing like me. Flaming, bold words like the flash of the unsheathed sword.

Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : Just the opposite. He will get to know the real Islam as opposed to the pretentiously preached one as in the public domain which insists on its inherent goodness. Once the Hindu knows the real Islam, he will never convert to it. The same applies for the preaching of the Sanatan Dharma widely and intensely. Once Muslims get to know how wonderful Hinduism is, they will start converting back to their Mother Faith from which their ancestors perforce had been perverted.

Sugata Bose @Riya Bhattacharya : Electric circuit completed, illumination follows. The dross of minuscule desire removed by the magic touch of the Master. Narendranath on the verge of total transformation fumbles and the fulfilment is deferred unto 1886 in Kashipur where the young eagle finally breaks free from all earthly bondage to soar in the limpid spaces of the infinite.

Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : You must acknowledge a reply to your question. Else, you will in the future not get one from me.

Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick Thanks for raising questions but do read in depth not only my replies but my posts in general as well.

Sugata Bose @Goutam Ghosh : True but Babar's ideology is the original sin. Jaichand's action gains prominence only in Babar's doctrinaire compulsion to act thus. By the way, modern research says that Jaichand was innocent of all such fabled historical accusations against him.

Sugata Bose @Khalid Umar : Superb, succinct, off the cuff, straightforward reply from an insider who has suffered the faith and exited it with courage and grace!

Sugata Bose @Manzurul Haque : Who trained your Muktibahini? Who armed them? Who provided strategy and strike with precision power that made for the unconditional surrender of Pakistan? The Muktibahini fought gallantly but without arms, direction, training, combat support and critical assistance by the Indian Armed Forces Bangladesh would have remained a distant dream.

Sugata Bose @Dhyan Maneesha : Grand. Keep propagating the message, the historical truth about Islamic barbarism in India that unfailingly attracts adherents galore even today, such is its fanatical hold through daily indoctrination on its polity.

Sugata Bose @Mahesh Prabhu : But was Jesus a historical personality? Swamiji entertained grave doubts about it after his dream vision near Crete while travelling by sea whose chronicled version is there in Sister Nivedita's 'The Master As I Saw Him'.

Sugata Bose @

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