1. The disciple (shishya) was a Braahman and the preceptor (Guru) a Shudra. Yet, knowledge flowed free and fine.
2. Access to the Atma is open to all irrespective of whatever social standing they may be subject to on account of human differentiation.
3. There is no gender differentiation in the Self (Brahma/Atma). All are equal inheritors of the divine legacy.
4. Swamiji was apprehensive of monks getting too much power in emerging India. He had said that so much power in saffron hands was bad for the polity.
5. It is obnoxious to see Gurus and Godmen living in palaces and claiming their divinity nonetheless.
6. Do not be deluded by sweet-smiling shrees or smooth-talking badgurus. Do not be deluded by your scripture declaring itself as uniquely supreme. Think. Reject. Realise.
7. Those who support fake Babas are fake themselves. They are devoid of character. Real men armed in purity and truth alone can revive the sagging spirit of practical Sanatan Dharma.
8. The saffron is not only the sacred colour of the Hindus but of the Sikhs as well. Atop every Gurdwara flies a saffron flag emblematic of their religion.
9. Read Vivekananda and be strong. Quit these 'spiritual' charlatans and come to real reason, real realisation.
10. Hinduism is as much in danger from proselytising religions as from charlatans within who are perverting the spiritual discourse by selling their wares to a gullible public that revels in getting fooled.
11. Yogis claim to be able to foretell the exact time of their departure from the body. In this grand act one Baba predicted he would live till 96 but paid quits to the world at 84. Yogi/God, indeed !
12. Desire deludes man so, that propriety of civic duties are forgotten in one's selfish pursuits that eventually leave one a beggar at the palatial gates of a 'spiritual' charlatan.
13. How could educated people, men accomplished and eminent in the different walks of life, follow a miracle-mongering man masquerading as a messiah?
14. So long as fake Gurus, Babas and Shrees rule the spiritual roost in India, the rightful reign of the Sanatan Dharma here is a far cry.
15. Why did one have to sway his right hand or squeeze his fingers to materialise rings, chains and ash? Could he not produce them without such sleight of hand?
16. Can anybody by performing 'miracles' prove his divinity? Miracle-mongering proves one's intense immersion in the flesh.
17. Unless the youth of this country excel in academics, our future will remain uncertain in the hands of semi-literates.It is hypocrisy to preach the Vedanta and give privilege to a select few at the same time.
18. High preaching of precept is good. High practice is better.
19. There must be no privilege in spiritual organisations. Unfortunately, there is.
20. হাঁড়ির বাইরে ধর্ম আনলে ভক্তেরও লাভ আর ভগবানও একটু হাঁপ ফেলে বাঁচবেন । ওঃ, বড় কষ্ট রান্নাঘরে !
21. Flood the system With the Holy Name just as you flood your body with water. Water is life but the Holy Name is Life.
22. নির্মম হওয়ার নাম নাস্তিকতা । সর্বজীবের প্রতি মমতা, সহমর্মিতা, আস্তিকতা ।
23. ছাত্রাবস্থায় 'স্বামীজীর বাণী ও রচনা' নিয়মিত পাঠ চরিত্রগঠনের জন্য অত্যাবশ্যক ।
24. প্রতিটি হিন্দুর 'শ্রীশ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ কথামৃত' নিত্যপাঠ অবশ্য কর্তব্য । এতে হিন্দুসমাজ বলিষ্ঠ হবে কারণ 'কথামৃত' ভগবানের শ্রীমুখনিঃসৃত বাণীর পরিবেশন ।
25. নিঃস্বার্থ যিনি, তিনিই জননায়ক হওয়ার যোগ্য ।
26. ভগবান বিষয়বুদ্ধির অগম্য । তাই নাস্তিক যদি জড়বিজ্ঞান দিয়ে বিচার করে ভগবানের অস্তিত্ব নির্ণয় করতে চান, তো বিফলকাম হবেন । শুদ্ধবুদ্ধি চাই ঈশ্বরের সাক্ষাৎকারের জন্য ।
27. সরলতা মানে সোজা পথে চলা, নির্বুদ্ধিতা নয় ।
28. সংগীত দুই প্রকার । এক, মানুষের মনকে মায়া-মোহে আচ্ছন্ন করে, চৈতন্যকে আবৃত করে ও বৈরাগ্যের বিরোধী ভাব উদ্রেক করে । দুই, চিত্তকে নির্মল করে বৈরাগ্যমুখী করে মনকে ।
28. Religious conversion is evil because there is brainwashing involved and cultural enforcement with it. Your identity is altered by force which is a crime.
29. If all are the children of God, then why do you convert Hindus in the name of the very same God to Christianity?
30. If 'my religion is my religion and your religion is your religion' (Quran - Meccan period), then why do you try to convert me to yours?
31. Education will eventually lift man out of superstition but it has to be the education that locates man in the Self. And the task is a tall order but will be accomplished hopefully in the end.
32. 'শ্রীশ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ কথামৃত' পাঠ করে আমি শান্তি পাই । আপনিও কি তাই পান ?
33. I have found reading 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' most beneficial spiritually? Do you as well?
34. Vast sections of humanity will have to be lifted out of poverty. This ought to be our PROJECT PEACE.
35. It is necessary to read the holy books of all religions in the original, even if translated, to arrive at a correct assessment of their precepts. Hearing selectively the verses from scholars leads to incorrect understanding.
36. Work for the environment. Peace will come.
37. I accept your religion as true and you reject mine as false. What an asymmetric relation is that? Where lies the possibility of harmony?
38. War will automatically cease if men are taught to think of the whole of humanity and not of individual nations, regions and religions.
39. Send a thought of strength to the whole of humanity and let the world survive the coming holocaust. Save the environment by becoming human.
40. Roguish clamouring over television is not patriotism. Patriotism lies in disciplined labour of love for the nation, selfless and silent.
41. Love of life is the deal of death.
42. There is a deal of violence in intellectuals and that is in the mighty sword of the pen. Intolerance seems universal.
43. Often liberals are intellectual fanatics and simple folks most liberal.
44. Tall talk is not philosophy. Living the life to match the words is.
45. We live in the body and talk of the soul. Would it were otherwise !
46. Fractional understanding ever leads to total judgement. This is the predicament of the finite man whose worst aberration is the fanatical man.
47. Love must transcend the body to deserve its name.
48. Often atheists are the most liberal and the faithful most bigoted unless atheism itself becomes a fanatical creed of sorts.
49. Nankana Sahib (Pakistan) wears a deserted look where Harmandir Sahib (Amritsar-India) throbs with the life of a million men. A stark contrast between Islamic intolerance and Hindu all-acceptance.
50. Consecrated food (prasad) is contaminated if you take money before serving it.
51. If poetry and music degrade men and draw them to the fold of infatuating Maya, they were better shunned for martial valour where death dispels delusion at every point.
52. Toxic paralysing music in the name of literary high culture is destroying Bengal with the poison of the 'shringaar rasa'.
53. Shashi Tharoor has exposed Britain for what it truly is, a brutal exploitative nation that has risen to power over the corpses of colonised countries.
54. The only way to combat China is to make our masses strong. In times of war a strong polity is the bulwark of the nation.
55. We have to develop greater depth of character. Levity it seems has become the order of the day.
56. Westernisation builds up intellectualism and destroys spirituality.
57. Infatuated men cannot teach religion. Men fired with idealism and uncompromising to the core can attempt to do so. Success will depend entirely on their inner realisation of the precepts preached.
58. Never trust China. That's it.
59. The West is in a state of decadent materialism, and the more we absorb these materialistic western values, the worse shall our spiritual state be.
60. The West is materialistic and full of destructive tamas along with creative vain rajas. They are as yet far off from the sattva essential for spiritual life, individual or en masse.
61. Love dissolves desire.
62. The tears of love are the solvent for desire.
63. National concentration has to be built up.
64. Mahamaya devises a myriad means to draw the mind of man outside, for Her sport is superficial and Her secrets well-guarded.
65. সংগীতে সিদ্ধি শুধু স্বরের শুদ্ধ প্রয়োগে নয়, স্বর ভেদ করে তার গভীর অন্তঃস্থলে অনুপ্রবেশে । সরস্বতী কেন্দ্রে স্থিতা ।
66. When dangerous winds sweep, it is safer to stay indoors.
67. ভগবানের অপর রূপ ভীষণ ।
68. Humility is the hallmark of the wise but arrogance so often wears the cloak of humility.
69. The fire of fear stalks life ; the water of love extinguishes it.
71. The life of law is the life of love.
72. When the mind of man discovers a law, he uncovers a facet of himself.
73. When life itself is silent, God speaks.
74. ধনতন্ত্র তৃতীয় রিপুর দ্বারা চালিত ।
Capitalism is fuelled by greed.
75. Communication is the soul of society.
76. Doubt dissipates energy and renders faith sterile.
77. Swamiji had lamented the loss of character in the religions of the world then. Today we are faced with a similar predicament, the utter absence of character in the average Indian.
78. So long as proselytising religions keep converting others to their fold and hold their faiths to be exclusively true, the inter-faith movement will largely remain a pretence and a hypocrisy on their part.
79. Humility is the hallmark of the wise. The man of little learning and feebler understanding poses to be wise but he poses so in apparent arrogance.
80. Men who think they know a lot know but little. It is the ignorant man of little learning that often is the wisest.
81. Religion lies neither in tall talk nor in scriptural quotes. Religion lives in the soul of the simple man as love, acceptance and righteousness.
83. Buddha must be rediscovered free of the trappings of latter-day Buddhism that ran into loggerheads with the Vedanta. Buddha remains the supreme sage of spiritual India.
84. My allegiance is to the whole of humanity seen through the spiritual cultural sense of India.
85. There is a vast force, an irresistible will that governs the universe, and this force we call God in common parlance. But the intricacies of Reality are really far more complex, deeper, profound.
86. আদিম বর্বর মানুষ আজও বর্বরই আছে । শুধু সাথে আছে তার পোশাকী সভ্যতা ।
87. চাই সত্ত্বগুণের বহুল প্রকাশ । তবে এ সমাজ শুধরোবে ।
88. 'The String of Pearls' that China dangles about us is a very tempting ornament, is it not? But it is the hangman's noose for us. Do you realise?
89. It is evil ideology that is at the heart of evil deeds. And we well know which are the evil ideologies of the world.
90. China is a sly, deceptive and atheistic nation without scruples or morals. It is our joint enemy number 1 along with Britain and Pakistan. We must never trust these three nations, never.
91. ছবির পূজো বন্ধ করে লেখাগুলো পড়ুন । অসংলগ্ন নিরর্থক চিত্রকেন্দ্রিক মন্তব্য না করে বক্তব্যের যাথার্থ বিচারপূর্বক সুচিন্তিত মন্তব্য করে লেখাগুলোকে সমৃদ্ধ করুন ।
92. To tackle China we have to vastly improve the condition of our masses first. Crony capitalism must not be allowed to flourish. The country is well nigh sold to big business.
93. Devoid of devotion to the highest ideals of life, man perishes, a worm on the threshold of infinite existence.
94. Love hinges upon some images that sweeten the soul in memory. A dry association is no love at all. It is the wider and deeper intersection of personalities that nourishes love.
95. Caught in the moment, we lose eternity. Brooding on the past or living in the future, we lose the present. Penetrating the moment, though, we arrive at the Eternal. The portal to the Infinite is here and now.
96. The British celebrate their Empire. No, they celebrate our blood, the blood of the colonised which they let freely flow to raise the toast to their Empire.
97. কাব্য ও সংগীতের মাধ্যমে দেশের স্বাধীনতা অর্জন ও রক্ষার জন্য অপরকে প্রাণ দিতে উদ্বুদ্ধ করা অনেক সহজ । নিজে সেই বাণী পালন করে শহীদ হওয়ার আদর্শ স্থাপন করা ঢের কঠিন ।
98. মরণের গান লেখা সোজা, মরণ বরণ করা কঠিন । কবি আর শহীদের এইমাত্র তফাত ।
99. Materialistic, atheistic, pretentious, outright lying China need never be trusted. They are bound to betray. Friendship with them? Yes, to repeat another '62.
100. 20 dead on our side. Dear lives lost cheap over border confrontation with China while the polity sleeps or fights to break what is duly us and ours. But we shall yet arise.
101. Long back the CPI leader, Prof. Hiren Mukerjee had told me that America and China are two countries that think that they themselves are the world.

The tree has tolerated our devastation of its terrain for long. Now let us restore it its lost kingdom lest we are uprooted with the lost roots of our forest past.Humility is the hallmark of the wise but arrogance so often wears the cloak of humility.
The fire of fear stalks life ; the water of love extinguishes it.
The life of law is the life of love.
When the mind of man discovers a law, he uncovers a facet of himself.
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