Sunday, 5 July 2020



Rajendra Kundu
 Latu Maharaj (Swami Adbhutananda) who was a shudra and his braahman devotee by the name Chandrasekhar Chattopadhyay who was his biographer and learnt freely from him.

 Same thing is in your surname, too. Do not mind the mention. All in good humour.

 Even my surname ought to be written as Vasu but we write the Anglicised version, Bose, the legacy of our recent colonial past.

@ an fb friend in response to his comment : Amazing description. Your sense of humour and pun and manner of presentation in the present tense is simply marvellous. It is a comedy come alive.

 Research, Sir. Read all of this collection of posts made yesterday by me and deduce your answer.

 It is for you to do this latter part. Mine is to stimulate thought.

 No, no, by no means for there is one who knows it all, 'from head to foot of this that exists', who is the summation of all the preceptors of the past, now in retrograde order. I hope you got me right about this over-cloaked celebrity preceptor and his gift of the gibberish gab selling his 'engineering' skills by careful orchestration of the 'spiritual' market.

 My son, laziness is a national sin and you must overcome it. Exercise your brain a bit and arrive at your answers. Then proceed to illumine others rather the way you wish me to do it right now.

 Thank you for your sincere appraisal of the situation and letting us know about the scene in the West as well.

 But he had said he would in 200 years time. This bit of information is gleaned from the reminiscences of Alice Hansborough.

 একমত । আমি যুবাবস্থায় অত্যন্ত অনুপ্রাণিত হয়েছিলাম স্বামী প্রণবানন্দজীর বাণীর দ্বারা । অবশ্য, স্বামী বিবেকানন্দই ছিলেন আমার অনুপ্রেরণার মুখ্য উৎসস্থল ।

 I think you are mistaken in your assessment of my intent. I am not doing what you suppose but have no time or energy to explain my stance to dispel your delusion in this regard. I equally propagate the message of the classical scriptures but you seem to bear upon your mind a peculiar interpretation of my post as apparent to your fractured understanding. No less than a personality like Swami Vivekananda has said that this modern scripture (Kathamrita) 'is going to shower peace on earth hereafter'. Well, the freedom of mine to write and the choice of yours to apprehend it as you please are both there. What more can I say than this that this is a most bizarre charge laid at my doors by someone. I remember another fb friend of yours had levelled a similar irrational charge against me sometime back. However, to call me a la Semite in terms of proselytising propensity is the worst epithet that I could have thus deserved. But strange are the times and stranger people's misapprehensions.

P.S. 1) I think a thorough study of 'Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita' would remove all your lingering suspicions about my motives and also clarify conception about the content of this grand modern scripture which is the repository of all ancient and medieval spiritual knowledge with much more original stuff and substance added unto such.

2) Where in heaven's sake have I asked people to forsake the Ishta which is the soul of the Sanatan Dharma? Where have I implied that they must only read 'Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita' and nothing else? Can you show me one such passage of mine where I have thus singularly proselytised like a zealot, a fanatical exclusive Semite who considers his religious conviction alone to be true? Do my posts, varied as they are in a plethora of perspectives, indicate my motives and intentions to be a kindred soul to such proselytising agencies of religious politics?

 Reading the Kathamrita enhances this feeling that all paths are approaches to Godhead but exclusiveness is not good as Thakur repeatedly points out. Thank you for triggering in me an even greater ardour for Kathamrita and all the other classical ancient and the medieval shastras.

P.S. : Do make your own effort as well to reach out the message of the Vedas and the allied scriptures to the lay public so that we may all benefit, no less you who shall be benefited the most in engaging in such sublime service.

 That is why we have to resist this conversion movement of Islam and Christianity in our own way, each one of us as per our capacity resisting it through counter-propaganda and propagation of the Sanatan Dharma.

 Yes, there is. And the simplest way to do so is to spread the message of the Sanatan Dharma across the length and breadth of the world and, so, let people spontaneously join the ranks of mainstream Hinduism. Most important is to practise the principles oneself and, so, create a vibrant Hindu community everywhere whose cumulative vibrational pressure will bring about this induction in others to join the Hindu fold. One more thing. We, Hindus, must stop saying that people can practise their own religion ardently and they will reach Godhead. We must be silent on this score and just preach our dharma and allow people to join us of their own volition.

 প্রত্যহ পড়ুন, নিরন্তর, নিরবচ্ছিন্ন ।

 আপনার এই অসংখ্যপাঠ আমাকে অনুপ্রাণিত করছে, একথা অত্যুক্তি নয় ।

 আপনাকে তো কতবার বলেছি বেদান্ত বিষয়ক রচনা দিতে এই মুখপুস্তকে (Facebookএ) ।

 অতি চমৎকার বলেছেন, যথার্থ বলেছেন ।

 বলব । দেখি না কার কি মত ।

 আহা, অপূর্ব কথা, অনবদ্য !

 চালিয়ে যান, অসাধারণ জমেছে । মধুক্ষরণ হচ্ছে আর আমরা পান করে অমৃতপ্রায় হচ্ছি ।

TheMe Phobia How to respond to your pungent pointers when I clearly see that you take a fractional and oblique view of my posts with preconceptions determining judgement and misapprehensions of the meaning ruining so? Hence, extraneous comments like this must be respectfully laid aside from extraneous deliberation.

TheMe Phobia You are misreading the meaning of 'most beneficial'. It is a linguistic error on your part, I understand, which anybody sufficiently well-versed in the English language will point out to you. At any rate, could I know your name please? Interaction is easier with an individual whose identity in terms of name and facial appearance have been established.

TheMe Phobia Now I know why you prefer to call yourself PHOBIA.TheMe Phobia Naughty boy. It is not good to curse others.

TheMe Phobia So, you are the dispenser of this reality. Is it so? Is that it?

 I am happy to see you differ from many others in some respect. Herein lies sincere admission of one's true assessment and judgement thereof. Please keep voicing your original opinions thus for they are much needed in a world that is largely moved by the gregarious instinct.

 I also believe that the title 'Gospel ... ' was the result of American devotees working on it along with Swami Nikhilananda and their Christian linguistic conceptions coloured their judgement and helped bring about this rather western name to a scripture predominantly Indian in spiritual texture. The same goes with the honorific 'Holy Mother' which Swamiji's American disciples gave Sri Sarada Devi which was much in vogue even in 1980s and 1990s but have overtime been supplanted with her name Sri Sarada Devi which is rightly and rightfully Indian. Also, Swamiji introduced the terms 'President', 'Vice-president', 'General Secretary' and 'Mission" into the Order, perhaps, because of historically those being the times of the British Raj and also, perhaps, with a view to universalising the Order with English, the most universal of the world languages. Also, he gave the Order by naming it such a future corporate character for the coming capitalist age, although, I must admit, this is my imagination running a bit wild, as some would say. That way one may even say that he was giving it a political structural character which one knows for sure was not his intent, at least in spirit if not in organisational layout. Most probably Swamiji willingly absorbed the best of western organisational structure and indigenised it by infusing the Order with his prophetic spirit. So, the name 'Gospel...', I guess, ought not to create too much of a handicap, if at all, in spreading hoary India's spiritual message. Rather, to my mind it seems, it will help to bring home India to the western world better, considering that this time the Avatar has come to integrate the two hemispheres of the Orient and the Occident into a single spiritual family.

 Read the full text, edited and expanded, now.

 Really? Then you are blessed.

 Blessed, blessed, twice blessed !

 If continued unbroken for a lifetime, it will lead to enlightenment. May Thakur bless you to persist at it !

 মহাস্মৃতি, মহাশ্রুতি ।

 I have read. Here 'I' is not me in the sense of Sugata Bose but is a general Hindu 'I' as enunciated by Sri Ramakrishna who had accepted all religions including the exclusive Semitic religions as true thus and apparently established the harmony of religions as is claimed by his followers.

 This is where educated young people like you come in. Please write on these issues and enlighten us all. I say this not sarcastically at all but in all sincerity.

 The seed is there in the Atman which is the repository of all good impulses. But Maya or primeval ignorance has to be overcome through progressive illumination and the dark will recede slowly but surely. For this time will inevitably lapse before the entire population of the world with diverse cultural background and levels of evolution, inhibition, superstition and inertial adherence can be brought to the sunshine of spiritual emancipation and freedom. All this, though, is the surface terrestrial phenomenon but deeper below everything is already free in the solidarity of existential oneness. The sport is at the surface, this interplay of light and darkness.

 Thank you for putting forth your illumining original thoughts. Do continue to comment on my posts.

 Because the 'Creator' failed to create the awareness necessary in the warmongers to shun the path of evil. Such are the imperatives of temporal play, such the overbearing exigencies of the pertinent times and such the law of spiritual evolution where even 'God' cannot but allow the causal play of relations unto gradual fulfilment of humanity's spiritual destiny, the endpoint of evolution arrived at through the inevitable vicissitudes of historical flow.

P.S. : An epic drama has its dramatic requirements and limitations thereof in relation to the propriety of certain episodes depicted and exemption afforded to certain other episodes. The justification of such enactment is not always easy to explain in spiritual-moral terms without in the same vein torturing the text, and this need not be resorted to. Political compulsions even gods cannot override. Such is the 'omnipotence' of the popular will as concentrated in a monarch who has usurped power using the devious means of Avidyamaya. Therefore, Jarasandha, Kichak, Kangsa and Shishupal are killed -- leaving aside the demons and demonesses of dubious derivations -- but Duryodhana, Duhshashan and Shakuni are spared to allow the dramatic flow unto completion. Also, it may be posited that Krishna allowed the persistence of Kaurava evil to bring about the total annihilation of all existent evil among the kshatriya kings gone wrong then by letting history run its inevitable course unto the cataclysmic Kurukshetra War when Aryavarta was cleansed of all such evil. Had Duryodhana been personally destroyed by Krishna, the War would not have been and the seeds of evil sprouting on further among the remaining evil kings would have gone on to so afforest Bharatvarsha with ruinous evil that Dharma would have been replaced 'permanently' with Adharma which would have brought about, perhaps, the extinction of all spiritual impulses in the Punyabhumi and caused untold misery -- far more than existent then -- to the people of the country and thence caused a far greater damage to India's destiny as the repository and upholder of the Sanatan Dharma.

 They are now neocolonists and have not changed their national stance in any way save to put up a better pretence than ever before. But to apologise for their misdeeds in no uncertain terms would undermine their whole current agenda of past persistence in inglorious depredation of others' wealth. So, no apology is likely till India has them on her knees through her future resurgence.

 But ignorance or knowledge, their misdeeds will recoil on them for the law of karma is inexorable.

 I understood. Yes. May be somewhere, sometime when the mood takes me there.

 Oh, I see. I like your frankness and commend you for it. Few, alas, have the courage of conviction to express what they inwardly feel.

 But iron will melt in the heat of evil karma and China will also have to turn democratic in the not-so-long run.

 Strong words that accurately describe these rogues who will never reform for they are organically predisposed, it seems, to play the roguish role in this terrestrial drama of international relations.

 100% right. Evil -- that's the word so few use but so apt in the case of China.

 Brilliant description of this fiendish foe.

@Saumy Kumar Mishra : Stop lecturing like this. It is not civil to do so. You were earlier unfriended by me for a similar offence but, evidently, you have not learnt your lesson, for old habits die hard. Hence, to arrest your further degeneration you are being blocked for good, never to be unblocked by any good fortune of yours. Considering your age of 22 and mine of 59, I find in you a case of hopeless decay of youthful energy that needs spiritual counsel to come to a semblance of sanity, civility, good culture et al. God bless you with direction quick, for the self-invited troubles of man much afflict him and his fortunes !

 Please, henceforth, be more active, for an exchange of energy between the writer and his readers enlivens the whole creative process that seeks utterance in words and images.

 Still, let me know that you have read the post by saying so in the comment section and by pressing the 'like' button if that is not too much to ask for.

 Thank you for complying.

 Please keep reading and keeping me posted that you have read the posts.

 Write more. Elaborate. I spend a lot of energy and time writing these posts. Please reciprocate.

 Thank you for at least writing more than just a couple of words as others do out of sheer indifference to the labour of love that the writer puts in to express his thoughts. Thanks once again. Do comply like this, dear friend.

 Do not know much about them. Thought they were some sort of a secret society if I am not wrong. Hence, we do not see much of them in the public sphere.

[ Reference : Comment from another post stored here. ]
Old post of Jan 28, 2018. Hence, technically not pertinent to the present scenario unless, of course, larger trends are sought to be highlighted which show the general characteristic of Indian communists vis-a-vis their unquestioning allegiance to China and ever-doubting and ever-doubtful allegiance to India.

 Yes, self-communed, Paramatma united with Paramatma.

 There you see. That is called historicity beyond any doubt.

 Really? Avatars created? This seems to be like the act of putting the cart before the horse. But I can understand what you mean and thank you for thinking in a radically original manner.

 I purposefully did it this way to make a pertinent point in parity with the earlier three questions.

 True indeed, especially when it concerns ancient existence of which records are hard to find and archaeological evidence merely points to mass presence of a civilisation or an ancient culture of sorts and not so much to the particular existence of certain pertinent individuals.

 But that is quite opposed to the spirit of enquiry about truth in all its myriad dimensions and aspects which is at the heart of the Sanatan Dharma.

 Could you suggest some books that I may read in this regard, books that uphold their historicity?

 Good one in every sense -- joke, poke, faith, reason, unreason et al. And, for your kind information, I do not go by spiritual authority to arrive at historical truth. I go by the method of investigative reason based on empirical evidence, that is founded on rational rigour, the way scientists go about finding truth, the way my preceptor, Swami Vivekananda, has inspired me to think and ponder the imperatives of this terrestrial world that confront man.

 Fair enough, whatever you may mean by your allusion.

 But Buddha is a historically chronicled personality.

 Was he that far into antiquity, 5000 - 7000 years ago and more? In other words you mean to say that he was a contemporary of the early Indus Valley Civilisation people or did he even predate them, going by your age reference? Do I get you right?

 You must have eaten. How's the taste? Don't mind, just all in good humour.

 Is it not obvious we are talking about Maryada Purushottam Ramchandra who is the epic hero of the Ramayana? Why ask obvious questions? Surely, I was not asking about N.T. Rama Rao or any such that goes by the name of Rama which, incidentally, is the most popular name in the whole world and by your implication, in so far I understand, would merit a million other considerations if mere name became the point pertinent here.

 But Christians like Cambridge mathematician John Lennox claims he was and that there are contemporary accounts of eyewitnesses of the Resurrection of the Only Son of God. Swamiji, however, doubted the historicity of Christ after his strange dream of the Theraputae monk off the coast of Crete.

 Sure I will read as well as much as I can, intrigued as I am by these great mysteries that confound us.

 But Jesus was Oriental, although, the Occident has apparently naturalised him and inevitably degraded his grand spiritual stature to a significant effect. The result is the brutalisation of the world in the name of Christian proselytising where Jesus in contrast was such a loving soul who had exhorted his followers thus : 'Love thy enemy as thy own.' Indeed, change of geographical location and culture can do such a surgery on a spiritual movement that it becomes unrecognisable in the end in relation to what it was at its inception. The thought of India had permeated the Middle East post Buddha and had evolved into Christianity with local instincts and aberrations added. This is my considered observation from my readings of Swami Vivekananda.

 Thanks for participating in the discussion with informative inputs.

 Why? Christians claim that he is the only Son of God.

 আমাদের একেবারে নিজগৃহ হতে একতাবদ্ধ হতে হবে । কিন্তু সে চেতনা কই ? বৃহৎ বিশ্ব তো তারই প্রতিফলন । জনে জনে মিল নেই, বিবাদ লেগেই আছে । এ অবস্থায় বিশ্বের তো এই পরিণতিই স্বাভাবিক । তাই সমাজের ক্ষুদ্রতম প্রকোষ্ঠে যদি শান্তি ও মৈত্রীর কাজ করা যায়, তাহলেই বিশ্বালয়ে শান্তির সম্ভাবনা ।

 You are right in this regard. And it is a regrettable and a decadent state of the polity that is prompting such raucous behaviour. The opposition parties also are largely to blame for this. Hence, it will take some time, I guess, before the present murky air clears and the polity is restored to a semblance of democratic sanity where voices diverse and divergent are heard without politically motivated vilification sullying discourse.

 Dictatorship ever degenerates.

@Ashish Kumar Saha : Again you have started with your own brand of supercilious talk which I dislike. Without solid comprehension of people's motives and the wider implications of nationalism you unhesitatingly proceed to pronounce hasty judgement on others which are based upon your fractional understanding and flawed conceptions. Please desist from such patronising remarks, I say. You cannot dictate terms to me, neither must you consider yourself so superior as to advise me thus. I am doing everything in national interest and have never needed guidance or inspiration from any except my preeminent preceptor, Swami Vivekananda. I generally do not have the time or occasion to respond to Facebook comments but sometimes make an exception as now to do so. However, as it seems you have your own predilections and prejudices against certain things that you hold as aberrations to nationalistic feeling -- and you are, of course, entitled to such, I suppose in a democratic polity -- I will desist from interacting with you further from here on for I find patronising remarks simply intolerable. Thank you thus far and no more.

P.S. Spirituality is the lifeblood of the nation and whatever I am doing is in absolute national interest irrespective of whatever opinions you may harbour otherwise about it.

It is not critical view but flawed conceptions and criticisms thereof that I have talked of for it distracts me in answering them from more worthwhile pursuits in my daily life.

This sort of an appraisal suits the intolerant, not you of, so to say, liberal views.

 The ANI report is as yet unconfirmed by either the Indian Army or the habitually lying Chinese Army.

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