Friday 10 July 2020



1. এক হতে উদ্ভূত, বহুতে বিরাজ, আবার পরিশেষে একেতেই বিলয় - এই তো মহাজীবন ।

2. Only the perfectly continent person can teach morality and character to the world, none else. Others who preach are merely playing with words and are to be rejected as influences.

3. Sri Ramakrishna came as much for the protection of the Sanatan Dharma as to give a fresh impetus to world spirituality.

4. Culture sustains civilisation. Classical culture must be preserved from corruption by adhering to its pure forms and not allowing their undue degeneration in elemental mixing.

5. .
The centre of consciousness that is and is not in our phenomenal universe.

6. We are caught in our cultural traps of birth and circumstance. We must outgrow these and so much more to be free.

7. Constant contemplation of temporal death quickens consciousness of the immortal Self.

8. The sign of sound physical health is the absence of awareness of the body and the sign of sound spiritual health is the absence of awareness of the ego.

9. Out of sound came light.

10.The life of a recluse is the silence of the soul.

11. Renunciation is relief. Possession is taxation.

12. Purity is power.

13. Greed must not be justified as righteous profit despite the demands of capitalism.

14. Pedestrian posts are the most popular.

15. Posts that provoke thought are either ignored or misread. Cultural degeneration needs no more proof.

16. If pseudo-liberalism is bad because it is broad to a fault, pseudo-nationalism is equally pernicious on account of its noxious narrowness.

17. স্বামীজী-প্রচারিত সনাতন ধর্মের বহুল প্রচার চাই । এরই মধ্যে বিশ্ববাসীর কল্যাণ নিহিত ।

18. সাহিত্য ও সংগীত যদি উচ্চ সংস্কৃতির নামে সমাজকে ভোগমুখী করে তাহলে তার বিষবৎ ভবিষ্যৎ পরিণতিও ভোগ করতে হবে ।

19. Nationalism need not be exclusive. Love for one's own nation, if sincere and sublime, will, on account of its own expansiveness, broaden out to embrace the whole of humanity.

20. Self-expansion is the best way to serve society.

21. We are all Indians. Let us accept each other as our own.

22. যে সংস্কৃতি স্থূলভাবে বাঁধে, তার সাথে সংগ্রাম করে অচিরেই মুক্ত হওয়া যায় কিন্তু যে সংস্কৃতি সূক্ষ্ম বন্ধনে জড়ায়, তার হাত থেকে নিস্তার পাওয়া বড়ই কঠিন । এখন বিচার করুন কোন বন্ধনে পড়েছেন ।

23. মহাপুরুষ আখ্যা তো আমরা অনেককেই দিয়েছি । প্রশ্ন হল কে বিদ্যাশক্তির প্রতিভূ আর কেবা অবিদ্যাশক্তির ? কে মুক্তির পথ প্রশস্ত করছেন আর কেবা বন্ধনে জড়াচ্ছেন ?

24. There is this call of society that lowers the soul and binds, and there is this call of the Spirit that raises and liberates. Where the two intermix, you get the perfect formulation for the hypocrite who quotes the scriptures to consolidate his unwitting or deliberate mission of binding man to the shackles of the senses.

25. There are two forces in a titanic tussle in this world. They are called Vidya Maya and Avidya Maya. The former frees the soul while the latter binds.

26. একত্বের অনুভূতিই আধ্যাত্মিকতা ।

27. Spirituality has got nothing to do with complex intellectualism. It is the simple realisation of the Spirit which is the existential basis of phenomena and the transcendent reality beyond.

28. Facebook comments are like : Go as you like.

29. Did Tagore and Swamiji widely differ in their attitude towards life and education, especially, the brahmacharya element?

30. Enough of soft poetry, sentimental music and delicate dance. It is time to manifest a bit of manhood now and take to nation-building along a more vigorous line.
31. Suchitra Sen renounced the world of cinema and never looked back. Such is to be termed strength of character that rejects poison as poison and never comprises with it by giving it the status of a potion that heals.
32. It is unfortunate that people never interpret correctly a post and only selectively read into it as per their predilections. This makes discussion on an issue along the right lines virtually impossible.
33. Tagore was as much against revolutionary terrorism and armed resistance against the British as Gandhi. Then why this selective adulation and selective denunciation by the followers of Netaji?
34. A hundred hindrances are posed by charlatans in the path of spiritual seeking by their pretentious claims that delude the gullible masses.
35. তমোগুণী হলে জড়বৎ । উপায় ? রজোগুণ । রজোগুণী হলেই অহংকার । উপায় ? সত্ত্বগুণ । সত্ত্বগুণী হলেও বন্ধন । উপায় ? ত্রিগুণাতীত হওয়া, নির্বিকল্প সমাধিস্থ ।

36. The raising of spiritual culture is the one panacea for the world's ills. Hence, for the sake of the good of the world, the Sanatan Dharma must be spread across the wide world.
37. Evil unites well in a lowly common self-seeking, thus defeating the disunited forces of good. Hence, the dominance of evil in human society.

38. Sri Ramakrishna detested the words 'Guru', 'Karta' and 'Baba', presumably because he had foreseen to what despicable levels charlatans donning these epithets would sink in the coming age.
39. There are theists galore ; there are atheists galore ; but rare, indeed, is the one with ramrod straight character forged in perfect purity.

40. Acceptance is the fundamental feature of love but not at the cost of ideals.

41. God periodically visits his earthly habitat to drive illegal occupants away. Without papers to justify ownership, these occupants blissfully declare their rights over what is duly the Lord's.

42. Sri Ramakrishna is venerated by tens of millions as God. But his name is adorned so well with only one 'Sri'. Another 'Sri' could hardly have added greater glory unto him.

43. A 'sadguru' is one who will never call himself so. Self-proclamation is certainly not his pastime.

44. The Avatar does not manipulate his disciples into calling him so. His overwhelming spirituality wins him the epithet from contemporary savants and sages.

45. Those who are immersed in worldly desires cannot comprehend the greatness that was Swamiji and, hence, make unwarranted comparisons of the Swami with lesser mortals of seminal excellence, even creative genius.

46. One builds up an image, the other demolishes it. One seeks the unreal, the other the Real. One dies, the other attains immortality.

47. We must constantly open new centres of Thakur-Ma-Swamiji and rapidly spread the Word. 593,615 inhabited villages there are in India as per the 2011 census. Each one must have a centre. This was Swamiji's dream and it must fulfil.

48. Atheists are those who have renounced seeking help from an external God and have initiated themselves in self-reliance. As they proceed, their introspective eye will open and they will accept the Divine once more.

49. All of Swamiji's infantry, post here with vigour his volcanic words. Let the lion of the Vedanta roar, as the Swami was wont to saying.

50. Publish fiery posts on this page, volcanic Vivekananda words that will forge character out of masses of human clay.

51. The human cost of communism is simply unbearable. It is too brutal a system to be called human.

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