Friday 10 July 2020



@ Ujjwal Manna : It is a terribly unhistorical image with Tagore donning his white beard at such an early age. There are photographs galore that could have been laid hands on to lend credibility to the whole affair and bring to the discussion a semblance of sanity.

@ Sathi Das : Wonderful effort. It is such a joy to behold youths like you upholding the scientific standard in the country and, so, encouraging others to follow suit. But you must pay as much attention to your diction as you do to your presentation of physical fact in mathematical and philosophical terms. After all, presentation is not merely of dry fact but of fact soaked in the syrup of lucid language with references that range from the topical to the universal and that, too, in delectable language so that all and sundry may find an interest in science, which, I guess, is one of the purposes for uploading these videos if I am not wholly mistaken.

 আমি জানি কিন্ত এর অধিক জ্ঞানসম্পদ আমার না থাকার কারণে বিশদ বিবরণে অপারক । এ বিষয়ে পড়াশোনা করতে হবে বিস্তর ।

 আপনার এ প্রশ্নটি আমাকেও আজীবন বিব্রত করেছে । কোনো সদুত্তর আজও পাইনি । দেখি এবার নিজেকেই আরো তৎপর হতে হবে সমাধানের সন্ধানে । এ বিষয়ে পড়াশোনা করতে হবে বিস্তর ।

@Biplab Mandal : পারেন মানুষেকে ছোট করতে, তাও অজ্ঞান অন্ধকারে নিজে থেকে? এই বুঝি বেদবুদ্ধি? কথায় বলে, 'অল্প বিদ্যা ভয়ঙ্করী ।'

 আর ভাই, আমার মত মহামূর্খকে জ্ঞানী বলে অভিহিত করবেন না । এতে সত্যের অপলাপ হয় ।

@Biplab Mandal : অহঙ্কারীর জ্ঞান কস্মিনকালেও হয়না । তাই বৃথা পণ্ডশ্রম!

@Chapales Bandyopadhyay : He (Gandhiji) harboured a great love for his Subhas.
 Random. Not to any specific order. The list is just of the ten selected personalities. That's all.
 Right you are. A very one-sided selection. I shall try and make another one with the whole spectrum of human endeavour in mind. Wait. Here I go.
 That is why I am making a series of selections that is giving prominence to these seminal personalities from other disciplines as well.
 8 to be precise. Please suggest a few non-Bengali names that are well-worth inclusion otherwise. I had already considered a few, though, but off the cuff had written down this list.
@TheMe Phobia  : This list is in the chronological order of appearance/birth.
@TheMe Phobia : However, Narayana Guru's name is worth considering. But there are a plethora of personalities eminent and of seminal significance who could not be accommodated in such a short list of ten. Hence you see what a predicament in selection it is ! But these lists are many in number and Sri Aurobindo certainly deserves a place in any such. And his name has been well-included in quite a few of the other lists of the same top ten greatest Indians of the stated period.
@TheMe Phobia : People do know about them very much. But you certainly have a point. I plan to write short bio-profiles about these greats of the past who are the torch-bearers of our tradition. Nonetheless, in quick response to your proposal, I will right now set to listing these under the caption of 'THE OTHER GREAT INDIANS'. Thank you for the stimulating suggestion which will be of moment I am sure.
 Not only that. These ones are never magnanimous enough to like a post or make an appreciative comment but simply hang around, waiting to pounce on you, should you, in their estimation, ever so slightly stray from their preferred line of thinking. These are the ones who revel in sarcastic commenting and can never say a good word where there is good reason to say so but prefer instead a narrow-minded silence of sorts to avoid encouraging you or giving you that fillip which makes writing more pleasurable amidst an appreciative audience. And then there is the other category of readers who have not the discerning mind to interpret a post correctly and in all its comprehensiveness. These ones make a mockery of the write-up by cutting head from tail and torso and ending up in their appraisal or criticism with a hybrid of a hippo and a herb in all their anomalous antagonism. These latter ones are to be pitied as having not the cerebral means to get to the intent of the post but the intelligent denouncers cannot be allowed a like reprieve.


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