Sunday 12 July 2020



The human cost of communism is simply unbearable. It is too brutal a system to be called human. The blood-red colour of the communist flag is symptomatic of the underlying philosophy and agenda in actual practice of this oppressive anti-human system where blood freely flows and individuals en masse are sent to oblivion in the name of people's liberation. It is not the dictatorship of the proletariat but, as someone so aptly said, summing up the reality of the communist regime, the dictatorship of the proletariat is immediately replaced by the dictatorship of the Communist Party which in turn is replaced by the dictatorship of the Central Committee to be further replaced by the dictatorship of the Politburo and then eventually replaced by the dictatorship of the General Secretary. This epic observation was made by the said political thinker with reference to Joseph Stalin but its validity holds true everywhere else where communism has had its noxious advent and life thereof as in China with Mao and his successors where human rights simply have not existed and the nation state has thus far survived on the hard bedrock of perfected lies and oppression to resistance carried out with scientific precision.

Communism is the response of the ignorant to capitalism and its exploitation, and it survives so long as people remain ignorant about its fallacies, flaws, fault-lines and fiendish ways and means in contrast with liberal thinking and democratic ways of life elsewhere. But once the people are educated in sufficient numbers and above a critical point in critical thinking, they resist this oppressive and inhuman system till it collapses on account of (a) its inner contradictions (b) its loss of popular brainwashed support (c) its inner-party corruption (d) international pressure to restore human rights (e) the essential evolutionary force that goes against it.

Written by Sugata Bose

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