Friday, 31 December 2021



What an amazing barrage of ideas thrust fast on the hapless monk of the Mission by you, Smita Mukerji, completely pulverising him till he perforce beat retreat! No wonder Swamiji used to say that if with a handful of men he required several years to conquer India, with a like number of women he could do so in a few weeks. Today, you have demonstrated to us the veracity of his assertion, prophetic that it has proved to be at this distant date, at this long lapse of time.

This has simply been an avalanche of ideas hurled with a fire, with a fury that reminds me of our scriptural goddesses. Indeed, you are one such divinity in manifest human form, born to resurrect the failing dharma of the times when monastics have compromised course and resorted to the ease of erroneous understanding of the philosophy of the Vedas whose crowning glory you have so spendidly spelled out, the Vedanta of pristine principles. 

To come to more commonplace practical conversation now. You must keep correspondence with me for we are fighting for a common cause, pilgrims that we are in the same punyabhumi, Bharatvarsha. May Mother bless you, my child, my sister, my friend, my mother, choose whichever epithet you will! Shubha Kalpataru Divas!

Written by Sugata Bose



There is no freedom in the universe. It is law all the way. You have got to go beyond the senses to be free. You have got to transcend the trinity of space-time-causality to be the outlaw.

In the macroscopic world determinism holds and in the microscopic world quantum laws bind particles, if not in a predictable, deterministic way, but in an indeterminate, probabilistic manner, nonetheless. But they bind matter more or less, in strict causality or within statistical limits, whichever way.

There simply is no respite within the universe of the large or the little. The mighty powers its way through and the minuscule monitors events too. Where's the way to freedom in the world of matter? There is none.

And, yet, the inner world of the Spirit beckons, promising glad tidings of peace, bliss, blessedness and freedom. Let us hearken to its call.

Written by Sugata Bose

বর্ষশেষ | শুভ নববর্ষ !

বর্ষশেষ | শুভ নববর্ষ !


বর্ষ শেষ হতে চলল | কিন্তু এ তো মানুষের তৈরি | আসলে তো এই ব্রহ্মাণ্ডের শুরু থেকেই এক নিরবচ্ছিন্ন কাল অতিবাহিত হয়ে চলেছে যাকে যেমন খুশী বর্ষবিভাজন করে বর্ষ গণনা করা যায় | এই কালের শুরু আছে, বিগ্ ব্যাঙে | শেষ আছে কিনা বলা যাচ্ছে না এখনও |

ফ্রাইডম্যানের তিনটি মডেল আছে |

১) ব্রহ্মাণ্ডের যথেষ্ট পরিমাণ ভর আছে যার ফলে তার মাধ্যাকর্ষণ শক্তি তাকে সম্প্রসারণপর্ব শেষ হলে পর সংকোচনমুখী করবে ও পরিশেষে বিগ্ ক্রাঞ্চ নামক সংঘটনের দ্বারা বিন্দুতে রূপান্তরিত করবে | তার পর হবে আর এক বিগ্ ব্যাঙের মাধ্যমে আর এক ব্রহ্মাণ্ডের সূচনা |

২) ব্রহ্মাণ্ডের যথেষ্ট পরিমাণ ভর না থাকার কারণে তা ক্রমান্বয়ে বিস্তৃত হতেই থাকবে ও পরিশেষে অতি ক্ষীণ, শীতল, মৃত ব্রহ্মাণ্ডে পরিণত হবে | এই বিস্তৃতি অনন্ত কাল চলতেই থাকবে |

৩) ব্রহ্মাণ্ডের ভর ঠিক এমন মাপের রয়েছে যার ফলে ব্রহ্মাণ্ড মাধ্যাকর্ষণ শক্তির দ্বারা নির্ধারিত বিস্তৃতির চূড়ান্ত সীমায় দাঁড়িয়ে আর বাড়বেও না, কমবেও না, এক সীমিত, স্থিত, শীতল, মৃতাবস্থা প্রাপ্ত হবে |

পরিক্ষা করে দেখা গেছে যে ব্রহ্মাণ্ডের ভর প্রথম মডেলটিকে অনুসরণ করার জন্য যা প্রয়োজন তার মাত্র ১০ শতাংশ | তাই বিগ্ ক্রাঞ্চ অসম্ভব | কিন্তু বিজ্ঞানের এক মূল তত্ত্ব হল সামঞ্জস্য বা symmetry | এই তত্ত্ব অনুযায়ী বৈজ্ঞানিকদের এই বিশ্বাস যে ব্রহ্মাণ্ডের সংকোচন অনিবার্য কারণ তা সম্প্রসারণেরই বিপরীতগামী ঘটনাপ্রবাহ, দেশকালের পশ্চাদপসরণ, ব্রহ্মাণ্ডের উল্টোরথগমন | কিন্তু ভর যে কম ? তার কি হবে ? মাধ্যাকর্ষণ তো বড়ই দুর্বল ? অতএব ?

অতএব আর কি ? ভর বাড়াও, ব্রহ্মাণ্ডকে স্থুলকায় করো, obese বানাও | দশগুণ মোটা করতে হবে ব্রহ্মাণ্ডকে, তবে বাবু উল্টোমুখো হবেন, নচেৎ নয় | কিন্তু এত খাদ্যরসিক হলেও অন্নব্যাঞ্জণ, ফলমূল, মৎস্যমাংসাদি কোথায় মিলবে ? কেন ? কৃষ্ণকায় বস্তুতে (dark matterএ)?

জ্যোতির্বিদদের মতে সারা ব্রহ্মাণ্ডজুড়ে ছড়িয়ে আছে কৃষ্ণকায় বস্তু (dark matter) যার ভর প্রয়োজনীয় বাকি ৯০ শতাংশের ঘাটতি পূরণ করবে যার ফলে ব্রহ্মাণ্ড বিগ্ ক্রাঞ্চ অভিমুখে যাত্রা করে নিজ সৌন্দর্য ও সামঞ্জস্য রক্ষা করবে |

অতএব, বর্ধন ও সংকোচন, এই দুই বিপরীত বৃত্তি চলতেই থাকবে এ ক্ষেত্রে | ধরা যাক সম্প্রসারণের এক বর্ষ আর উল্টোমুখী সংকোচনের আর এক বর্ষ -- দুইয়ে মিলে শূণ্য |

শুভ নববর্ষ !

রচয়িতা : সুগত বসু (Sugata Bose)

Thursday, 30 December 2021



Those who are opposed to aggressive Hinduism do not care even to know the basic tenets of Islam, its fundamental principle of jihad and its ultimate objective of establishing Dar-al-lslam whose first phase has already been historically witnessed in the Partition of India. Should we, Hindus, then plead for a repeat performance of perfidy in a renewed Islamic thrust at dismemberment of the nation?

While such fulmination in combating Islamic terror may prove counterproductive politically owing to its likely suppression by the long hand of the law of the land, a more circumspect and discreet approach to the problem, perhaps, may be more worthwhile for the stated objective. Hindus, as you rightly said, must be more organised, better managed and must not dissipate energy merely spewing venom that will lead to no effective response from the larger community.

The masses are the strength and they must be awakened, not in jerks but in careful nurturing of power through dissemination of the spiritual message along with political awareness of their potential position in the polity in the future. Unless the masses are on one's side -- and in this undertaking we must work heart and soul for years yet before they are rightfully enlivened to the idea of self-defence and thereon listen to us -- all attempts at annihilating animal trends within the polity will be of no avail. 

Hence, while we must strive for solidarity no doubt, the success of such integration remains very much in doubt as yet, for the consciousness of the commoner is yet to be quickened. All efforts are welcome for the attainment of such an end and all must contribute to this great sacrifice of Hindu awakening. Yet, sporadic outbursts are better substituted by carefully crafted course of concrete action that will be scientific, steady and secure from the standpoint of law so that the Hindutva movement gains power ever and the ship carrying the hopes and aspirations of ages is not sunk in the deadly sea of legal infringement. Hindus must henceforth steer clear of the law and manouevre their moves in a manner as to not get caught in the Maroczy Bind of the mowing machinery. That will yield better results.

Written by Sugata Bose

P.S. :

1. We are there to expose their perfidies as also those of the politicians who support their antinational activities. Sustained effort, clever as the crafty adversary but powered by courage of conviction and strength of organisation, must unceasingly be at the task of awakening the greater Hindu consciousness throughout the world, just like the Islamic network which works at its jihadi agenda worldwide.

My assertions may seem puerile, far-fetched, even outlandish, weak and unreactive, but I am convinced that ideas work out revolutions better than demonstrated action devoid of a deeper base. History has repeatedly proved the veracity of this principle of the ideological revolution preceding the practical one.

Gradually the masses will awake but only when they are met in their huts with sympathy and support and not used as tools for a capitalistic cause. Hindutva must not serve as a camouflage for crony capitalism which will eventually never find favour with the masses who will be weaned away then by the Marxists and their ilk. Sympathy, love, support, intense feeling for the misery of the masses and the suffering middle classes must form the heart-base of the movement even as the Vedanta must unify Hindus of all denominations and sects under the common banner of the 🕉.

Let Swami Vivekananda be our general, Sri Aurobindo our leading light, Guru Tegh Bahadurji and Guru Gobind Singhji our heroes, not to forget Shivaji and Maharana Pratap Singh, who shall all inspire us unto intrepid thought and action.

Once Hindus are sufficiently aware of the content and intent of Islam ☪️, they will be easy to unite in vigorous defence of the dharma and the motherland. For this we must organise classes on Islam on a huge scale. The rest will fall in place after that, rest assured, but never complacently so.

2. Propaganda, propaganda, relentless propaganda in self-defence, in defence of the dharma must be the order of the day en masse by the educated Hindus 🕉. Ceaseless preaching of virile message as opposed to widely preached passive piety will awaken the Hindu community unto energetic action.

3. We cannot individually hope to survive. Either we combine or we perish. The choice is ours and our fate depends on it. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir have all gone. So has our wide civilisational influence on the rest of Asia barring where Buddhism ☸ still holds fortress. Our own portion of Kashmir has turned toxic. West Bengal and Kerala are following suit. What more proof do we need to be convinced of Islamic conniving? More proof will come in culminating catastrophe as in pre-Partition days. Therefore, unite when the eleventh hour has struck and an hour there is still to go before disaster strikes at noon. Let the overhead sun shine on us, showering its luminous bounty. Let it not shine on us the enemy's scorching rays with not a shadow of its approach to warn us. May Mother's children be worthy of their fire-armed Mother!



All that glitters is not gold.

Donning saffron after having been sold

Makes a mockery as has been told

In tales of the day and in tales of old.

Lies that are rife and lies that have rolled

Through doctrinaire cult as bad as they are bold,

And tending to bring all to their fold,

They must be halted, they must be on hold.

Now be not coaxed, thou be not cajoled 

To wear the noxious noose on the satanic scaffold.

Composed by Sugata Bose



The answer is right there in the post. And I was never a hard-core follower of Gandhiji but have often in the past posited my views in that manner just to combat the fanaticism of ignoramuses on that count. 

You see, I am responsive to a fault, being moved this way or that afresh by my readings. Being naturally articulate, I tend to express my opinions on the spur to record my instant impressions of the hour, often of the very moment. As such my views may seem to vacillate between the extremes of the pendulum's swing and I may appear inconsistent in my convictions and outlook on issues. But I am a recorder of moods, thoughts as they come in and am in no way a seasoned politician of preset views or a person of determined ideas, unchanging and unevolving. I change from moment to moment like moving sunbeams across the meadow green where I reap my momentary harvests and sow my seeds afresh with every passing pulse.

"A foolish consistency is the philosopher's hobgoblin," said Emerson. I am not kindred to it and I while away my hour picking up gravel like Newton on the seashore of life while the vast sea of knowledge lies unexplored. And it is good that I am so, uncertain, exploring, unsure, discovering, eager to learn and outgrow the older 'me'. Thus, it seems to you that I have taken on a new stance and you are right about it save for the fact that I am intrinsically this way, the shifting sunbeam of spectral splendour, now propagated rectilineally, now in dispersion breaking hues on the spotless screen of life.

Written by Sugata Bose



In their deliberations Gandhi's responses to Ambedkar's assertions were fallacious. Gandhi's knowledge of Hinduism was meagre and patently shallow. In contrast Ambedkar was an erudite in the Hindu scriptures, was original and analytic, deep and perceptive. The biggest difference between the two was that Ambedkar was eminently sincere while Gandhi, the less said the better.

Written by Sugata Bose



As I read more on Gandhiji his words seem increasingly hollow. Wonder how Swamiji would have reacted to them were he alive decades longer to give the Mahatma fair company.

Nivedita had not minced her words when Gandhiji had sought audience with her.

Sri Aurobindo regarded men like the Mahatma with all their idealistic idiosyncrasies 'a bit cracked'.

Tagore paid him ready reverence while repudiating his outlandish ideas as regressive and superstitious.

Netaji called the Mahatma 'Father of the Nation' to outwit the wily British at their divisive political game but he elsewhere denounced Gandhiji's dictatorial attitude and his policy of compromise and agrarian regression.

Nehru called him 'Bapu', 'the light of our lives' and so forth, and lived to milk the milch cow to Prime Ministerial portfolio.

But Ambedkar was unsparing in his assessment. He saw through the Mahatma completely and critically cut him down to his true mortal size. Ambedkar's interview on BBC radio in 1955 is an exercise in exposure of the real Gandhi.

Written by Sugata Bose



Gandhiji was a votary of truth and non-violence. But how far was he truthful himself in word and intent? Were his political machinations and appeasement of Islamic violence on Hindus consistent with the lofty principle of genuine non-violence? Was his policy of passive resistance, which failed to prevent Partition and in its inefficacy in consequential terms resulted in incalculable communal carnage, the right representative of non-violence? His frequent change of stance to suit political exigencies, often bending the rules of the ethical-moral game of principled politics by a degenerate degree, how far was it the pursuit of truth? 

Instances galore there are in this leader's life of partiality and petty politics -- all too mean to be labelled lofty in execution or intent -- which raise serious questions about the validity of calling him either truthful or non-violent in the truest sense of these terms.

Ambedkar's assessment of Gandhiji was forthright and right. None else then or has since then dared to cut the supposed Mahatma to his standard mortal size.

Now, what is your take?

Written by Sugata Bose



Revered Ramakrishna Mission inter-faith interlocutor Maharaj,

In your next inter-faith meet with Christian and Muslim representatives do question them kindly on this business of conversion of Hindus 🕉 and others to their fold. 

Sweet talk goes on in these meets about universal brotherhood, love and peace, and contentious frictional issues are deftly avoided. That is a travesty of truth, fairplay and justice, and renders these inter-faith meets puerile, even positively pretentious, a feature most unbecoming when coming from monastics, priests and clerics who ought to be absolutely honest in their discussion dealings.

If these meets are mere sportive pastimes, then you are welcome to such frivolities and need not bother about this request from me, a serious adherent of the Sanatan Dharma. But if they be otherwise and are conducted with the mission of securing inter-faith understanding and harmony in real earnest, then this plea will be well worth a serious consideration.

Thanking you and hoping for a right redress of this key issue en route to realising your harmonic objective,

I remain, 

Yours ever in the Sanatan Dharma,

Sugata Bose

JIHAD ... 1

JIHAD ... 1

Jihad is both aggressive and defensive war, the dual element of Islamic expansionism. Internal purification of oneself is jihad and external persecution of the kafir is also jihad. Jihad is a comprehensive philosophy of warfare, the terrible tool of territorial expansion followed by imposition of absolutist Islamic rule.

Jihad is a unique way of proselytising in effect, the complete course of reprogramming the world of infidels unto accepting and observing Islam. Unnumbered means may be employed to bring this about but always with the fixed aim of exacting total submission to Allah by all of humanity.

Jihad must be waged by each and every Muslim. It is bounden on them to do so. One cannot be a Muslim who refuses to be in some way a jihadi, especially when the occasion demands it in Islamic terms, and by this no aspersion is being cast on any believer in the doctrine as in common parlance is understood by the term. Muslims are duty-bound to either actively or passively support jihad in one or more of its manifold ways as per situation and circumstance. That is the call of the Deen. 

And this jihad has been going on for over 1400 years since the inception of Islam and especially since its Messenger's migration to Medina, and will persist till the whole world becomes the Dar-al-lslam or the House of Islam ☪️. 

Written by Sugata Bose



स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेय: परधर्मो भयावह: ||

Although here dharma does not mean religion as such but instead means one's allotted duty in one's station in life, yet, in modern terms, in the teeth of acute proselytising threat from Islam ☪️ and Christianity ✝️, it would be wise on the part of Hindus 🕉 to read it as a warning by the Lord unto them to resist conversion by all means. Shree Krishna says that it is better to die observing one's own dharma (read, Hinduism in its modern connotation, as mentioned above) than to forsake it and take up some other religion through conversion, for the latter course is terrible in consequence. Therefore, all Hindus must heed the Lord's word of caution. Converting to some other faith-fold would for Hindus be tantamount to disobeying the Lord's commandment. 

Written by Sugata Bose

Wednesday, 29 December 2021



Slow, imperceptible growth over ages establishes Islam ☪️ in countries where Muslims are initially a minuscule minority, a tribute to their steely resolve to proselytise and populate till domination be theirs. India in Partition has paid the price. What began in Sindh in 712 CE ended in Pakistan in 1947. The last Hindu king, Raja Dahir, lost Sindh to Muhammad Bin Qasim. Who could have then foretold that it began a thousand year slavery of Hindus 🕉 to Muslims ☪️? None could. That is the strength of Islam. It is steady, strong and steely in its resolve to expand territory by all means which is what all-out jihad is all about. Great parts of Asia and Africa have fallen and now it is being warned that it is the turn of Europe to fall next. And last to fall must be then America. Who will survive then? Islam's friend, China?

Written by Sugata Bose



All men are burrowing their way to the same Truth. The progression may seem to be outward but it is a reflexive process meandering unto the ocean of existence within which is dubbed God through fear and superstition but is in essence the stuff of the Being that men are even now in their deluded consciousness. However one may move away from this central pull, one is bound to return to source in the fullness of time when Self-realisation will dispel delusions and this manifold manifestation will resolve into the singularity of depth-consciousness where tranquility and peace reign, a ripple-free river, a waveless ocean of integrated being, of undivided awareness and immediate perception of oneself. Then the race will have ended, the laps will retrace steps to original nothingness, thoughts will merge into an unbroken consciousness and broken beams will return to roots in the recoiling Self that broods on itself. The radii, divergent and dispersing, will reverse route and in the centre seek final refuge. All that were many will in the oneness of existence rest, no more to fight for a morsel of life as life eternal unfolds in the Being.

Written by Sugata Bose



Teaching children religion is the easiest and the surest way to perpetuating human slavery to blind belief, fear, irrationality, superstition, mental conditioning et al. Let children grow up and discover truth for themselves. Do not indoctrinate them. Let them grow up into unsuperstitious, rational human beings full of curiosity about life and nature and without a tinge of prior conditioning hindering them in their inquiry into truth. This will rationalise the world and set it on the right track of progress, thus far much impeded by the irrational claims of religion force-fed from birth by constraining culture into children who are thus unknowingly crippled mentally and rendered regressive for the rest of their lives.

Written by Sugata Bose



🕉 Monasticism must not become a mockery through mercenaries infiltrating its ranks. Respect this grand Indian tradition of genuine renunciation and refrain from such pollution.

By calling oneself a sadguru one does not become so but indeed saddens hearts that earlier warmed up to the genuine guru who through Self-realisation brought in the glad tidings of the transcendental. By calling oneself a rishi one does not become so but lowers the prestige in popular eye of such an exalted state of realisation.

The very word 'Shree' is hallowed. To double it up to dual advantage is detrimental to divine discourse. And now to amend it further to suit market requirements. Ah, what a heresy of verbal arrangement! Now there are gurus galore and the gullible by the hordes to gobble up such garbage that goes in the name of grand spiritual discourse and grandiose association. Oh India, return to roots!

Names carry weight, meaning, intent and inspiration, and must not through abuse be rendered profane. Hence, it is incumbent upon us to revisit the writings that carry the pristine principles of the Sanatan Dharma, the Shastras, if we are to 'shake off this sterile curse' (Shakespeare -- Julius Caesar) and move on to greener pastures where life hereon may as yet flourish. 🕉 

Written by Sugata Bose



Sugata Bose @Souvik Biswas : The lunatic asylum of the subconscious. This is in accordance with Freudian psychology. And it is here that yoga has its field of work, that of ordering chaos unto quelling all disquiet till the tranquility of soulful silence be reached in the supreme samadhi. The question arises -- is such a tranquility possible to reach? Historical testimony of yogic attainment says, yes. There are instances galore to prove so, the latest and the most glorious being that of the sage of Dakshineshwar, Sri Ramakrishna of luminous significance in this regard.

Sugata Bose @Agnimitra Bhattacharjee : It is an endless, continuous life, though, not quite the pragmatic Confucian way.

Sugata Bose @Bhairab Bagdi : Islamic jihad is incessant, relentless. That is the doctrine enjoined unto execution on devout Muslims ☪️ by their God and Prophet.

Sugata Bose @Bhairab Bagdi : Rejection of the doctrine itself by the bulk of the Muslims which right now seems improbable owing to geopolitical considerations and insufficient evolution of thought among Islamic communities the world over. But eventually this ideology will be cast away by its adherents as Muslims, tired of its tyranny, will seek freedom in modernity and rational living.

Sugata Bose @Deepanjan Mitra : This apparently simple word ["उध्दरेदात्मनात्मानम् — (udhdaredātmanātmānam) Save yourself by yourself."] has deep connotations. From its most obvious practical aspect of self-help and self-dependence it ranges to dispelling delusion unto absolute realisation of the Self by the Self when the gamut of cosmic nescience disappears in a final act of discrimination that is so subtle as to be inexpressible in words. It is a final dropping off of delusion that was real only as unreality and has now vanished into the nothingness whence it had arisen.

Sugata Bose @YouTube : Sadguru only in name, in essence a charlatan.

Sugata Bose @Shaon Malik : Yes, the devout Sunni one (Aurangzeb) who was also in communication with Sufi ascetics.

Sugata Bose @Haimanti Chatterjee : So is renewed hope after dark despair.

Sugata Bose @Soham Pain : Emasculation also is nuanced as weakness. Even Swamiji used to exhort the awakening of manhood, manliness in the polity by way of strengthening the nation. Gender insensitivie it may seem superficially from strictest linguistic standpoint but it is extraneous to the intent here as in Swamiji's words as well. When kshatriya valour is exhorted, it does not in a like manner automatically imply the denigrating of other varnas or classes of men. Same with nationalism which necessarily is not anti-internationalism. Extension of meaning is possible but the intent is better understood. Otherwise, crust will cover core consciousness, the surface hide the substance.

Sugata Bose @Soham Pain : I understand what you have said but the fault, dear Brutus, lies in language and not in intent.

Sugata Bose @Soham Pain : Very right. We need, indeed, to ponder these pertinent points and no more pander to our patriarchal vanities.

Sugata Bose@YouTube : 🕉 Shankar Sharanji is spreading the message in the correct way. Civilised, informed discourse devoid of needless vituperation. It carries the intended message better, disseminates it more smoothly, more effectively to a wider audience 🕉.

Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : Not so if the woman marrying a Muslim man is a Jew or a Christian. She can then keep her religion. But a Muslim woman is forbidden from marrying beyond the fold of Islam unless the groom converts to Islam and makes the marriage valid.

Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : I understand what you are saying from, perhaps, close association within the community.

Sugata Bose @Subrata Ghosh : We? You mean, Christians? Fear of God is an Abrahamic concept, not Hindu from original principles.

Sugata Bose @Subrata Ghosh : Between the principle and practice lies the person of pronounced imperfection. Hence, this divorce between word and deed. But this is extraneous to the post as I see it.

Sugata Bose @Bhairab Bagdi : No, I believe all politicians do not have a crystal-clear understanding of Islam. They are neither literate about Islam nor informed about it. They need to read first-hand the doctrine from the Qur'an, the Hadith and the Sirah. In fact outside of the fold of Islam ☪️ few know the doctrine in depth. Hence, non-Muslims harbour vague notions about Islam but proceed, nonetheless, to preach pompously about Hindu-Muslim unity, no doubt a laudable objective but bound to fail horribly unless the fundamentals of the faiths are clear.

Sugata Bose @Surya Sarathi Roy : Those who are opposed to aggressive Hinduism do not care even to know the basic tenets of Islam, its fundamental principle of jihad and its ultimate objective of establishing Dar-al-lslam whose first phase has already been historically witnessed in the Partition of India. Should we, Hindus, then plead for a repeat performance of perfidy in a renewed Islamic thrust at dismemberment of the nation?

Sugata Bose @Mrinmaya Bandyapadhya : Not comparing that way as such, just enlivening discussion. At least people will think along comparative, contrasting, constructive lines to comprehend correctly their relative merits which through lack of care they may be apt to forget.

Sugata Bose @Parthasarathi Biswas : পৃথিবীতে বৈচিত্র কি শুধু যীশু আর মুহম্মদে ? যে ধর্মগুলি সনাতন ধর্মকে ও প্রচলিত হিন্দুধর্মকে মিথ্যা বলে আখ্যা দেয়, সেগুলিকেই বুঝি বেশী করে সত্য বলে গণ্য করতে হবে ও তা প্রমাণ করতে তৎপর হতে হবে ?

Sugata Bose @Narendra Singh : Yes, quite so, in opposition to Qur'anic prescription, if that is what you mean or would have us believe. Standard good gullibility!

Sugata Bose @Ex-Muslim Bharti : The anchor, Punamji, is insensitive to the pain of a girl who has suffered so much in her life and is needlessly probing her personal life beyond a point of propriety. This is unfortunate and saddening to a degree that has prompted me to remark thus. A YouTube channel's subscription seems more important than sympathy that ought to have been shown to this brutalised girl. I feel sorry for her even as I feel saddened by this insensitivity on the part of the anchor. This is no way to seeve the Sanatan Dharma. These present protagonists of Hinduism 🕉 need to be better groomed in humanity, more grounded in humility before they assume such august office. Exposing a girl thus that reduces her to tears is harassment as well and this ought to be remembered by anchors who periodically stray from such buoyant roots in the rough discourse they initiate to ensure desired commercial consequences. This ought not to be for it is abuse of journalistic privilege and a sacrilege of fundamental humanity. 

Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : Why? Do you not want it?

Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : Are you an ex-Muslim?

Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : That everybody is. But do you believe in Islam ☪️? Whatever be your status in terms of conviction, feel free either to answer or not to, for I do not wish to compromise your safety and security. Your silence will confirm my well-founded surmise.

Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : Do not take me amiss. I respect your privacy of conviction and station in life. Please continue conversing along humanistic lines.

Let us change gears. Why do you think rationalisation of the Muslim ☪️ polity is near impossible? They are human beings endowed with the power to think like all other human beings. Why then this assertion of yours? Is it purely your personal experience in this regard that prompts youbto dol say so or are there other conditional constraints that you reckon will prevent the progress of the process?

Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : When you say that not everybody is human, you must be implying that not all human beings have the requisite humanity that could credit them worthily with that 'human' epithet.

Well, it seems you have quit course and I cannot self-converse, neither do I feel inclined to indulge in soliloquy. In case you return, I shall be happy to  continue conversation, for you are a creative person with clear-cut views on life and are forthright in your articulation thereof which makes you pleasant company in conversation online.

Sugata Bose @Asma Sultana Mita : Please forgive me for my indiscretion in asking you the pertinent question. I have enormous respect for individuals like you who are discreetly battling against all odds to usher in a brighter day for humanity, long suppressed but not suffocated yet. Please keep corresponding with me and I shall maintain strict confidentiality. I request you to do so because I am as well working for this larger cause of the emancipation of humanity from the thraldom of tyranny. Also feel free to comment on my posts as and when you like and deem it best, and I promise you I shall safeguard your security in every measure. Stay safe, both from the deadly virus that is rife and from the virus of inhumanity that plagues the world yet, rendering life itself on earth a veritable hell for freethinkers who dare challenge the status quo. 

Sugata Bose @Swapan Pal : But Gandhiji practised it, did he not, after the age of 37? Even Siddhartha turned continent after fathering a son. So did Swami Brahmananda. Continence can be carried out by a determined will even after becoming a father. There are umpteen instances of it, albeit rare though they are. But I do appreciate what you mean in that continence is difficult for a man who has had initial carnal connections for such a long period of time as Gandhiji in adolescence, youth and middle age did.

Sugata Bose @Deepak Sarkar : You will be culpable to harbouring anti-Semitic sentiments. I hope you realise that. These are wild assertions that need establishing in tangible terms along credible legal lines and cannot conduce to any good when sprayed about indiscriminately like seeds in desert sand.

Sugata Bose @Narendra Singh : All strength be yours! Read the Qur'an, but a bit at a time for your young impressionable mind will find the text a trifle toxic to begin with before realisation dawns on you as to its invalidity and frees you from implanted fear. Go slow but be sure that you read it through and read through it.

Sugata Bose @Narendra Singh : You will gain your level in Islam ☪️ then which will help level your imagined elevation of its doctrine to its grounded state whence you will gain perspective as to its depths as well in the reverse order of reality.

Hindus 🕉 are visionaries with a difference today when they foist Vedantic idealism on the crude content of Abrahamic religions. Islam ☪️ then is dressed up in the apparel of all-accepting Hinduism and happily harboured by Hindu 🕉 hearts as a benign faith which is kith and kin to the Vedic dharma. Sadly, though, truth is otherwise and your disillusionment on discovery of the truth will redress the wrong alright. Hence, onward unto reading the Qur'an!

Sugata Bose @Subhadeep Banerjee : Because they (highly literate Bengali Hindus) are en route to Upanishadic consciousness but are as yet caught in the terrestrial tussle with the senses, unknowingly but in real, with the tug-of-war between incomplete idealism and sensory weakness taking its toll, confusing comprehension and careering them towards common conflict as befits the part-person or the coward with a certain easy courage of conviction that aspires for assertion of truth but dares not articulate it against aggressive adherents of a faith such as Islam that can render terrible consequence for blasphemous statement made. Benign Hinduism, unknown to them through ascetic experience and its profundity realised, is easy target for them like the baby in womb kicking the mother. Hence, you see.

Sugata Bose @Sri Anando : Fatalistic, deterministic, yet, absolutist mode of thinking, contradictory and, hence, inconsistent with its articulated affirmations.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : Literate, true, but rejoicing in calling Hindus 🕉 names while carefully, and often craftily, avoiding criticism of Christianity ✝️ and Islam ☪️ for all their literate liberalism.

Sugata Bose @Suvasish Ganguly : The Sanatan Dharma, though, is spiritual philosophy quite like natural science. Hence, it is based on realisation of organic reality in the psychophysical domain and in the transcendental realm through introspection and discrimination between the real and the unreal in terms of absolute existence. Rationality is the intermediary phase of the Sanatan Dharma, its culmination post-rationalisation being supersensuous perception of the Absolute Reality that has been termed Brahman, although, it, being beyond name and form, has no name as such. Shravan, manan, nididhyaasan (hearing, reflection and meditation) -- these three follow each other in the practice of the dharma. Abrahamic religions, however, as you have rightly pointed out, are based on belief, dogma and doctrinaire imposition of supposedly uniquely revealed truths unto specifically selected personalities called prophets whose last representative by arbitrary Qur'anic assertion is the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Literacy, you see, is cerebral in a limited way and its liberalism is, thus, selective and opportunistic, suited to personal priorities of the hour and not wide and universal in scope as it by definition ought to be. Hence, literacy is hardly luminous the way we think it is and suffers from all the shortcomings, even more, than its contrasting sibling, illiteracy, is subject to. For, while the latter suffers errors in judgement from a paucity of information and a deficiency in analytical faculty, the former has no such excuse. The literate is a learned fool, substituting sensuality for superstition instead of 'shraddhaa' that would illumine, and is in no better a boat in his navigation through life than his illiterate counterpart.

Sugata Bose @Sonali Durga Chaudhari 'Bring in oil' (Aan tel / intellectual) and massage well the missionaries and the mullahs?

Sugata Bose @Smita Mukerji : He calls Ramakrishnananda and Nirmalananda brother disciples of Swami Vivekananda. Ramakrishnananda is accepted but ask him why Belur Math refuses to recognise Nirmalanandaji as direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna which acceptance alone in the Missions’s eyes would make him eligible for being brother disciple to Swami Vivekananda. There is much murky water there as well which is a separate issue altogether but a contentious organisational ploy, nonetheless. Besides, 'special offering is made to Muhammad as the God-incarnate, during worship on Sri Ramakrishna's birthday.' ['More About Ramakrishna ' by Swami Prabhananda] I have written proof of the above quote from Swami Prabhananda's book, 'More About Ramakrishna', available online in the website 'Online Reading Room -- Belur Math', I guess.

In RKM, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 'Nabi Dibas' is annually celebrated on Prophet Muhammad's birthday. Check the website of RKM, Dhaka for confirmation. 

P.S. Sorry, the aforesaid book is not there online as mentioned earlier by me. I am posting for you the relevant portion with appended photograph of the same from my personal possession of the book.

Sugata Bose @Smita Mukerji : Perhaps, post initiation of the legal battle over attempting to acquire non-Hindu 'minority status' to combat West Bengal communist persecution of the Mission and its welfare activities. Refer Rahara, Vivekananda Centenary Memorial College Case for Minority Status.

For more information read the book 'Centred in Truth' by Shelley Brown, a tribute to Swami Nityaswarupananda, founder of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture. Incidentally, the venerable Swami was Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi's disciple and ran into much organisational trouble after publishing his booklet 'Back to Vivekananda' which was highly critical of the Ramakrishna Mission. The book was banned by the Mission etc. Details I will not divulge but they are all there in Brown's book. Portions from 'Back to Vivekananda' are also there which will give you goosebumps, such is the fiery presentation of Vivekananda in the booklet by Nityaswarupananda (Chintaharan Maharaj).



1. The flute on the lips is the sword in the hand, is the will in the mind, is the love in the heart. This is Shree Krishna.

2. It's graded imperfection, this universe is. Truth transcendental is perfect. Truth immanent, that is the immanent God, is imperfect as well to a minuscule degree, the universal imperfection increasing with gradual regression from the superconscious to the insensate stone.

3. The less we harbour superstition, the more spiritual will we become.

4. Reject authority, obey the dictates of your soul, but never in violation of others' rights to peaceful coexistence. Shed superstition and be free.

5. কত কষ্ট চতুর্দিকে ! আমরা তার কতটুকুই বা জানতে পারি ? এই জন্যই শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ বলেছিলেন, "শিবজ্ঞানে জীবসেবা |" এতে আধ্যাত্মিক উন্নতিও হল আর জীবনরক্ষাও হল | লক্ষ্য, উপলক্ষ্য দুই রইল | এখন প্রয়োজন বাণীকে রূপদান করা | তাহলেই সর্বকল্যাণ সাধিত হবে |

6. How about justifying the knowledge of Class XII with that of Class I? How many of you deem it a worthwhile venture?

7. দেশের চরিত্রগঠন করতে হবে | গণ্ডাখানেক ভণ্ডগুরু দিয়ে ইসলাম ও খ্রীষ্ঠধর্মকে রোধ করা যাবে না | স্বামী বিবেকানন্দকে অনুসরণ করতে হবে এ যুগে | নইলে উপায় নেই | ভুললে চলবে না স্বামীজী কি বলেছিলেন -- "চালাকির দ্বারা মহৎ কাজ হয় না |"

8. Hindus have the 🕉 as their common symbol of God and must unite under its banner irrespective of any other consideration.

9. The soul of man struggles through the body to get past it.

10. গণতন্ত্র কই ? স্বৈরাচার সর্বত্র |

11. You know what duping means? Speak one thing in public and quite another in private.

12. Competition brings in conflict. To eliminate conflict rise above competition.

13. We have to now be citizens of the world. You cannot have Indian welfare without world welfare.

14. Was not Mahatma Gandhi, after his period of the ordinary lay life, a lifelong brahmachari like Swami Vivekananda was?

15. Swamiji had exhorted Hindus to manifest manhood. Whither, Hindus, that manhood?

16. Why have Hindus largely become emasculate as a people?

17. With the exit of Aurobindo Ghosh from the Indian political scene and the entrance of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi India's freedom fortunes declined.


1) Should we celebrate Gandhiji or Swamiji? 

2) Whose philosophy should we follow?

19. A handful of ardent adherents of an ideal can revolutionise the world.

20. গান্ধীজীকে কি সমালোচনা করা অপরাধ ?

21. ব্যক্তিগত মান-অপমানকে বিসর্জন দিয়ে দেশ তথা জগতের সেবাকার্যে নামলে, তবেই তা সার্থক হবে |

22. মনের সংকীর্ণতা দূর না হলে কি আর মহাপুরুষের মাহাত্ম্য বোঝা যায় ? তখন শত পাণ্ডিত্যেও বুদ্ধি শুদ্ধ হয় না, শুধু তথ্যের বোঝা বয়ে বেড়ান পণ্ডিত |

23. Population boom poses the gravest threat to survival of the human species. By 2100, as per Stephen Hawking's estimation, we will be 11 billion strong. Global warming will consume us all. There is time yet. Control population.

24. Why is it that Muslims in non-Islamic countries demand for that which they do not allow non-Muslims in Islamic ☪️ countries?

25. Why does Islam ☪️ convert?

26. Why does Christianity ✝️ convert?

27. What is jihad?

28. Why is it that Muslim women must necessarily convert their non-Muslim suitors to Islam before they can marry them?

29. Who is a kafir?

30. Was not Jinnah the biggest betrayer of undivided India?

31. How many times has the Islamic Republic of Pakistan been defeated in war by India?

32. India's political leaders must study Islam ☪️.

33. Islam's politics is of a different kind. It is quite an extraordinary creed with an extraordinary brand of expansionist ideology. Read.


The fixity and simplicity of Islam ☪️ makes it every easy to understand. No complications whatsoever. Just read the Qur'an to begin with and you will get a grip on its doctrine.

Photo : The great and devout Mughal Emperor, Aurangzeb Alamgir, who never missed his daily devotions. Islam was his motivation and strength besides his imperial acumen.

35. As Islamic ☪️ fundamentalism is increasing in Bangladesh, the future of Bangladesh is getting increasingly compromised.

36. All those who were converted from Hinduism to Islam ☪️ and Christianity ✝️ will gradually return to the Mother Faith 🕉. The sooner they do so, the faster will India rise as a nation.

37. Ambedkar had a clearer head about Gandhiji than Netaji did.

38. Gandhiji's patronising remarks about political adversaries like Netaji and Ambedkar irritates beyond a measure of reasonable endurance.

39. India has rejected Gandhiji. Politicians merely pretend allegiance to his 'principles' and pay homage to his fading memory.

40. Imagine Gandhiji facing Swamiji. Just imagine the outcome. Would Swamiji embrace him as the apostle of peace and non-violence or would he severely reprimand him for his professed weakness disguised as strength?

41. The more I read Gandhi, the more I find him to be shallow beyond bounds.

42. Varna and jati (caste) are both Hindu social structures and not part and parcel of the Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) 🕉 as such.


কাল কল্পতরু ; কালকল্পতরু |

44. আমাদের কি দেবদেবীর অভাব যে যীশুকে নিয়ে টানাটানি ?

45. বুদ্ধ তো এ দেশের লোক | তাকে নিয়ে মাতামাতি নেই | উৎসবের বাহার শুধু যীশুকে নিয়ে | এদিকে চার্চ কিন্তু হিন্দু ধর্মের কোনও দেবদেবীকেই মানে না |

46. কবে হবে সেই দিন, মহারাজ, যেদিন শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণকে খ্রীষ্টান চার্চ যীশুর নবকলেবররূপে পূজা করবে যেমনটি যীশুকে আপনারা করেন ?

47. Religion is the gamut of subjective experience culminating in the experience of the Self (Atman). Life itself is experience. Hence, all of life is religion.

48. Come back, my children, come back to your ancestral faith, the mother of all religions, the Sanatan Dharma.

49. Why must ex-Muslims live in hiding in India? Where is governmental protection for these threatened citizens in a secular country and that, too, one ruled by a political party that at least ideologically aspires for India becoming a Hindu 🕉 Rashtra?

50. Rational Muslims will gradually draw to the Vedanta. And they will strengthen the Sanatan Dharma significantly.

51. We have to create a Hindu 🕉 society which is kind to the poor and welcomes all with a loving heart to its fold. Then alone can Muslims ☪️ find a safe haven amongst us upon returning to their ancestral faith. Love and kindness conquer all.

52. Intellectual understanding of the Hindu 🕉 scriptures is good but that is preliminary to the practice of its principles which alone can illumine the aspirant spiritually. Not easy by any means but, death of the body being inevitable, it is worth giving it a shot in this golden interval and opportunity called life.

53. Bring in rationality and Islam will collapse.

54. The world is in chains. Break free; then proceed to free others.

55. My guiding light is love.

56. From today my religion is:


LIGHT, that is, knowledge and wisdom;

LOVE, that is, intense feeling for all;

LIFE, that is, holding the very womb sacred that breathes us into the world and nurses us to carry the torch of civilisation. 

57. It is best to go direct to Nature than view it through photographs. It is best to read a sage direct than read what followers write.


প্রশ্ন : ভগবান এ সব অন্যায় allow করেছেন কেন ?

উত্তর : আরে বাবা, এঁরাও তো ভগবান যাঁরা এ সব অন্যায় করেছেন | ভগবান কি একটা ? ভগবান কোটি কোটি |

59. In relay there is delay.

60. Return to roots and strengthen the national tree, my friends.


Question: If a company opts for an ad, what has it done?

Answer: Adoption.

62. Why are highly literate Bengali Hindus 🕉 so pronouncedly anti-Hindu in mentality?

63. God ought to be just and impartial. But your God is very unjust and partial, my friend. So, reject and reform.

64. Just compare the method of proselytising of Christianity ✝️ and Islam ☪️ with that of Buddhism ☸.

65. God commanding the taking of tribute from non-believers? Very strange! Materialism! Not spirituality by any stretch of imagination.

66. God ordering the slaughter of non-believers who will not submit? Very strange! Unbelievable by our spiritual standards.


Why did the Islamic invaders destroy our temples? Why were 360 idols of God in Mecca destroyed right at the inception of Islam? Why did the ISIS and the Taliban destroy idols and works of sculpture? The Afghan Talibans destroyed the Bamiyan Buddhas. Why all this destruction of glorious art, architecture, sculpture and venerated items of worship?

68. East Pakistan, now Bangladesh, has on its head the crime of the Noakhali genocide of Hindus 🕉.

69. We have to be the voice of suppressed humanity.

70. Learn from a European what as children of the land you refused to do through cowardice, avarice, indolence and treachery, siding ever with the evil perpetrators of Hindu 🕉 genocide to the tune of a minimum of 100 million and more over a thousand year period of conquest and slavery. Wish for another such stint? How long must you sleep or, if awake, work against the security of the Hindus 🕉 and their already much 'wounded civilisation'? Melissa Kapoor could teach what Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose could not for their freedom compulsions. But Bhimrao Ambedkar and Swami Vivekananda could do so. So could Ramesh Chandra Majumdar. Read and compare notes, then come to your own conclusions. Love the nation and do not betray it.

71. Islamic ☪️ invaders attempted the systematic destruction of Hindu 🕉 civilisation for a thousand years but could not succeed fully. Why?

72. Macaulay's children, return to roots. Enough of your alien cultural affiliation and service unto foreigners. Now serve Bharatvarsha.

73. Must we celebrate the festivals of religions that have historically been the cause of so much depredation and death of Hindus 🕉?

74. Hindus 🕉 must become a proselytising people. Otherwise, our numbers will keep on shrinking and in course of time we will be deemed extinct species by surviving races. Swamiji had exhorted us to flood the world with the Vedanta 🕉 and that we have not done unapologetically and with aggressive intent as both Swamiji and Nivedita following him had asked us to do. The blame lies on us and we must make amends. Else, a dark fate hangs over us like the dreaded guillotine which for certain we must not mistake it to be 'dharmamegh' (the cloud of virtue).

75. Is it true that 85% of the 3 million killed in the 1971 Bangladesh genocide carried out by Pakistan forces and the Razakaars were Hindus?


Conversion is a programme born in crime, bred in crime, breeds crime, then perpetuates crime. It is cultural coercion, absolutist annihilation, destruction of civilisation.

77. There's the enemy, the Communists of Red China, expanding stealthily their stranglehold on their neighbourhood. Marx in his grave shudders to see the capitalistic degeneration of his theory in Chinese hands even as Mao smiles mischievously at Zhou Enlai that their ancient empire is returning. Bharatvarsha snores in her millenium-old slumber as the enemy unobtrusively advances. और भारत कह रहे है, "सोने दो भाई, अरुणाचल अभि मि दूरस्थ !"

78. The Jews propagate the message of the Jewish Holocaust with a singular purpose. Why don't we do the same about the Hindu Holocaust?

79. Declaring India a Hindu Rashtra seems to be the only way by which India's essential culture, Hinduism, may be protected and preserved.

80. We have dangerous external enemies and intriguing internal enemies. Read Swamiji's 'Svadesh Mantra' and discover in a nutshell what Indian culture is. Then alone you can save the motherland from another mutilation.

81. Joy is the substratum of life.

82. A real harmony can be by eliminating evil and not by compromising with evil.

83. Live for India. Love India, your motherland and the holiest land on earth. I will live and love the very dust of India 🕉, kiss its sacred soil sanctified by the sages who have trodden it, its soul permeated by the purest principles of the Vedas that have breathed life eternal into it.

84. Dedicate yourself to the ideal. Devotion pays better than desperation. Slow, steady, calm and composed attitude carries the day eventually in this world of phenomenal dreams.

85. Fill your body, mind, soul with pulsations of pure love for the motherland. 'I love you, O my Motherland, O my Mother!' -- let this be your constant chant, your mantra, the throbbing pulsation in your veins.

86. Let the whole body, the whole soul be enlivened by a massive flowing love that will overcome all earthly obstacles by its sheer overflow. Let a deluge of love break banks and inundate the world.

87. যে যার থাকো | বেলুন সব ফোলানো বেলুন, আজ আছে কাল ফট্ |

88. It is best to believe in equality and practise it in every way irrespective of what scriptural injunctions are.

89. There is a commercial element to life which Ramakrishna as Avatar of the age rejected, for commerce in this capitalistic age much contaminates consciousness and renders it spiritually sterile. For the individual and organisation living in the world of exchange, though, detachment is the way.

90. Fighting for suppressed humanity may ruffle a few feathers but articulating for the cause cannot be deemed inhumanity in any way or politically so incorrect as to be rooted out ruthlessly. Such a negative view of a positive progressive movement would be simply preposterous but that is exactly what happens so often when authority clamps down on dissent making devious use of democratic means, nonetheless.

91. How can one keep his/her faith if evidence leads him/her elsewhere that invalidates imposed irrational doctrine?

92. Those who believe in a Creator God just reflect whether the One who can create a universe along such supremely rational lines as to be intelligible to the subtle scientific mind will in scripture reveal insanely irrational things?

93. The more you know, the less will you fear. Love, and fear will be gone altogether.

94. We must improve the condition of women and the masses if we are to secure more converts to the Sanatan Dharma. Hinduism 🕉 must not be viewed as regressive in these respects. 

95. There is a great deal of ignorance among non-Hindus about Hinduism 🕉. Work needs to be done to massively disseminate knowledge about the essential features of Hinduism.

96. Ideological indoctrination from infancy is a potent means of producing future fanatics. Spare the children. Save humanity.

97. It is strange, but a soft, sweet voice can conceal a stronger will than a loud, discordant and apparently overpowering voice. Strength does not manifest in loudspeaker terms it seems. 

98. 'Live, love, learn.' Let this be the true Trinity of Life.

99. Nowadays even humour is deemed toxic. Charlie would have found the going tough these days. Free humour from harassment please. This is humour rights violation!

100. সত্য কি ? সত্য এই যে সবই মিথ্যা, অনিত্য, এই আছে, এই নেই |

101. অর্থ কি ? অর্থ এই যে সবই নিরর্থক, কুক্কুরের বক্রপুচ্ছ ঋজু করার ব্যর্থ প্রয়াস |

102. আধ্যাত্মিকতা কি ? আত্মনির্ভরতা, আত্মায় অবস্থান, আত্মস্থিতি, ব্রাহ্মিস্থিতি |

103. আপন বলতে কাকে বুঝি ? নিজেকে | বাকি সব ? মায়া | নিজে ? সেও মায়া, পর | অতঃপর ? কে আপন ? কেউ নয়, নিজেও নয় | এর নাম ? চেতনা |

104. ভালবাসা কি ? সুন্দর মোড়কে ঢাকা তাৎক্ষণিক স্বার্থ |

105. জীবন ক'দিনের ? দুদিন - একদিন সম্প্রসারণ, আর একদিন সংকোচন |

Tuesday, 28 December 2021



1. Light, love, life - this is the Law. 

2. Save yourself as far as possible. Then seek help if you cannot.

3. Go beyond cultural conditioning to challenge concepts.

4. Give thyself that which thou shalt give unto Me.

5. From today my religion is:


LIGHT, that is, knowledge and wisdom;

LOVE, that is, intense feeling for all;

LIFE, that is, holding the very womb sacred that breathes us into the world and nurses us to carry the torch of civilisation. 

















