Friday 10 July 2020


Let children hear from childhood the thunderous roar of the Vedanta instead of debilitating poetry and music that paralyses manliness.
Strength must manifest in every movement of life right from its inception. Only then can we in time to come come up as a people fired with the idealism of the divine in man and lead the world to its rightful destination in the same. Unto us has been entrusted this holy charge and we must fulfil our national obligation to the rest of humanity, now dying of a spiritual thirst whose quenching alone can save it from imminent extinction. Shall we discharge our duties well or shall we fail on account of our modern sickness of over-responsiveness to the demands of the flesh that masquerades as art and culture of a refined sort but is truly the garb of gross sensuality in elegant attire?
Let our children be spared this slow-poisoning of sensitive culture so that they can grow up to be men and women who can dare the heavens and the hells and emerge triumphant as lords of the earth divine, realised souls with the universe at their feet. May God save them from this modern indoctrination of soft debilitating music and dance, poetry and prose, art and artificiality that bore into the fabric of their beings and inject deathly weakness from which they can never recover ! May the volcanic words of Vivekananda enter into the bloodstream of these young souls right from birth and save them from the deathly embrace of these other messengers of Maya who have well-nigh destroyed the hopes of generations with their degenerate, paralysing culture !
Written by Sugata Bose
Sharmistha Chatterjee, Amrita Bhattacharjee and 19 others

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