Monday, 6 July 2020


Sugata Bose : Mahamaya devises a myriad means to draw the mind of man outside, for Her sport is superficial and Her secrets well-guarded.
Indrani Dey
: By superficial do you mean Maya?
Sugata Bose : By superficial I mean Her sport at the surface level of phenomenal reality where She draws man to dwell in the physical self and create his evanescent world of temporal dreams.
You see, the mind is like a bubble-tank whence thoughts arise from the unseen depth-source to the surface where the bubbles burst and the thoughts are perceived by the surface layer of the vast oceanic mind. Here all activities on the earthly plane are being conducted and here the interplay of surface forces is what is commonly called 'life' and what constitutes the meandering maze of Maya apparently.
But deeper realities hold the surface and they come into cognition only when one dives deep into the ocean of the mind. Scientists do so to observe the deeper links that compose the rational fabric of the universe and sages introspect deep, very deep till they come face to face with the depth-reality of their very existence.
Mahamaya distracts with Her tinsel toys to keep men satisfied at the surface so long She sees that their earthly desires are not yet fulfilled and they, in their ignorance, crave for more till, in an hour of inspiration of the higher verities of life, they, in dissatisfied desperation, seek to reverse direction when She helps them along the path of reclusive renunciation into the deeper resources of Her boundless love and reveals unto men the locked-up treasures of the soul. Such is Her play, Her timeless pastime, Her spiritual sport alternating with material meanderings.
Unto Her we owe our birth, unto Her we owe our pulsating life and unto Her shall we return in the fullness of time, none excluded.
Written by
Sugata Bose
Image may contain: 1 person, standing
Sharmistha Chatterjee, Swapan Kumar Ghosh and 48 others
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