Wednesday 8 July 2020


What is needed is strong living -- deep, meditative, reflexive life full of an inward fire burning and destroying the dross that covers the soul. Words mean nothing. Deeds also are eventually inconsequential. It is realisation that is the essence of the spiritual life whose inner flow fractionally escapes into the physical world as sublime oration, expressions of bliss that beckon pedestrian souls into the realm within.
The task of Nature is to bind, the work of the Spirit is to free and this tussle constitutes life in all its variegated form. But the goal is freedom, not bondage to the senses. The soul must be extricated from the confines of the flesh, the spirit rescued from its magic encasement. Harmony with Nature is opposed to this spiritual principle. The web of words must be broken through, the prison of name and form undone and the Self realised in its native purity as the absolute essence which is nought in terms of phenomenal material count.
The Self is pure existence and consciousness whole without partition or parts. This Self broods on itself and remains isolated as the one immaterial entity, the sole life in a sea of unceasing death, unchanged, immutable, the lonesome lion beyond the roar. And out of the apparent desire of this Self to replicate and seek company comes the multiplicity of magic Maya which on the other side must be shed to arrive at the destination divine.
A line separates the arc of creation from the polar self that moves not, the star that shifts not in a sea of shifting dreams. So, this universal burden which hangs over one's shoulders like one vast baggage must be rid before the Self reveals as the sole reality which has no possibility of replication in the real. The universe hangs like a mirage, an image in form of the formless one, how absurd !
The strong man proceeds towards the realisation of this Self while weaklings keep playing with the tinsel toys of life. Unto the Self then let us proceed. Charaiveti ! (Onward !)
Written by Sugata Bose
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Sharmistha Chatterjee, Amrita Bhattacharjee and 28 others
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