Thursday 9 July 2020


Worldliness has eaten into the vitals of Bengal, courtesy, the power of the medium of literature that has in its most pervasive and pernicious influence for generations preached AVIDYA and deluded sense-prone people into cultural submission to the vanities of impermanence. This toxicity Bengal can throw off only in a reorientation towards kshatriya valour in every endeavour of life. Ramakrishna-Vivekananda preach renunciation while the apologists for sensory delusion and the protagonists of such poison preach lofty lustfulness in cultural camouflage. The tussle is on, the war of the Spirit on the citadels of the senses and the reaction of the senses on the Spirit.
The besieged men and women within the fortified city of mundane mirth remain inebriated with the deadly drink of 'uplifting' lullaby that lulls them to deathly sleep every moment of their forgetfulness of the Self amidst the puerile playthings of life, music, full of soft sentimentality clothed in lofty words of apparent wisdom often masquerading even as messianic message, has caught hold of the sinking soul and is plunging it into the netherworld of fragrant rot, and every weakness assuming a superior garb of cultural refinement is debilitating the defences of the captive ones evermore till Cupid wins over Christ, Madan over Krishna, and Yama (Death) has seized the race in its octogrip.
Against such a self-indulgent foe has been launched from Dakshineshwar the missiles of the Master to destroy the malicious means of Maya and render sterile Her programme of proliferating promiscuity. But Maya has launched a counter-missile from close quarters in the shape of 'elevating' literature that binds and eats into the very vitals of emerging man such that he is enslaved to Her charms for good. This is the battle, nay, the war of samadhi against the senses. The outcome is yet to be.
Written by Sugata Bose
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Nilanjana Chakraborty, Sharmistha Chatterjee and 27 others
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