Thursday 9 July 2020



1. বিবর্তনের এক অন্তর্বর্তী অবস্থা নাস্তিকতা ।

2. Stark poverty, stark realisation of the iniquities of life. Revolution of the flesh or the spirit - which way shall man go?

3. How can a faith-bound religion be also philosophical? Or is such a contradiction in terms also possible?

4. Do not believe in these rich Gurus who pretend to show you the path of life. All that they care for is your purse, remember.

5. Men compromised in greed and hobnobbing with the rich - pray, why do you trust them so?

6. Love displaced is love lost. And heart misplaced is love lost, too.

7. যা মানুষকে বৈরাগ্যের পথ হতে সরিয়ে নেয়, ইন্দ্রিয়পরবশ করে, তা যত সূক্ষ্ম সংস্কৃতিই হোক না কেন, শিল্পকলার যত মোড়কই লাগুক না কেন তার গায়ে, তাই অপসংস্কৃতি, ঘোর অবিদ্যা ।

8. অবিদ্যারস বিদ্যার ছদ্মবেশে সমাজের বুকে সংক্রমণ করা সাংস্কৃতিক গুরুর এই যুগে এক অভিনব শিল্পসৃষ্টি । অবিদ্যামায়ার যথার্থ ধারক ও বাহক ! অবিদ্যার অবতার বললেও অত্যুক্তি হবে না ।

9. We are caught in the web of words.

10. In this savage world, yet, might is right. Civilisation is just a facade over the brutal inheritance of the past emanating from our forest roots.

11. It is time to bury the differences of the past that our greats may have had among themselves and absorb what was best in all of them. That is the best way forward.

12. Why are so many of my Facebook friends so averse to Mahatma Gandhi? Why this constant attempt to raise Netaji above him in status? Is it necessary?

13. পায়েস উধাও,
এখন কেক খাও
জন্মদিনে, বিবাহ বার্ষিকীতে ।
জয়, ইংরেজের জয় !

14. This selling oneself in the name of art nauseates me.

15. পরিচিত পথে চলা গোলকধাঁধায় ঘোরার সমতুল । এখন ঘোড়ার পিঠে চলবেন না পদব্রজে ?

16. There is something called 'lyricism' and something called 'prosaic'. It calls for the poetry of the soul to distinguish between these, failing which, all of art is rendered a mere scribble.

17. এখনো সময় আছে । জাগো !

18. A statement ought not to be of the obvious but of the silent thought slipping. Are herein lies creativity.

19. একটি ছবি শত লাইক,
একটি লেখা এক ডজন ।
ছবির প্রেমিক সবাই ভায়া,
লেখার প্রেমিক কজন ?

20. স্বার্থের বাইরেই স্বাধীনতা ।

21. Human population is increasing and trees are decreasing. Not a good sign. The recent uprooting of thousands of trees in the Cyclone Amphan is but symptomatic of the entire environmental catastrophe we are witnessing with utter unconcern.

22. My worst posts are the ones that are most popular. I wonder now whether anybody will like this one for it, perhaps, will prove a point.

23. A sage is a sage. Do not call a poet so or a philosopher of grand literary attainments.

24. It is best to write for posterity when strong men and women will be born who will appreciate robust writing. To seek audience now is a wasteful exercise or, what you would term, ' an exercise in futility '.

25. All weakening, paralysing thought attains audience. Robust literature that quickens manhood seldom receives attention. Seems that strength has left this nation.

26. Life unfolds, embraces death every moment, then is lost to eternity even as the play goes on down on earth. Who knows when the next incarnation will be, in what form, where, amidst whom?

27. সকলের কল্যাণ হোক ! ললিতের সুরমূর্ছনায় হৃদয় আলোকিত হোক ! ঊষার প্রথম আলোয় ভৈরবের ধ্রুবপদ ঝংকৃত হোক আত্মার আলোকাঙ্গনে !

28. Idolatrous is the one that limits himself to the appended photo and cares not to comprehend the content of a post. Glory unto idolatry !

29. Look beyond the word. There is a world beyond the word.

30. ভাষার আশ্চর্য সংযোগ ! রবি ঠাকুর, শশী ঠরূর !রবি - শশী ;
ঠাকুর - ঠরূর !

31. যাঁরা মানুষকে কষ্ট দেন, তাঁরাই নাস্তিক । এমন ঘরে ঘরে ।

32. Slaves ever attempt to make slaves of others. The Master never enslaves. His is an entourage of spontaneous disciples who of their own volition give him unconditional support.

33. Absence of sympathy for our geniuses afflicts us even today as we continue to neglect them in our hyper-insensitive mediocrity. One wonders if at all we deserve to call them our own.

34. Religions that convert adherents of other faiths to their fold invite future destroyers of their own existence. Hence, beware when you convert ! You thus sow the seeds of your own extinction.

35. এদেশে ভাল জিনিসের কদর নেই । যত মাঝারি, তত ভাল ।

36. Satyajit Ray, Ritwik Ghatak and Mrinal Sen - the triumvirate of Indian cinema. How would you rate them relative to each other?

37. These two geniuses tower over Bengal - Tagore and Ray. While Ray reigns yet throughout the world, Tagore is largely forgotten in the West.

38. সরল ভাষায় লেখা বড় সরল নয় ।

39. Vivekananda's ideas about Truth Absolute and Truth Relative were way superior to what Tagore and Einstein discussed and disagreed on. Wish Einstein and Tolstoy had met Vivekananda.

40. (Satyajit) Ray is রায় and not রে । For he's the sun and not merely a ray. Pronounce properly, Mr. Patriot, and do not anglicise his name.

41. It is peace that I want, not God, the quiet harmony that makes life blissful and fearless, unattached, oblivious of return in love.

42. Sacrifice is the price of love, freedom is its reward.

43. Revile none. Bless all. All are the same Lord wearing different garbs. Worship then the vilest being, knowing him to be your Chosen Deity. Who to fear? Who to hate? Love all, love all.

44. If you want to live long, reduce the load of work. Optimally work and optimally rest. This balance will lengthen life.

45. There was a lock down on my keypad
For three quarters of a day.
Cyclone Amphan had her sway. Now the wind's gone
And the keypad's on.
I print once more in my merry way.

46. It is remarkable that Derozio did what he did within his short life-span of 22. That he could do so is the sign of sheer genius. That he perished so early is the tragedy of the times.

47. The net result is that my net is now working.

48. There is no point depending on others for they will let you down when you most need them.

49. Till God is realised, every relation is false. Upon realisation of the Truth, the same relations are beheld as one's nearest kith and kin, as oneself.

50. শেষে এইটুকুই বুঝতে হয় -নিজের ভাগ্য নিজের হাতে । তখন স্বাবলম্বন শুরু । ভাগ্যের পরিহাস শেষ । উন্নতির পথ প্রশস্ত ।

51. অসাধারণ নই - অনন্তলোকে সামাণ্য জীব ।
সাধারণ নই - সামাণ্য হলেও অনন্য জীব ।
জীবন বহিছে তাই জীব ।

52. Genius must be subject to scrutiny for the efflorescence of its inner attributes in all its glory and in all its frailty in the common conception and in critical thinking.

53. No more writing poetry.
This time I shall a poem be.

54. Attachment is the seed of misery. Detachment is freedom, bliss.

55. If the call of duty immerses you in life and stands in the way of freedom, reject it as base desire. Duty that frees is a labour of love, never that of bondage to life's myriad bonds.

56. Trade's the way of the world -- self-interest and benefit, the dual devils. Transaction dictates relations as love takes to its survival flight. Ideals lie in ruins, life to dust reduced. Who cares if you suffer or die?

57. Mere revivalism won't revive. Brutal revolt won't reform. Men and women with a high heart and a deep vision will transform society. Feeling - that's the call.

58. জ্ঞানের আলো আপনি আসুক হৃদয়মনে,
দূর হয়ে যাক নিবিড় আঁধার অন্ধকোণে !

59. One has to break free from the shackles that bind,
One has to break free to a new path find.

60. We live to learn and we live to love, so, we love to live.

61. My morning wishes to all of you. Awake to your fulfilment, my friends !

62. আত্মজ্ঞানই জীবনের সর্বোচ্চ উদ্দেশ্য ও বিবর্তনের চূড়ান্ত লক্ষ্য । সনাতন ধর্মের এই সিদ্ধান্ত । অভারতীয় কোনো ধর্মে এই আত্মদর্শনের উল্লেখ পাওয়া যায় না ।

63. Commenting without understanding the import of a post is the bane of online interaction masquerading as superior intellectualism. The inability to apprehend perspectives is, unfortunately, the fate of the market discourse.

64. Civilisation has the bodies of billions of labourers for its base. Just reflect how many have been buried to haul up those boulders to build the pyramids.

65. What you call matter is nothing but the Spirit disguised. Tear the veil apart and behold it.

66. The whole idea of spirituality is the deepening of the soul, its depth-diving to break off with the limiting links of matter.

67. The totality of universal wisdom with its free ends ever renewing its refreshing forms is encapsulated in the untainted figure of Saraswati.

68. Genius leaves behind its priceless gems in the hands of the mediocrity that follows. There the death of genius is sealed in the common representation of its legacy.

69. If death is inevitable and life has not been conquered, of what avail is it to brood on the futility of living ? Rather, let the myriad facets of life be explored till the last breath merges in the vast waters of deathly chill.

70. Self-dependence is way more spiritual than leaning on others for survival which is a parasitic existence. Arise ! Stand on your immortal Self.

71. The Hindu renaissance must come through the culture of Sanskrit studies and the actual practice of the spiritual principles enshrined in our scriptures.

72. It is good to see the true name, true cover and profile picture, and true and full birth date and year in the 'About info' of Facebookers.

73. The appalling ignorance that afflicts society, even the literate ones, has to be addressed. Rational training of the mind is the sine qua non for an emerging polity.

74. You must combat reason with reason and not with dogmatic adherence to superficial distractions masquerading as sufficient justification for your prejudiced views in the name of superior patriotism.

75. অরবিন্দ ভবনের বইয়ের বাঁধাই ও পাতা উভয়ই খুবই উৎকৃষ্ট মানের । স্পষ্টই বোঝা যায় ওঁরা শ্রীঅরবিন্দকে যথার্থ শ্রদ্ধা করেন । অনেক প্রতিষ্ঠানেরই এর থেকে শিক্ষা নেওয়ার অবকাশ আছে ।

76. We must strive to raise the academic culture of the polity. This is an absolute necessity if we are serious about raising the spiritual culture of the same. Else, it will be a progressive sinking into gross materialism.

77. When a Hindu worships the Buddha and also has faith in the inviolability of the Vedas, is he is in a state of historical and philosophical contradiction? Your valued responses solicited.

78. The general academic culture must rise before one may expect a good response to one's writings from the general reader. Till then it will remain writing for enamoured audiences intent on photographs and content with ignoring the content of a post.

79. আমরা কি রূপের পূজারী নাকি তত্ত্বানুসন্ধানী ? তাহলে আলোকচিত্রে এত আকর্ষণ কেন ? কই, রচনার তথ্যপাঠে তো অনুরূপ আগ্রহ নেই ?

80. Are we idolatrous ? If not, then how is it that we are so enamoured of the photographs appended to a post to the utter neglect of the content of the post ?

81. India's contribution to world spiritual thought is overwhelmingly immense. The vast majority of the seminal geniuses in the spiritual domain have been Indians.

82. Faith in oneself is the lifeline of the great.

83. Venerate the greats that you may also be great. But be self-confident and original if you wish to be one.

84. Little men become fanatics. Smallness compels whirling within the confines of a whirlpool of choice or circumstance.

85. Read Ray and refresh. Taste Tagore. Vitalise with Vivekananda. Savour Shankaracharya. Renounce with Ramakrishna.

86. The cells need rest. Activity does not tire but human clinging does drain off the very sap of life.

87. Out of tranquillity comes the striking of the golden mean of life and the freshening up of life's ultimate resources.

88. When the pyre will be lit and I shall go up in flames, tell me, who will accompany me in that final consignment? Then why pretend human love?

89. Reserve some time for yourself when you can sit alone and reflect. Even idling away time is better than to always be hounded by human interaction that degenerates the soul.

90. The killer contact with too many people upsets the flow of life and degenerates the soul by sinking it in the quagmire of uncouth culture.

91. Peace is when you are left alone to ramble free in your own world unhindered by human infringement of your private space.

92. Exclusive religions try to hypnotise the ignorant masses into believing in their dogmas which masquerade as universal truths. Beware of such deceptions !

93. The 'Om' is the vibration-free sound, seed of phenomena, harmony of all paradoxes and the alpha and the omega of existence in its expressed form. Beyond lies the vast void of unlettered absolute existence.

94. Nature laughs in disdain when men of the 'One True Faith and the Final Word of God' seek to impose their religion on others by fraud, force and filthy proselytising. Ignorance has its limits. Om !

95. এক হতে উদ্ভূত, বহুতে বিরাজ, আবার পরিশেষে একেতেই বিলয় - এই তো মহাজীবন ।

96. Christ must be seen here and now and not in the hereafter.

97. Either you represent Vidyashakti Mahamaya or Avidyashakti. The choice is yours. Wish to help liberate men or wish to bind?

98. Let manliness manifest in every movement of life. This in altered language was Swamiji's last gospel unto humanity.

99. Human greed, masked as capitalism, is reducing billions to poverty as it multiplies the number of billionaires across the world. A cruel law of conservation !

100. To the youths I say, "Absorb Vivekananda. Assimilate him. Give up all other seminal personalities, even of, so-to-say, universal proportions, who preach worldliness by apparently elevating it. "

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