Sunday, 5 July 2020



1. Growing in numbers through programmed population build-up and calculated conversion is not the sign of growing spirituality. Rather it is the expansionism of religion which is imperialistic in design and, so, reprehensible.

2. Hindus, unite to defend your dharma.

3. A religion that converts is positively evil. It cannot be peaceful and harmony with it is impossible.

4. It's a hell of a religion that condemns me to hell after death for refusing to convert to the 'one true faith of the one true God' ! Ah, what a fool am I for refusing to convert ! Now, to boil in oil !

5. Too tight a work-schedule that leaves no time for reflection is not conducive to spiritual realisation.

6. Despair not for you are the fount of all the hope there is.

7. Overmuch of self-doubt destroys self-confidence. Believe in your abilities, your capacity to reach the highest.

8. Eventually all converts from the Sanatan Dharma to Islam must be reconverted to the Mother-faith. Only then will India's spiritual destiny be on its spirited path of fulfilment.

9. What a travesty of modern education that medieval tribal cults yet hold billions of educated bigots, rendering the world to a war-field of fanatical faiths !

10. Why are the monotheistic faiths of the Abrahamic tradition so very intolerant and violent, and why do they, barring Judaism, have such a brutal history of proselytising by force?

11. If a scientist says his word is the last word on science and he is the final scientist, will it be credible or laughable? Now apply it to religion and settle the question there. Q.E.D.

12. In mutual service lies the manifesting strength of the motherland. Serve if you wish to strengthen the nation.

13. Let us help each other along life's rough road to realisation.

14. The best way to strengthen Hinduism is for Hindus to do their regular spiritual practices. Other than that they must study their scriptures regularly.

15. Crooks pretending devotion have made devotion itself a mockery. Monks, beware of such pretentious, sycophantic adherents to the colour of your monastic robe !

16. You can bore your way through any point, bore your way to infinity, through the very point where you are located. Just keep drilling till you reach the subterranean springs of immortality. The water of eternal life flows beneath, unhindered, in spontaneous joy. Drink of it and be free.

17. আজ স্বামীজীর মহাপ্রয়াণ দিবস । রাত ৯টা ১০ মিনিটে তিনি শরীর ছেড়ে স্বধামে প্রস্থান করেন আজ থেকে ঠিক ১১৮ বছর আগে । কিন্তু কি রেখে গেলেন তিনি আমাদের জন্য ? চলে গিয়েও নিজেকে রেখে গেলেন না কি ?

18. If men, instead of attempting to prove the veracity of their religions by convoluted arguments, took to earnest practice of their pure principles by the observance of chastity and the cultivation of allied attributes, they would have done better justice to them.

19. What specious arguments Christian and Muslim clerics give to prove their own scriptures and disprove those of their adversaries ! True enough, Islam and Christianity are ever at each other's throats !

20. Learn to appreciate other people's writings. Don't only comment when you wish to criticise. Be magnanimous. In this lies greater human sympathy. In this lies a grander human solidarity.

21. The whole of the world is a vast crematorium. Civilisation stands on the bed of countless skeletons.

22. নাস্তিক হোন আর আস্তিক হোন, চাই চরিত্র । হৃদয়ের প্রেমটি যেন অক্ষুণ্ণ থাকে । নির্দয়, নিষ্ঠুর, অহংকারী না হলেই হল ।

23. Matter is most immaterial.

24. What you call 'matter' is but the hollow cover over the substance of the Spirit within.

25. Even the atheist is God. Only he knows it not.

26. Our own existence is inexplicable. Our own existence is not provable. Our own existence is simply experiential in relative and in absolute terms.

27. Vidyasagar was not an atheist. He was an agnostic. But was in no way a materialist, in the strictest sense of the term, as many an atheist would like to claim him to be.

28. Spiritual preachers must have character.

29. Look not to leadership to guide you out of trouble but lead yourself out of the sorry mess where your leaders have landed you in.

30. The only way to build our nation will be to lift the masses out of poverty and illiteracy. Religion they have enough and need no more. Bread and brightness would do better.

31. Let your expression be commensurate to your feeling. Over-expression is a marked act of superficiality, often of pronounced insincerity.

32. The very terms must change. You do not do charity to God, do you? You can only serve, as an act of adoration, these living emblems of divinity, the vast moving mass of suffering humanity.

33. I call him an Indian billionaire who cares for a billion Indians. High-handed charity to the 'lowly' poor is repugnant, an indignity heaped on the lofty being called man.

34. The word followed by the deed and backed up by character and a glowing heart shall as yet set the seal on real spiritual living that will save civilisation.

35. Self-interest when harmonised with collective good conduces to real welfare and this is achievable if the principles of living are right. The service of God in man offers such a solution to this intractable problem of life.

36. It is affirmative action that alters life and it is accomplishment of such that is at the heart of spirituality.

37. Increasing collective goodness is the way out of the tangle we as a global community are in - the powers of purity, service and sacrifice unto others.

38. Who is the theist - he who kneels down in prayer and then goes exploiting others in life's intercourse or he who fails to kneel to God but serves others as his own to help them combat life better?

39. That country which manifests the most character does the best. So with organisations. So with individuals.

40. China follows Chanakya, not India. Who does India follow?

41. Each cube is a countryman where the mosaic is the country that holds them.

42. Luscious are the fruits of freedom. But precious care need be taken of the orchard that grows them.

43. O man Friday, thou of 'maroon' hue ! Thou comest to give me company, marooned that I am.

44. White or black, brown or yellow, humanity remains the same for all. It is the same call of love, the same needs that bind men in gregarious bond.This colour is not the saffron quite but it quickens renunciation, nonetheless. The warrior saints of the soil are impelled by it to defend the motherland. And those whom saffron inspires not? Let green or purple spur them on. Colours may differ but the red blood flows for all in the defence of the nation.

45. The sky is dark. It is a new moon night. China thinks, "Let us strike at the enemy while she sleeps." But the Sikh sleeps not. He guards the Gurudwara, the borders of India.

46. The planet is warming up. Beware ! Will this be our final fate? So thought Hawking prior to his death.

47. Secularism in the European sense is, according to certain schools of thought, tantamount to atheistic materialism. But in the Indian sense?

48. The whole of India was once peopled by adherents of the Indian dharma traditions. What went wrong that we were reduced in territory and influence both at home and abroad in vast Asia?

49. দুই বাংলাতেই মৌলবাদ বেড়েই চলেছে । প্রতিষেধক বিজ্ঞান শিক্ষা ও সমর্থ শাসন ।

50. Bangladesh must forsake her theocratic basis of national living and adopt progressive secular status to fast modernise herself.

51. Forget not that a vibrant 60,000 odd Indians practise a great religion called Zoroastrianism. Study this grand religion along with the Sanatan Dharma. Be one with the Parsis as they have ever been one with us.

52. Indigenise Islam, indigenise Christianity, conflicts will cease. For this to happen learn about these religions along with the Sanatan Dharma.

53. Pakistan would do well to embrace Sikhism en route to eventual re-conversion to the Sanatan Dharma which it is partially the geographical birthplace of.

54. নিজের বয়স গোপন করবেন না । তাতে নিজের জন্মকে অস্বীকার করে নিজের অস্তিত্বকে অপমান করা হয় । আমার জন্ম ১০/০৬/১৯৬১ ।

55. Stop blaming any. Arise and contribute to national welfare. Care not for consequence. Just work without the petty self polluting the effort. Labour in love, love for the motherland.

56. অনুভূতিসিদ্ধ যে তত্ত্ব তাঁকে শব্দে বাঁধবে কে ? তাই সকল শাস্ত্রই ঠাকুরের মতে আভাসমাত্র । তত্ত্ব শাস্ত্রাতীত ।

57. China is Mahamaya's antidote to the West's neo-colonislism. But India, beware of both !

58. Performance of duty is dharma.

59. The national character has to be built up, the national will strengthened and national concentration brought to the welfare of the masses and the defence of our sovereignty.

60. Organisation should never grow up to being so arrogantly complacent as to disregard individual opinion coming from the lower ranks. Remember an individual is at the inspirational fountainhead of the organisation.

61. মনকে গড়েপিটে তৈরী করে নেওয়ার নামই শিক্ষা, সংস্কৃতি, সভ্যতা ও পরিশেষে সন্ন্যাস । তবে তো সে মনকে ত্যাগ করা যাবে অন্তে ব্রহ্মসমাধিতে উত্থিত হওয়ার চূড়ান্ত উদ্দেশ্যে ।

62. It is never too late. So, start reading 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' from today itself. Even the online version is there to help you do it easily in case you do not have the book. The link to it is being provided below.

63. If there were a lesser number of prophets and saviours in the world, the world would have been much better off. Human society would have overcome its savagery faster and evolved unto a brighter day.

64. Blasphemy laws and apostasy laws that violently punish and even inflict death sentence must be declared inhuman and annulled throughout the world by bringing in telling international pressure.

65. Seeta's purity and Radha's love combined make up the complete model for Indian womanhood at its perfected best.

66. The highest principle of the Sanatan Dharma is the ultimate identity of the individual soul and the universal soul. Atma = Brahma. The embodied being is the universal being.

67. For all their 'peacefulness' and 'universal brotherhood' and 'love for the children of God' will Islam and Christianity stop converting 'kaffirs/kuffars' and 'infidels' to their fold and, so, stop war on 'false religions' like Hinduism?

68. শুধুমাত্র ছবিতে মুগ্ধ হলে দেশগঠন হবে না । লেখাগুলো পড়া চাই ও অনুধাবন করে কার্যে রূপায়ণ । এই প্রকৃষ্ট উপায় ।

69. Indoctrinated from childhood with fanatical violent principles, they cannot get past them in later life and remain captive to corrosive ideology that destroys the peace it pretends to preach.

70. The cost of living is rising so much and income in reverse order falling, life is now affordable only for the rich while the middle classes perish and with it perishes culture at its best.

71. How does the Ramakrishna Mission view its having been compelled to wind up its centre at Karachi in 1948? Do they see it as an instance of Islamic universal brotherhood?

72. What is the future of (a) Islam (b) Christianity in (1) China? (2) India?

73. জগতে মায়ের স্নেহ-মমতার জুড়ি নেই ভাই । একটি মেয়ে যখন তাঁর ছোট্ট শিশুটির দিকে মমতাভরা চোখে তাকায়, সে দৃশ্য অপার্থিব, স্বর্গীয় !

74. Read Kalidas, if even in translation. In it are beauty, sublimity, spirituality, love, all mingled in a delicious divine mix.

75. Let Vivekananda spread like wild fire through the forest of this world so that it can consume all of the accumulated human dross that retard evolution.

76. Spread Tagore’s sublime passages to refine human culture.

77. The great poet, composer, revolutionary - Kazi Nazrul Islam needs a greater propagation. So, on with the job.

78. চাই উপযুক্ত শিক্ষা, সংস্কৃতি, সংস্কৃত ভাষার বহল প্রবর্তন । চাই বিজ্ঞান, বিজ্ঞানমনস্কতা, দারিদ্রনিবারণে প্রযুক্তিপ্রয়োগ । চাই চরিত্র সর্বোপরি ।

79. শুধু সত্ত্বগুণী হলে হবে না, এখন রজোগুণ চাই । সমাজের তমোসাচ্ছন্ন জঞ্জাল সত্ত্ব-রজোর স্রোতে ভেসে বেড়িয়ে যাক ।

80. নিজেকে, অর্থাৎ, অহংকারকে প্রতিষ্ঠা করে কি হবে ? ও তো থাকবে না । তার চেয়ে ভাল আত্মপ্রতিষ্ঠ ঠাকুরে স্হিত হওয়া ।

81. আমি কিছু নই, সবই তিনি, এই বোধটি জাগরিত হওয়ার নামই আধ্যাত্মিকতা ।
সুরে বলুন, লয়ে চলুন ।

82. একদিকে সংসার, অন্যদিকে ঠাকুর । বিচিত্র সম্মেলন !

83. If you can gently speak to others to good effect, why needlessly raise your voice over them?

84. Swami Vivekananda had prophesied that soon after India's independence she could be conquered by China. We know what happened in 1962. Is the danger still there? Is the period denoted by 'soon' over? What do you say?

85. I adore Maharana Pratap Singhji, Chhatrapati Shivaji, Guru Tegh Bahadurji and Guru Gobind Singhji. Were it not for them, where would we be today? We would have lost our religion.

86. Remember Swami Nirmalananda and his glorious contribution to the Ramakrishna movement. Never forget he was the flaming apostle of the Lord.

87. This life will pass. Let us, pilgrims of eternity, leave an impress upon the earth that posterity will cherish and bless us for.

88. A kind word often is a saved life.

89. Let love express itself in flowing service. Let service be suffused with love.

90. The life of love is the life of service.

91. It is dusk. Upholders of the Sanatan Dharma, get to chanting the Holy Name.

92. My friends, have you hit upon any means to arrest the present declining culture of the world?

93. Over-aggression is barbarism. It is civilised to wait on others. Getting one's way by force borders on barbarism, true.

94. মহাপুরুষের বাণী ও জীবনচিন্তনে মানুষ স্বয়ং মহাপুরুষ হয় । তাই আমরা আমাদের দেশের অসংখ্য মহাপুরুষের যে কোনো একজনের অথবা একাধিক জনের জীবনচিন্তনের দ্বারা উন্নত হওয়ার প্রয়াস করি, আসুন ।

95. 'অন্ধজনে দেহ আলো, মৃতজনে দেহ প্রাণ ।' (রবীন্দ্রনাথ) এটি মানবসমাজের এক মহামন্ত্র ।

96. Persecution has its limits. When the persecuted ones are pushed to the wall, they lunge out in aggressive self-defence. Both men and women are parties to this persecution. Persecution knows no gender discrimination. Men and women both know how to persecute and they both are equal offenders.

97. আধ্যাত্মিকতা তো পরের কথা । আগে মানুষ একটু সভ্য হোক । শুষ্ক হৃদয় অপরকে নিষ্পেষণ করতে জানে, ভালবাসতে জানেনা ।

98. এ যুগে জন্মেছি । আগের যুগ কেমন ছিল জানিনা । তবে এখন বড় অসহিষ্ণুতা ঘরে ঘরে । সমাজে তারই প্রতিফলন ।

99. দুর্ব্যবহার পেলে মাথায় যন্ত্রণা হয় । তাই অধিক জপধ্যানের প্রয়োজন । ঠাকুর-মা-স্বামীজী-গুরুদেবকে স্মরণ করলে সব ভুলে যাই । ধীরে ধীরে আবার মাথায় আরাম হয় ।

100. A positive attitude is the best for spiritual evolution. Do not suffer from undue scepticism and ruin your chances of realising your own inner nature, the Supreme Self.
he atheist is God. Only he knows it no

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