Sunday, 5 July 2020



Partha Gupta
 But theory is one and hard ground reality another. The politics of proselytising religions must be countered. Else, it will be the end of India's dharma traditions.

 But it is the truth. The whole of the subcontinent, the whole of it, must be reconverted to the Sanatan Dharma for peace to persist, for conflicts to cease, for civilisation to flourish. The future will see such a fruition. I have no doubt whatsoever about it. The falsity of faith-based religions must give way to the truth of the religion of the rishis. This is the evolutionary inevitability and must come to pass in the fullness of time.

 That is where dharma differs from religion. The former is a broad, universal, liberal living tradition based on eternally existing spiritual principles while the latter is narrow, exclusive and barbaric political movement masquerading as spirituality of sorts. The origins and evolutionary history of these two traditions so sharply differ that there is no point of commonality or convergence between them.

 Always read my final edited and enlarged answers to all your queries. They are more comprehensive and exhaustive and come to me only in spurts which in line with their periodic occurrence I record.

 Quad erad demonstrandum -- thus has it been demonstrated. In simple terms it means, 'Hence proved.

Subhrajyoti Bhowmick
 I am indebted to you for your ardent reading of my posts and pertinent observations thereof. Indeed, it is for generating thought-power in the youth and inspiring them unto creative activity that I principally write. Thank you for being such a vibrant, perceptive reader.

 Part of the evolutionary process.

 Beautifully said. The perfect synthesis. God bless you !

 These types of posts are meant to trigger thinking by positing opposite ideas to arrive at a synthetic understanding of things and a harmonic view of life. The primary objective is to break through the passive acquiescence in the existing order of things with all its anomalies that afflict life for the worse. And what better a way than to set the brain ticking? So, you see, by the method of contrast and comparison, it is an inducement to engage in a fresh appraisal of things existent in society and affecting our lives for the better or the worse.

 Vidyasagar was not an atheist. He was an agnostic.

 Cannot agree with your thesis that Vidyasagar 'is million times expected than of thousand saints', whatever you may have implied by that statement. True saints are at a different spiritual altitude altogether as Vidyasagar would have been the first to have agreed with. I think the great reformer would have smarted under the indignity thus implicit in your assertion in so far as saints are concerned. However, I do understand the real implication here replete as it is with Oriental hyperbole.

 Good to see you back after a brief hiatus.

 I know you are not an atheist. I know it from the look on your face as evident from your profile picture. And I respect your views, too. Do not mistake me to be otherwise disposed towards you from my verbal altercation with you, infrequent though they are for I limit my interjections out of regard for your considerable erudition and effort in understanding issues in your own original and analytically sound way. Hence, ours is a conference in analysis and appreciation rather than acrimony and animosity towards each other's views. Please continue to enlighten us with your facts and analyses, your perceptions and conceptions, and your pungent remarks replete as they are with the othersidedness of things. It is a pleasure to interact thus and engage in fruitful intellectual discourse infrequent though they may be owing to diverse reasons.

 রক্ত চাই, রুধিররঞ্জিত শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি ।

 'শহীদের' প্রতিশব্দ কি হবে ? 'বীরগতি' প্রাপ্ত হলেন ? 'খালি' শব্দটিও আরবী নয় কি ? 'রিক্তহস্তে' লেখা উচিত ছিল বোধহয় । আমাদের ব্যবহৃত ভাষাকে নিজ প্রচেষ্টায় শোধন করতে হবে । বড় বেশী ভিন্ন ভাষার অনুপ্রবেশ ঘটেছে যা আমাদের অলক্ষে ব্যবহারে এসে পড়ে । এক্ষেত্রে তো অর্থ ও বীরের কীর্তির তাৎপর্যই পরিবর্তিত হয়ে গেছিল । কী সৌভাগ্য যে আপনি এই অনভিপ্রেত দুষ্কর্ম হতে আমায় বিরত করলেন ! ধন্যবাদ জানাই আপনাকে আমায় এ বিষয়ে সচেতন করার জন্য । সংশোধন করে নিলাম অবাঞ্ছিত ভ্রান্তি । ভাল থাকবেন । বন্দে মাতরম !

 লেখাটি পড়েছেন তো ? কষ্ট করে লিখি । আনন্দের কষ্ট যদিও ।

 কিন্তু লেখাটি পড়েছেন তো ?

 ধন্যবাদ । আপনাদের জন্যই রচনার আনন্দেস্রোতে অবগাহন ।

@At a Facebook friend : Why a purple background, the colour of imperialism, of royalty at its oppressive, exploitative worst, dating back from the Caesars? A red canvas could have covered the communist content better. Perhaps, capitalism has consumed all of the red blood cells of revolution to spare any for the post. Alas, such are the exigencies of the times !

 Why don't you join hands with us in this crusade to save the Sanatan Dharma?

 I am sure you can study the Sanatan Dharma from 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' whose online link I shall hereby provide.

 RKM giving education, fuelled by profit motive? Are you sure?

 Now this is a complicated question. You mean why RKM is not offering completely free education in all its academic institutions? Well, there are plenty of them where they are doing so and there are plenty of others where nominal fees are being charged to make it financially feasible, you see. And one must take cognisance of the fact as well that even Christian missionaries largely conduct paid for schools along with some free schools. After all, the financial compulsions are the same for all.

 RKM's views are the views of Swami Vivekananda, I guess. So, read up the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda and stop being lazy. I want you to discover it yourself. Hence, I have been desisting from giving a detailed answer, and for no other reason apart from the undue exertion that it entails to answer every query of my readers who will simply not even budge from their seats to locate the required answers that lie strewn like unheeded gems across the length and breadth of the Complete Works.

 What's obvious, Maharaj? Do elaborate to clarify. It is not obvious to me. Hence, I ask.

 The Buddha is distinct from Buddhism of the decadent order which was rejected by Shankaracharya. The Buddha in original and truest intent ought to be reinstated in the national current, albeit in the neo-interpreted form given by Swami Vivekananda.

 Who is daring? How you come across one?

 Why not? Swamiji would have been delighted.

 I see that you and I are both in close conference with him (Swamiji). So, let us leave that part out and come back to the content of the post which is more pertinent to our national interest and to the sustenance of our civilisation in all its aggregate strength. Likewise, we must coordinate our efforts at integrating all the dharma traditions that have sprung from the soil of Aryavarta. In such integration lies our well-being as a dharmic civilisation which is so under Semitic proselytising threat.

 You are intelligent with a hearty difference and not merely an intellectual suffering from intellectualism, 'the heartless intellectuals' as Swamiji was wont to describing them in no uncertain terms.

 True, but nowadays God has taken to flight and man knows. Such, alas, are the imperatives of the times !

 So, you are a spiritual brother of both of us, 
Debkanti Moitra
 Babu and myself.

 But do give a profile photograph of yours. Easier to relate then.

 Ah, what is your opposition to the Buddha returning home, not resurrecting as such, I wonder ! How can India's greatest son remain in banishment, and that, too, inflicted on him by the multitude that are fools?

 Good that you are setting targets these days.

 Not quite. India has yet to absorb lessons from the Buddha and assimilate both his personality and his universal message failing which we shall be rendered the poorer as we have thus far been.

 Will be writing on all these issues. This is but the first instalment.

 Slave or servant am I, son? Struggle a bit. Read Marie Louis Burke's 'New Discoveries'. Now will you oblige by starting to read the following :

1) The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda,
2) The Life of Swami Vivekananda by His Eastern and Western Disciples',
3) Reminiscences of Swami Vivekananda, and
4) Swami Vivekananda in the West - New Discoveries, to begin with your discovery of these facts?

 You will also get this piece of information in Swami Gambhirananda's 'যুগনায়ক বিবেকানন্দ -- দ্বিতীয় ভাগ ।

 I did not misunderstand you at all. You assiduously follow each and every post of mine like few do and make analytical observations too which few make. I merely wanted to egg you on to the process of self-discovery of facts. But you should not say, "Citation please," for it could be misconstrued by some as sort of a high-handed approach to asking instead of it being a polite request. Hence, I said what I said, but all in good humour. Now, keep reading and chanting the holy name of God, too.

 You are doing a wonderful job writing on these great men who have shaped the national destiny. God bless you !

 And we have to keep it vibrant by doing our daily spiritual practices.

@ A Facebook friend : I see. That now makes it impossible for me to copy-paste-post since I may be held accountable for it and with no defence on my part to stand by. Anyhow, thanks for affording me the opportunity to read this delightfully educative piece from our grand epic of which we are largely oblivious in so far as the totality of it is concerned. Our knowledge is generally fractional owing to our study of it in the abridged versions. Now I must get to the task of reading it in the whole, albeit in the Bengali translated version rendered by the great Kaliprasanna Singha. You also make time to gradually read up the whole of this epic masterpiece unless, of course, I seriously err in my judgement of your reading capacity based on pure surmise and my vain presumption for which I beg prior pardon. May Thakur-Ma-Swamiji bless you ever and ever!

 লেখাগুলো পড়বেন ভাই । আপনার আন্তরিক অংশগ্রহণ চাই কিন্তু প্রচারের এই পুণ্যকর্মে । আপনার প্রতিটি লেখায় ভক্তিপূর্ণ বক্তব্য আমার মনে বল বাড়ায় এই কর্ম চালিয়ে যাওয়ার জন্য । ভাল থাকবেন । জয় শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণ !

 Swami Gahanananda visited America in 1993 during the observance of the Centenary of the Chicago Parliament of Religions. You must have met him then. You are a blessed couple that you been witnessing the unfolding of the Master's terrestrial play in the West from so early on. Accordingly, you must have met many of the earlier monks of the Order. I was admitted into this divine fold -- I am a lay devotee, may I say by way of clarification of my statement -- as late as or as early as, as one may put it, 1983 and have also been blessed by many of the earliest monks of the Order.

 I can understand. But the halls will fill up one day and Thakur (the Master) will keep you two ever and ever in his gracious glance for you have served him thus when his movement was in bud.

 আপনাকে আমার আন্তরিক আনন্দ প্রেরণ করলাম কারণ এই আনন্দবন্ধনেই সর্ব জড়বন্ধন ক্ষয় ও আত্মার আস্বাদনপ্রাপ্তি । শ্রীশ্রীঠাকুরের কাছে আপনার কল্যাণকামনা করলাম । ভাল থাকবেন ও আমাদের এই ভাবপ্রচারের সাথে যুক্ত থাকবেন ।

 But Swamiji said that since the advent of Sri Ramakrishna the 'Satya Yuga' has begun. What's your take on it?

 Okay. Then I suppose you disagree with Swamiji.

 But you follow the scriptural statement in this regard. Am I right in my understanding?

 But you do not consider Swamiji's inspired words as scripture. Right?

 But I was talking of a general precipitous decline in global culture including that of India and that of the Hindus (Sanatanis) as well.

 But we, Hindus, must also introspect and bring about alteration in our attitudes and aspirations, our propensities and predilections so that we do not precipitously decline into a lowly culture whence defence of the dharma and its practice will be well nigh impossible. So, we must follow the principles of our dharma and, so, strengthen it, instead of engaging in futile vituperation with others which will eventually render our endeavour sterile and stifle the very life of our dharma in the immediate context till the blessed Lord again manifests Himself in mortal clay to revive it unto freshly pulsating life and light.

 How would you personally go about it? Each one of us will have to do something. Is it not so? If so, then what are your ideas in this regard? Please speak in specific detail if you do not mind.

 Sure enough, but let us build up the forces of good, as Swamiji was wont to saying, to help hasten the evolutionary process of terrestrial man. Let us work in unison to arrest the declining culture in human affairs by LIVING THE LIFE, as Swami Sumedhanandaji had exhorted me to do, so that we may be equipped to propagate the divine word and help lighten the burden of humanity suffering under the crushing load of material ignorance. We have a lot to offer and here in a common sympathy for our earthly brethren everywhere we have a common cause to accomplish, a mission to fulfil. Let us join hands.

 বরং দুর্ব্যবহার কোরো না কারোর সাথে । তারও ক্ষতি, নিজেরও ক্ষতি ।
Nilanjana Chakraborty
 স্পর্ধার তো সেই আদি কারণ -- অজ্ঞানতা ।

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