Saturday 11 July 2020



Sugata Bose Maharaj, you come with such ones ! Is this one your original one? If so, you have again gone incognito.
Sugata Bose Why a purple background, the colour of imperialism, of royalty at its oppressive, exploitative worst, dating back from the Caesars? A red canvas could have covered the communist content better. Perhaps, capitalism has consumed all of the red blood cells of revolution to spare any for the post. Alas, such are the exigencies of the times !
Sugata Bose Grand disclosure ! It will be good if you add a profile photograph and a cover photograph of your good self, too, for the human person, you, is not merely a name but a form as well.
Sugata Bose Shreyaa Chakraborty Banerjee I see. That now makes it impossible for me to copy-paste-post since I may be held accountable for it and with no defence on my part to stand by. Anyhow, thanks for affording me the opportunity to read this delightfully educative piece from our grand epic of which we are largely oblivious in so far as the totality of it is concerned. Our knowledge is generally fractional owing to our study of it in the abridged versions. Now I must get to the task of reading it in the whole, albeit in the Bengali translated version rendered by the great Kaliprasanna Singha. You also make time to gradually read up the whole of this epic masterpiece unless, of course, I seriously err in my judgement of your reading capacity based on pure surmise and my vain presumption for which I beg prior pardon. May Thakur-Ma-Swamiji bless you ever and ever!
Sugata Bose Diganta Sengupta The term 'Netaji lover' is inappropriate, to my understanding, for it smacks of an unwitting carnal connection where the intent instead is to express one's adoration of the hero. Better would be, I hazard to say, to term oneself as 'a devotee of Netaji' or 'an ardent follower of Netaji', albeit in a few more words and, so, not so compressed an expression as the one oft used in ignorance of its oblique implication. But it would keep Netaji free of such a profane reference, especially when he was so pure and free of carnal contamination in his life and himself never used such terms to express his devotion to his mentor-preceptor at a distance, the Swami Vivekananda.
Sugata Bose Diganta Sengupta So, no more use the expression 'Netaji lover' but switch to something more sublime that would best approximate your love for Netaji in linguistic terms not likely to be misread and ever so slightly misapprehended.
Sugata Bose Souvik Biswas I would prefer 'Netaji-devotees' instead.
Sugata Bose @Swami Ekarthananda Puri : Brilliant. Illumining. Swamiji had vehemently and with his superb erudition refuted the 'phallus theory' of the Shiva Linga in the Paris Congress during his second visit to the West. I think he was unwell and his intended speech was read out. Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose was also there at the Paris Congress. I do not, however, know whether he was present there when Swamiji's speech was read out. All this I am quoting from memory and if quote erroneously, I sincerely beg forgiveness in advance and will willingly retract my comment or edit it accordingly.
Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : Beautiful piece and the sentiment most needed.
Sugata Bose @Melita Malewar : Duda after such a long time. Only, my memories are of a much older age of hers when she had matured into a ripened beauty that eludes the middle-aged person. My love and veneration for her and to her memory.
Incidentally, I recall at the age of five having in broken English -- for I was not conversant with her mother tongue English then -- that I liked to eat 'Chingri maachh' (prawns) when she instantly replied thus : " Chingri is not a fish, Chingri is a poka.", meaning that the prawn is not a fish, it is an insect. I was surprised by this piece of novel information as I had never been told so about it. Today, however, I can only marvel at her sense of European accuracy and see the fine difference in linguistic and thought culture of the Orient and the Occident. Thank you Gopadi for bringing alive Duda from my sleeping memory. It seems we carry our childhood to our grave.
Sugata Bose @Swami Ekarthananda Puri : Superb, Maharaj! You have a real sense of humour. Your posts are the cheer of the day.
Sugata Bose @Swami Ekarthananda Puri : Superb. But I think the Resurrection is the critical point in Christian theology that determines the validity and uniqueness (to the Christian mind) of the Saviour in Christ. So, I request you to tackle the Resurrection also in your future post on this subject.
Sugata Bose अर्धनारीश्वर हरगौरी But Christianity in the main, that is, its orthodox sects have the episode of the supposed Resurrection as the crux of their faith in the divinity of Christ and his supposed exclusive Sonship of God.
Sugata Bose Maharaj, may I save this beautiful photograph for future use in my posts?
Sugata Bose अर्धनारीश्वर हरगौरी Ah, yes, but a rather life-like one full of the representation of his imposing personality, the stamp of his regal greatness which made many an unknown one, getting to know him for the first time, mistake him to be an Indian prince, as in Paris at a premier hotel where a waiter would simply not believe that he was not one such. Verily was Swamiji the Rajarshi of the modern times through whose bearings we get an inkling of the royal sages who gave utterance to the Upanishads. In truth, therefore, may it be said that Swamiji was the rightful heir to Krishna, Rama, Buddha and Shankara, himself embodying the best synthesis of their teachings and realisations which he, adding to them his own original discoveries and methods, delivered unto humanity in his dazzlingly brilliant way. When once quizzed on why he was so frolicsome despite being a man of the Spirit and when reminded that he ought not to be so, he became solemn and said that he was Dharma. Indeed, Swamiji encompasses within his being the gamut of India's spiritual and cultural inheritance from the past and adds on to it a vast library of spiritual thinking and a magazine of spiritual consciousness which will detonate in due time in successive phases to revive and revitalise the Sanatan Dharma and rejuvenate a spiritually emaciated world of floating consciousness and undiscovered roots. May Swamiji bless us all to become worthy recipients of his power and precepts !
Sugata Bose Allow for sharing, Amrita. Excellent piece. An eye-opener for all in these days ruled by charlatans who befuddle men and delude them into ignorance and sin.
Sugata Bose Swami Ekarthananda Puri Superb as always. These barbed ones will not only tickle but bleed them, too. And the doctor will come to dress their wounds and these charlatans will stand exposed right to their very flesh where the treatment shall go. So, the dressing of the wounds will address their mischief, and, fittingly, too.
There was this instance of this Maharashtrian sociologist asking Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev this pointblank question, "Have you seen God?" And the dubious one after a moment's thought replied characteristically, "Which God?" So, there you have your target set and there are others of his kind who are prospering while directing fools, oblivious of what Swami Vivekananda has warned about their fate that such charlatans who dupe people about God and, so, misdirect them unto paths that lead them away from their natural spiritual destination, shall lose their here and the hereafter and, so, pay for their perfidies on earth.
Keep up the volleys, Maharaj, and I shall join in to supply fresh arsenal.
Sugata Bose @Amrita Bhattacharya : Lovely piece. Informative as usual and widely varied in its input as is your wont to furnishing in your writings. The dispersed beams, though, beautifully blend somehow to produce the integral effect, such is the magic of your creative art.
Sugata Bose @Amrita Bhattacharya : Lovely, flowing narrative. Such a pleasure to read. I say, I am getting addicted to your writing and that has never happened in the past with anybody's online writing. However, this addiction is invigorating and not enervating at all. God bless you !
Sugata Bose Amrita Bhattacharjee Oh yes, I do very much. Not only that, your writing makes my day beautiful as it elevates my mind and refreshes it from its battle-scarred state consequent on the bitter online verbal experience I am daily subjected to on account of my having to administer 88 groups where many a rough passage I have to go through.
Sugata Bose Succinct, clear, articulate. No cobwebs in thinking whatsoever. A delightful read, educative by all means.
Sugata Bose Beautiful, simply beautiful !
Sugata Bose @Amrita Bhattacharya : Reading and gaining insight into the heart of things. A mere thankfulness will be trifling your labour of love. Hence, I shall desist from it and continue to savour the delights you display in articulate terms, the delicacies you dish out for readers to absorb and assimilate. Verily I say, it's been a long time that I have found a writer whose words ease through the absorbing mind with a fluidity that is indeed rare.
Sugata Bose Brilliant work. A worthy tribute to a seminal son of the soil. Yours posts are a delight to read. I remain indebted to you for such wonderful presentations for they offer so much information in such a delightfully simple style, lucid and sincere.
Sugata Bose Amrita Bhattacharjee I have two points to make if you will permit. First, that you ought to save your writings. Second, that you ought to give your name to the literary piece so as to put the authoress' stamp on it. For this your name at the end must be self-tagged like I do. This will also deter mischievous elements from copy-pasting your write-ups and presenting them elsewhere without acknowledging you as the writer.
P.S. As far as thanking me goes for my spontaneous appreciation of your essays, please do not take the trouble to waste your precious time in doing so. I am well-rewarded in reading these delightful posts themselves and seek no more. I will be content to express my opinion in my humble way on your write-ups for the sheer joy of writing itself. May Sri Ramakrishna bless you !
Sugata Bose Amrita Bhattacharjee The way you have in your previous comment mechanically tagged me, in a like manner you can tag your own name by writing it at the end of your essay and waiting for a while for the tag option to open up against a host of names of your fb friends at the end of which list you will find your own name. Then click there to darken your already written name. This is self-tagging.
Sugata Bose @Amrita Bhattacharya : Yet again a fluid account. A lucid read. Your style of writing is so conversational, quite akin to what Swamiji had said was his stylistic ideal. The words simply roll on as the narrative unfolds in all its simplicity and sincere adherence to truth. You are a gifted writer and, so, you must keep on producing these lovely little gems. And do save these write-ups for they are all worth preserving.
Sugata Bose @Amrita Bhattacharya : Lovely piece. Learnt so much in such a short span. Concise literary expression at its best. Simple, mobile, dynamic drift that keeps up the attention of the reader and never allows him/her respite till the piece has been read right till the last word. The beauty of your writing lies in your ability to keep the pace of your prose intuitively aligned with the interest of the reader. I believe this happens in your case because of your ability to move fast through your narrative. In an age of increasing impatience you have struck well the golden mean of oscillation of the time-keeper and frozen your reader for the while till your essay allows him/her reprieve to shift attention once the last word has been duly read. May Mother bless you ever and ever in your delightful endeavour to bring home to us these delectable pieces that must have first fascinated you for sure !
Sugata Bose @Amrita Bhattacharya : Oh, heart-rending account of Islamic atrocity on the Dharma and heart-warming account of Sikh resistance ! A breathtaking article written in a riveting style. Amrita, you are a blessed child of the motherland. The way you have brought forth the history of the Sikh movement has been like a rolling film spanning the centuries that have enlivened the episodes of history with telling visual effect. The martyrdom of the Gurus have laid the foundation of future renascent India and you have rightfully highlighted this element. It was a re-visitation of this glorious saga brought alive through your pen. Thank you.
Sugata Bose প্রেরণা, তুমি মহা মজার মেয়ে ।
Sugata Bose Thanks a lot, Maharaj. It's a revelation.
Sugata Bose Swami Ekarthananda Puri Yes, I did, of course, which is why I called it a revelation.
Sugata Bose Ashis Kumar Basu Some typographical errors have crept in your observation.
Sugata Bose Ashis Kumar Basu Even the name of the revolutionary is not quite what it ought to be.
Sugata Bose Ashis Kumar Basu These typographical errors so often leave me stranded in my posts as well that I have become very wary of them. Nonetheless, your observations are ever thought-provoking and coming straight from your pure heart full of the fire of your courage of conviction.
Sugata Bose Belated happy birthday, Tamanna Sharma ! May Thakur-Ma-Swamiji grace your life with peace and unbounded benediction !
Sugata Bose @Swami Ekarthananda Puri : Superb. Ever-fresh ideas keep cropping up in your mind, Maharaj.
Sugata Bose @Ujjainy Papri Sukanya Chakraborty : সুন্দর, সুচিন্তিত, সুরচিত মন্তব্য ।
Sugata Bose @Swami Ekarthananda Puri : Maharaj, your words are hammering home the point these days like never before. The forthrightness of your posts and the delivery of your messages, straight to the point without unnecessary meandering or camouflaging the intent in couched-up indirect language, is driving your messages home.
Sugata Bose What a piece, Prithwiraj ! Your portrayal like a master painting has captivated my soul. A tribute indeed !
Sugata Bose @Swami Ekarthanananda Puri : Brilliant observation and what a succinct way of putting it across !
Sugata Bose @Swami Ekarthanananda Puri : A much neglected truth. You are highlighting issues which many are ignorant of or are vain enough to pseudo-rationally contradict, holding these as archaic conceptions which are not corroborated by the findings of genetic science and the rule of the DNA till date. But your persistent projection of these thoughts which form our heritage and culture is changing perceptions, if even on a minuscule scale, and that is your gift to the culture of the times. My reverence heartily accept for your intrepid crusade against pretence and perversion of our national culture.
Sugata Bose Sreedharrun Kannan Read 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' cover to cover and you will get to know the import of brahmacharya in all its elemental aspects and comprehensive scope.
Sugata Bose @Swami Ekarthananda Puri : Few, alas, Maharaj, are honest enough to either face the truth or to articulate it in clear unambiguous terms. And worst of all are those who use intellectualism to confound the gullible masses in their conscious bid or unconscious effort to delude them and keep them asleep to the hard facts of life which are of momentous consequence to their future survival as a race.
Sugata Bose The best present [The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna]. Can change a life. Hope it does change his.
Sugata Bose সুশান্ত, ধন্যবাদ দিয়ে এ আনন্দের উপহারকে খর্ব করব না । @Susanta Mullick 
Sugata Bose Durga Prasad I am not in contradiction with it but I find these references and visions anthromorphic and, hence, not universal in terms of principle. Even our interpretations are erroneous often of these terms such as Shiva, Kali, Krishna and the like which we tend to ever colour up with our social and sociological connotations. You have not quite apprehended my earlier affirmation as is the wont of most who misread me. Hence, the verbal predicament of sorts.
Sugata Bose Abhishek Bose No, no, these are old posts republished, amicable alternations on this issue which I had several years back with a dear friend of mine.
Sugata Bose Anish Sengupta Seems that Sri Aurobindo was against Netaji's alliance with the Axis Powers and his alliance with the Japanese in the INA thrust into British India. Aurobindo had supported the Allies in World War II and had even sent a sum of Rs 500 to the British war fund.
Sugata Bose Anish Sengupta But that is what Sri Aurobindo's stand was.
Sugata Bose Such a pure face. Let us also be pure and prove ourselves worthy followers of the great hero.
Sugata Bose কিন্তু আমাদের কর্তব্য শুধু দোষগ্রাহী না হয়ে গুণগ্রাহী হওয়া । সকল মহান ব্যক্তিদের সম্মান দিয়েই যাকে আরো মহৎ বলে মনে করি তাঁদের শ্রদ্ধা জানানো । এছাড়া শুধু বাক্যব্যয় করলেই পর্যাপ্ত হবে না । চাই এঁদের জীবনীপাঠ, পর্যালোচনা, অনুধ্যান ।
Sugata Bose Why no comments here till now? Why not comment here? Is it because people only like controversies to give vent to their vicious passions? Elsewhere they are fuming and fulminating all the time. Come, exhibit your sublimated feelings here on Swamiji and his revolutionary protégé, Hemchandra Ghosh.
Sugata Bose এই পোস্টটিতে মন্তব্য নেই কেন ? স্বামীজীকে ও বিপ্লবী হেমচন্দ্র ঘোষকে কি ভুলে গেলেন ? আসুন আলোচনা সভায় ।
Sugata Bose Read the article above which is evolving and expanding, and raise your voices against the oppression of women, thus, in this wretched kingdom of savage practices. Only a request. Do not politicise the issue nor pass noxious comments against Islam that would make human sympathy for these hapless women dry up in the hearts of devout and not-so-devout Muslims. May the moderate Muslims come to the fore and fight for justice on behalf of these bereft children of the Lord.
Sugata Bose @Jayanti Rakshit : What would be the political system recommended by you, in case you have any in mind that would conduce, in your estimation, to a more humane form of governance that would ensure better work for the common weal?
Sugata Bose Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi Temporary health hiccup. Thank you for enquring, Maj General Bakshiji. Now I am fine.
Sugata Bose Burman Goutam We are also the citizens of that country where Pandit Nehru, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Chakravarty Rajagopalachari, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Govind Vallabh Pant, Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee, Professor Hiren Mookerjee and countless other luminaries have been our legislators. Therefore, the pertinent issue is to train our own selves into becoming more educated, more cultured and more technically proficient so that our services so rendered will make our nation stronger.
Sugata Bose @Swami Ekarthananda Puri : Of course there may be but rarely so. History bears ample testimony to such exceptional cases but these, as you have rightly pointed out, are few and far between, for the complexities of international relations are not easy to grapple with unless the mind is sufficiently academically trained which is why bureaucrats have to be so well literate.
Sugata Bose Burman Goutam You are mistaken about my identity. I am not the one you suppose me to be. He is my namesake or I am his, whichever way you wish to put it.
Sugata Bose @Ranita Indic : It may be but the complexities of international policy-making do require a fair degree of academic understanding of situations in the light of past historical instances and the acquired vision thereof. A poorly literate person is terribly handicapped in this regard, although, as you rightly say, mere academic excellence does not necessarily conduce to becoming an effective leader whose decision-making is sharp and unfailing in execution, for leadership is the resultant of many other character attributes as well besides intellectual abilities. But, all things said and done, the current crop of world leaders of well nigh cipher intellectual attainment or ability is drowning the world into a state of chaos as is plainly evident to perceptive observers.
Sugata Bose Sourav Nandi The Americans did what they did to Vietnam not by way of capitalistic derivation alone -- which at any rate is inhuman by its very exploitative nature, by the way -- but on account of imperialistic, hegemonic designs. Hence, such counter allegations against capitalism cannot absolve communism of its ills and substantive sickness to its core philosophy and method of application. Where has communism shown a human face, pray, tell me, that you so raise it to a pedestal while denouncing China as being a devious applier of this inhuman and unnatural philosophy that makes man into a beast? Just show me one instance where communism has been benign in its applied mode -- which, incidentally, arises from its theoretical propositions -- and where it has not invariably been a malignant force in the historical evolutionary process of the last century and beyond till date.
Sugata Bose Priyadarshi Gupta So long as sound does not translate into deed and in truth bring about untold misery to humanity through rash decisions born out of ignorance and its concomitant arrogance of power gone to the wrong hands.
Sugata Bose Probuddho Ghosh For that a modicum of literacy and a degree of character strength that arises out of attainment of excellence in the academic sphere -- to expect of them the least, so to say, -- is necessary, I reckon.
Sugata Bose Priyadarshi Gupta But we must combat it to bring in the Satya Yuga. Incidentally, Swami Vivekananda has famously said that, since the advent of Sri Ramakrishna, Satya Yuga has begun. Anyhow, whichever way it is, we have to do our duty to resist evil and to bring in good so that humanity does not unduly suffer the consequences of ignorance that is avoidable through concerted action on the part of concerned individuals whose number by no means is mean.

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