Wednesday, 3 October 2018



Is this profit-making or is this exploitation of the God in man who you worship in temples? Consider this, dear capitalist, and mend your ways if heart you have still. This is feeding of the blood of the masses and building your palaces of pleasure. This doth not befit thee, dear brother. Therefore, 'shake off this sterile curse' and devote yourself to building thenation.

Yours is an opportunity divine to serve the God in man. How on earth do you charge such fabulous sums in return for commodity and service sold and in the same breath release but a paltry sum for service rendered by any to your project? Is this fair? Is this not outright cheating of the resources that belong to all? Is this not the most heinous crime for which you will face trial in the highest Court of Karma? Can any charity of yours after the accumulation of ill-begotten wealth absolve you of your dastardly crime of undue profit-making? Meditate on this.

One final word. Can you charge such profit from your own mother? Then how is it that do so from someone else's mother, father, sister, brother who you consider not your own but who in essence belong to you? This you will envision in your awakened sense and come to shame. Lest such an hour arrive, wake up and stop this deceit, this downright despoiling of the earth's resources and turn on a leaf from the lives of the sages to refresh your fading memory of your innate divinity. Then start afresh and work your heart out for the redemption of the teeming millions sinking daily into the vortex of poverty, misery and destitution whence they look to you for help and succour. And if you cannot, then await the hand of karma to reduce you to dust in the fullness of time.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Swami Nirvanananda (Surjo Maharaj), the Anushilan Samity revolutionary leader who later transformed into the illumined monk of the Ramakrishna Order by the benign grace of Swami Brahmananda. A fiery monk of immense executive skills and a sterling character that stood the test of time, Surjo Maharaj would have rebelled against the iniquities of the times as he had against the Crown that exploited his motherland. His was a life nonpareil in the annals of the Order like that of so many other revolutionary-turned-monastic in the form of Bharat Maharaj (Swami Abhayananada), Debabrata Maharaj (Swami Prajnananda), Swami Nikhilananda and Swami Lokeshwarananda (Kanai Maharaj). These were not merely monks but they were the conscience of a nation rising to freedom and maturity. Only when monks of such calibre revisit society will men of character be inspired to lead industry in a rightful manner without exploiting the masses to the marrow.

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