Friday, 26 October 2018



Sugata Bose : The Ramakrishna Mission should send more emissaries to the West to preach the pristine philosophy of the Vedanta.

Debaprasad Bhattacharya : There is a limitation of qualified manpower in the RK Math/Mission for this purpose.

Sugata Bose : I know it, Debaprasad Babu, and it, indeed, is a pity, for the world is being misled by these mercenaries among men masquerading as messiahs of the eternal message. Would it were that the Mission had men enough to dispense with their services here and send them abroad for spreading the message of the masters of yore and rescuing it from the malefic clutches of these mischievous practitioners of the spiritual trade that knows no ebb tide owing to human ignorance and consequent dependence on every fool who pretends to be a personification of the Divine!

Photo : Swami Abhedananda 

P.S. : Swamis Abhedananda, Turiyananda, Trigunatitananda, Nirmalananda, Paramananda, Prakashananda, Prabhavananda, Nikhilananda, Akhilananda, Vividishananda, Yatiswarananda, Bodhananda, Ashokananda, Asheshananda, Chetanananda and now Sarvapriyananda, all of these monks of the Ramakrishna Mission have played a seminal role in spreading the message of the Vedanta in the West after the Herculean effort of Swami Vivekananda in initiating it and laying its foundation on a permanent basis. Debaprasad Bhattacharya adds on (see below) the names of Swamis Siddheswarananda, Vijayananda, Sreedharananda and Jyotirupananda to this list and I can only thank him for it.

Debaprasad Bhattacharya : Sugata Bose, the venerable monks you have mentioned mostly worked in US. Besides, many other monks like Yatiswarananda, Siddheswarananda, Vijayananda, Sreedharananda, Jyotirupananda and many others have done/are doing great works in Europe and other countries.

Sugata Bose : You are right, Debaprasad Babu. I am ever in a hurry to post and was on an errand whence on returning I had thought that I would mention some of them as well and now you have already mentioned them to fill up the blank spaces. I thank you for it.

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