Tuesday, 16 October 2018



It is not innocence that suffers duping by these deceitful pretenders to piety, by these so-called seekers of Truth, but it is people who have surrendered reason and the dignity of their human selves at the feet of these unholy ones who are complicit in giving these false prophets room for marketing their merchandise in the guise of religion. The ones who are thus culpable are as much to blame for their professed weaknesses as are these mercenaries masquerading as messiahs and both will have to account for their karma in the final analysis. These fake Gurus may dupe the masses but they can scarce dupe God and retribution is coming for their deliberate deception of pilgrims on earth.

No wonder Swami Vivekananda had so stressed the importance of setting up a Veda Vidyalaya (Vedic school) in Belur Math whereby he was convinced superstition would be killed and men set up on the royal road to freedom. He was also much concerned about the reintroduction of Sanskrit on a national basis as the linguistic way towards comprehension of the core content of our pristine spiritual culture.

All those who are committed to the teachings of Swami Vivekananda ought to combine forces to combat the growing menace of false religion that is spreading its infection around and gripping the imagination of millions, reducing gods to slaves of unholy men, pretenders to piety who are perverting the purest principles of the Sanatan Dharma to suit their impious ends. Here we have a sacred duty to our motherland and, keeping Swamiji as our guide in national reconstruction, we ought to educate people in the real religion (dharma) of our ancestors as elucidated in our scriptures and wean them away from the malefic clutches of these roguish representatives of untruth. To this end I exhort you all to join me in this movement. May Truth triumph and never untruth!

Written by Sugata Bose

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