Tuesday, 9 October 2018


1. Nivedita was not only an educationist of the first order but she was a revolutionary who fought for India's freedom as well.

2. Nivedita's 'The Master as I saw Him' remains the greatest study on Vivekananda. Read it to understand the interior of Swamiji.

3. Nivedita's contribution to national regeneration remains much understated. We must read up on her and fill this lacuna.

4. Nivedita did the literary editing work for many of Sir J.C. Bose's scientific papers. She lent her pen to this labour of love of hers for this scientific genius of India.

5. The world is too vast and complex for simplistic measures to improve it. Exploitation here is systemic and can hardly be undone.

6. What may we as devotees of RK Mission do to serve society? We may live frugal lives and serve the Mission with what we save.

7. A sequential pattern must be observed in life without undue encumbrance of ordered detail.

8. Ramakrishna remains the proof of God for he himself is God. Forgive my dogmatism there for I have never seen any remotely like him.

9. The more the message of Sri Ramakrishna spreads in the world, the faster will humanity come to true spiritual civilisation. Serve!

10. It is the heart that speaks to the heart of man and never wise words well articulated without feeling. It is love alone that conquers.

11. Resist exploitation of resources by the rich in the name of profit-making. Live frugal lives. Do not waste money even on God.

12. Help the Ramakrishna Mission in every possible way. It will conduce to the welfare of India and the world and, above all, yourself.

13. One of the attributes of greatness is that it is unconscious of itself even as it is consciousness of the Self.

14. Devotion consists not in erudition but in manifestation of the heart.

15. The perfect can never become imperfect. So, free you were and free you are still. Only realise it.

16. Spirituality can be transmitted with a touch and this is what Ramakrishna did to Narendranath on his second visit to Dakshineshwar.

17. Love incarnates itself as the Avatar and redeems fallen man.

18. Life passes away chasing wild geese. Alas, when shall vision be, O Lord, when?

19. Narendranath was an ever-free soul and not subject to karma or rebirth in the ordinary sense of the term. He was Shiva incarnate.

20. Ramakrishna was no ordinary Guru. He was an Avatar whose very touch or wish could in a trice liberate a person.

21. A greater participation of monks on social media in spreading the message of Thakur-Swamiji would go a long way in inspiring all.

22. Today we need among us a towering spiritual personality who people will spontaneously bear allegiance to. Where is such a one?

23. Lack of shraddha among devotees is stifling the movement of Ramakrishna. Far greater a participation is necessary.

24. Ramakrishna is God and not a provincial hero who must be contained within the confines of a country. He came for all of humanity.

25. Swamiji wanted an RKM centre in each and every village of India. It is our responsibility to build a few at least.

26. Devotees, feel inspired to study Thakur's life and then to serve the Mission that he founded.

27. Impregnate yourself with the words of Vivekananda and let the distilled message work wonders in your being. Fiery freedom 'twill be.

28. Every little act must be performed with precision and beauty in execution. That is the sign of the concentrated mind.

29. Promptness in work must be preceded by diligent prior preparation. Else, it will be an exercise in a quick messing up of things.

30. Business implies service of a high order of skill and not moneymaking in any manner. That will lead to order.

31. Devotees must self-analyse that they are not being deluded by their tamas masquerading as sattva.

32. Limited to necessity, the egocentric mind can scarce comprehend the abstruse principles of philosophy and life.

33. Executive power in a monk ought not to determine his spirituality. But austerity and ecstasy thereof must.

34. There is too much violence in the world, too little of peace. It is struggle and combat all the way. May peace prevail!

35. Where all contradictions meet and rest in harmony, there know God to be.

36. There is nobody called man. It is a shifting mass of vibrations. The personality is an illusion.

37. Remember, God alone is Truth, all else is false.

38. 'Shastreshu Guruvakyeshu satyabuddhi avadhaaranam' --- this is Shankaracharya's definition of 'shraddha'...(Vivekachudamani).

39. Interaction with men of different faiths leads to diffusion of spirits that eases cross-cultural tensions and promotes harmony.

40. Realisation is the core of religion and proselytising the crust.

41. Too much of intellectual talk on religion, too little of practice. Hunger being discussed in detail, no food being served.

42. Superficial talk on religious harmony will never work. What is needed is deep love for the human being.

43. Who is God?
      What is God?
      Where is God?
      How do you find God?

44. This talk of God wanting this and God wanting that and God seeing what I am within is so silly. Without God-realisation what is all this talk about?

45. Why do people on the dais talk when a speaker is delivering his address?It is so incongruous n disrespectful to the proceedings.

46. Those that preach Swamiji must have the fire in them that can ignite souls with the spirit of the hero. Insipid speeches will not do.

47. We should be more wary about using such terms as 'infinite', 'eternal', 'absolute' and the like when delivering spiritual talks.

48. What does 'infinite dimension' mean? It is a contradiction in terms. Infinite is immeasurable and dimension quite the reverse.

49. Does flattering the Goddess enable one to winning Her favour? Then why do monks flatter Holy Mother at every bend and turn?

50. Everything is temporary on the face of this earth. So shall bondage be for the hour before it melts into freedom.

51. Is this Durga Puja, partying loudly whole night and not letting neighbours sleep by the decibels of delight?

52. Must civilised women and men replace charanamrita by alcohol and by the ruckus raised not let neighbours sleep whole night?

53. The Durga Puja must not lead to further exploitation of the labourers who have toiled to serve Mother. Yet, it inevitably will.

54. So much of fraudulent stuff is going on in the name of religion that to maintain sanity it is essential to be rational.

55. If people wish to be duped by so-called spiritual masters drinking cobra venom, they are welcome to the kingdom of ignorance.

56. If ash could cure and golden rings with emerald green spiritually endure, Truth, for sure, would be redundant by now. Forsake the fake.

57. This world is an illusion,
      This world is a delusion,
      This world is a fusion of truth and untruth.

58. In the absence of combination Mother's work among the laity is floundering. Devotees, unite to strengthen the movement.

59. In the absence of combination Thakur-Ma-Swamiji's work among the laity is floundering. Devotees, unite to strengthen the movement.

60. The followers of fake Gurus are as fake as the Gurus themselves.

61. While preaching the Vedanta or Vivekananda do not pander to the vanities of the worldly-minded to suit convenience.

62. Hindus need to unite on the basis of the Upanishads and no more remain segmented in petty denominations that weaken them.

63. A vast exploitation of labour is going on to sustain civilisation. It is a never-ending tyranny of toil.

64. Rituals are beautiful when they raise and release, not so when they bind.

65. Develop self-confidence without self-conceit and read Vivekananda to bolster it ever. May the clarion call for freedom issued by the Swami enthuse you unto sacrifice for humanity and liberation of the self from the bondage of Maya!

66. He is the devotee true who holds his own interest behind those of others. Service is his method, love his force and inspiration divine his guiding hand.

67. Mere intellect is dry and often heartless, mere love so often a degeneration unto foolish sentimentality, but reason blended fine with higher emotion is the recipe for the spiritual curry for the age.

68. Let each one of us say --- may I be a radiating source of light and love, of peace and bliss for all! Om!

69. Man suffers of his own volition as if he is in love with suffering from time immemorial and wishes to perpetuate his bond with it.

70. Let this Vijaya Dashami inspire us to conquer egotism which is the cause of all our defeats. May Mother bless us to do so and may we actively pursue the fruit of such blessing!

71. What we need are men of substance. Too much of frothy personality around, too little of the stuff that makes for manhood.

72. Waste not a single moment of your life. Devote it for the building up of the country.

73. Do not mix up languages. Speak your mother tongue free of the contamination of English or other local languages.

74. Reopen the Justice Mukherjee Commission Inquiry Report before the Indian Parliament for deliberation and the truth will be out.

75. No amount of gratitude for Maj Gen Gagandeep Bakshi's persistence in bringing about this day's celebration is enough. Salutations!

76. What a glorious speech delivered by PM to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Prov. Govt. of Free India!

77. Save the world from Western material contamination. Save India first.

78. The poor villager, untouched by Western civilisation, is the purest and is the object of my adoration.

79. India is my God.

80. There is no time to waste. People should get going with the work of national reconstruction. There is peril awaiting in delay.

81. So long as superstition reigns supreme, spirituality is a far cry.


These five senses can scarce express reality. Infra-sense and ultra-sense are not party to human consciousness. How on earth can scientists claim to apprehend truth in its entirety on the basis of such limited perception? 

83. Phenomenal experience is fleeting but transcendental experience stays.

84. The Spirit cannot be proved in material terms. Hence, miracles prove nothing and magic plain dupes the gullible.

85. May the spirit, pure and simple, touch the soul of man and this was so manifest in the Mother! May Mother bless all and draw all to her!

86. May the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission guide the steps of faltering humanity!

87. We must act now and serve the RK Mission for there is a lot at stake and humanity cannot be made the loser for our indolence.

88. In this dark night of ignorance, Lord, Thou art my only light. My trackless path Thou light up with the lamp of Thy benign grace.

89. How hard man clings to the ego, the ego that deludes at every step, deceives whole life and drags one eventually to death!

90. Welfare project is well and fine but man needs to be given respect.

91. Make no distinction between monk and man for that is against the very spirit of the Vedanta. But honour both, adore.


The more selfless you are, the more enduring will be your work, for it is selfishness alone that corrodes and erodes even a mighty work of the Lord by legatees who fail to live up to the original impulse and inspiration of the mission that had initiated it.

93. How can a person who is more body than mind study ?

94. Obedience is the primary attribute we need to inculcate to be able to successfully combine and operate as an organisation.

95. Obedience does not mean 'slavish cringing' as Swamiji was wont to saying but dignified observance of authority.

96. Fear compels the world to observe the code of untruth. Few, alas, few dare to tell the truth.Thus, untruth triumphs for the while.

97. Gravity comes to the person of intense renunciation and levity visits the one that panders to the vanity of his worldly audience.

98. It will be more telling on the audience if people speak from experience of spiritual truths rather than mere scholarship.

99. The frequent citing of worldly instances in explaining spiritual texts is a delusive distraction that misses the mark so intended.

100. A Ranganathananda in youthful vigour now the call of the hour. Vivekananda I dare not invoke. That Thakur will do.

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