Wednesday, 3 October 2018



Every bit of thought is work. Think noble thoughts. Work ceaselessly for the welfare of the world. Labour in love that you may not tire, for love greasing the wheels of work never fails to inspire great deeds, mighty achievements, not for puny self but for the sake of all.

Everywhere you see your own reflection. Therefore, work not for personal liberation but for the redemption of the world. Bleed for the poor, the downtrodden, the sick and the afflicted, and care not whether you live or die. What death can affect you, friend, you who are the imperishable Self?

The omnipotent Atman shines in you which no power of Nature can dim. It shining, Natures shines by reflected glory. Death of the body follows birth even as birth for sure follows death. So, do not brood over personal security when serving the mighty mission of the Mother that embodied itself in the form of the Master, Sri Ramakrishna. He is our force, our inspiration, our motivation and help. Contemplating his holy form, meditating on his holy soul and carrying him in the midst of our heart, let us plunge into the maelstrom of life and career ourselves to its very centre where the current can hold us no more and whence flows the force that will work wonders in us who shall dedicate our moments thereafter in fulfilling the Master's mission, Mother's mission, the mission of man.

Written by Sugata Bose

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