Sunday, 21 October 2018



Sugata Bose : স্বামীজির সম্বন্ধে কুমন্তব্য করার আগে বছর বিশেক স্বামিজীর অনুধ্যান করা আবশ্যক | সাথে চাই ব্রহ্মচর্য |

Arnab Kumar Roy : Swamijir tate kichu ese jay naa... Swamiji always shines at his glories like a sun indifferent to praise or blame... Swamiji is a hero he can fight for himself and all the striving souls... He is a sheathless sword, thakur used to say, u do not have to worry about him...

Sugata Bose : Then you, too, stop worrying about us worrying about what we deem it right to worry about as and when we choose to do so. Unwarranted supercilious advice from you is not solicited.

Arnab Kumar Roy : Sugata Bose, he can only be the teacher who is ordained by the god... Do no try to wear the garb of a teacher... Every body will thrive by his perseverance... Swamiji is always there for the striving youths... He never ceased to work for us... He loved his sons the most... So u do not have to bother about him... A lion will always be a lion.... What more we will say....

Sugata Bose : Arnab Kumar Roy, you are rather presumptuous in your assertions and somehow failing to get the intent of the post right on account of unwarranted egotism which you are manifestly expressing in your blatant condemnation of my literary stance. You ought to remain within limits of propriety hereon.

Arnab Kumar Roy : Sugata Bose, I have expressed my view which is not a caveat according to constitution... If it hurts u then I am really sorry...

Sugata Bose : No question of getting hurt from someone like you who just barges in to superficially judge others from a self-installed pedestal and proceeds to preach while exhorting the preached ones to refrain from the same citing Swamiji in a curious manner of his own. So, you remain self-defeated in that realm of reproving us who have known Swamiji no less than you, perhaps, and, for sure, for no less a span of time and depth of spiritual attention.

Arnab Kumar Roy : This is not a question of win and loss... Who am I to judge u and I also not care for ur judgement and do not confine swamiji in ur petty praise and and blames... God can mend his own way why are u bothering about it taking the pedestal of a preacher...

Sugata Bose : And who are you, too, to thus preach to me what I ought or ought not to do? You talk of the Constitution in one vein and choose to abjure its practices of allowing civilised discourse at that. Is this your democratic stance or is this what you understand by your personal interpretation of Swamiji?

Arnab Kumar Roy : I have told u earlier that I am not preaching i have expressed my view..... It is a irony that u are worrying about the infinite fountain of knowledge who is our swamiji....

Sugata Bose : Arnab Kumar Roy, who gives you such ideas about what I contemplate save your self-conceit? You ought to be ashamed of visiting someone's profile and, in maligning him, sullying the page thus. All your allegations against me are not mere viewpoints in innocence but are symptomatic of your bloated sense of self in thus disparaging others out of turn.

Arnab Kumar Roy : Jumbling of words for winning the argument will not serve ur purpose sir... I am clear at my view point though it is different from u... But it is ok... He gives us shelter and salvages us from where I am.... Who am I to worry about him... I have told u that simple thing only...

Sugata Bose : And why is it that you cannot bear others bearing their own mental stances regarding issues that concern them? Why must they have to listen to your unwarranted advice to them and in accordance measure their motions? If my words seem tortuous and, so, unintelligible to you, the fault, dear brother, lies in your paucity of perception and not in my purposeful persistence with roundabout words.

Arnab Kumar Roy : So u bother about him... Which is a sheer irony...

Sugata Bose : And why so? It seems that Swamiji has given you his franchise to dictate terms of discussion about him by his devotees. One more point of clarification for you. My concern is not so much for Swamiji as it is for people who often disparage him and sow thus the seeds of their future ruin. I hope you can comprehend this after all.

Arnab Kumar Roy : Sugata Bose, I fully agree with u. Disparaging him sows his own degeneration which is not wanted for the future of our country...

Sugata Bose : Arnab Kumar Roy, I am happy to see you see my point at long last and must seek your permission now to return to more positive pursuits than engage in inner fratricidal fight.

Arnab Kumar Roy : Sugata Bose, off course sir.

Sugata Bose : But I must say by way of winding up that I did not like your unnecessary pejorative words to begin the conversation. When I was of your age I was far more respectful of others, especially, elders and even today remain so. I have been a devotee of Swamiji from times when you, perhaps, had not seen the light of day in this incarnation of yours and was in those early days so filled with reverence for all which I see sadly lacking in you, my judgement, of course, being coloured by your recent peremptory comments on my profile and page which gives me the impression that you have adequate command of the language in which you have expressed yourself but have an insufficient heart as yet to apprehend others' viewpoints and even Swamiji's which you so sadly limit by your mental constructs about the same. However, with Swamiji's blessings and further readings of and into his works, I hope this lacuna in personality will be filled up unto eventual fulfilment. But humility is the key and not self-assertion in an assumed omniscience masquerading as devotion to the leonine monk who I revere no less than you and love as well as I could any.

Apurba Das : Perhaps both of you have some personal vendetta to settle making Swamiji the shuttle cock.Better stop mudslinging at each other,as both of you seem to be ardent admirers of Swamiji,it is contrary to the teachings of Swamiji to speak in such an unparliamentary language.

Sugata Bose : Apurba Das, stop imagining things and foisting such vanity of the mind on others about whom you know mighty little, and stop patronising us as if you are some sort of a divine appointee empowered to lend sanity to our vision. There has been no unseemly language sprayed about between the two of us and, hence, your assertions fall flat for want of substance. So far as devotion to Swamiji is concerned, it does not seem you possess it too much for you engage in the use of such unbecoming words as 'making Swamiji the shuttle cock' which at any rate is reprehensible to me, ardent devotee that I am of the leonine monk. Engaging in a democratic discourse, a conversation confrontational but civilised, is no evidence of mutual mudslinging as you allege. Why, friend, are you in such a judgemental mood about us when nobody has solicited your uncalled-for help in lending sanity to the discourse? I find your attitude toward us puerile and symptomatic of a surface sterile pseudo-sincerity that seeks, perhaps, public attention in vain criticism of others who have no business with you at all, at least with your surface being, that is. God bless you for your time and wasted effort in attempted rectification of the behaviour of perfectly civilised human beings bearing no malice to each other, and, with such divine benediction showered on you, may better sense prevail next time when we meet!

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