Thursday, 25 October 2018


1. Human ego is the impediment to the realisation of the human truth of the godhead within.

2. There should be no attempt to brainwash children into religion. It is a counterproductive exercise in the long run and ruinous, too.

3. The Ramakrishna Mission should send more emissaries to the West to preach the pristine philosophy of the Vedanta.

4.  Fake Gurus must not be patronised by the public. Mass support of these is poisoning the dharma tradition of the land. It must stop.

5. It's a free market for fake Gurus. It's a steady revenue earned by systematic deception of the masses. Ramakrishna witnesses.

6. Fake Gurus do not merely deceive their disciples and devotees, they more so deceive their own selves and come to doom.

7. Fake Gurus are distorting the religion of the Vedas. Time for RKM to massively preach the true message of the spiritual masters.

8. How on earth educated people fall into the grip of fake Gurus and support them in every possible way bypasses my imagination.

9. When the breath is about to pass away and life seems to be at an ebb, Thou, O Lord, hold my hand and guide me to the other end.

10. Mere intellectual clarity will not do. Realisation holds the key in matters spiritual. The intellect falls short of the Spirit.

11. Do not earn for your self. Distribute whatever you earn for the upkeep of the millions who can scarce look after themselves.

12. Planning! Planning! Planning! Plans, they will never lead to realisation. Be free of all arrangement if you wish to be free at all.

13. Shrotriya, Brahmanishthha, Akaamahata ... these are the three conditions for being a Guru in the Indian spiritual tradition.

14. Our civilisation is recovering from a 1000 year wound inflicted by alien occupation. We have to return to our roots now.

15. Attachment is the seed of misery.

16. Small children are detached. So, they are happy.

17. We must rescue Sanskrit from disuse. Sanskrit will then rescue us.

18. Is this a life that is spent merely to please others? For a change live inwards to please your own self.

19. Do not subscribe to superstition. Better subscribe to reason, love and realisation.

20. Science must be taught universally to counter charlatans corrupting the minds of gullible commoners. Quack Gurus must be prevented.

21. Discover the truth for yourself. Read Swami Vivekananda.

22. Trust science, trust rationality. Do not subscribe to superstition and 'yogic' mumbo jumbo masquerading as spiritual seeking.

23. For heaven's sake do not take the name of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda and subscribe to charlatans as well, miracle-mongers et al.

24. On a note of hope I retire for the night to refresh resources for the movement. May Thakur-Ma-Swamiji bless all!

25. This body will fall one day. Let life be spent then for a worthwhile cause. Serve humanity and find peace.

26. Wealth is wealth so long as it does not remain personal. Else, it is the means of creation of mass poverty, even export of it.

27. Let your career be guided by the spirit of service and not by greed. Add spirituality to it and you are free even in labour.

28. Ramakrishna renounced money and must we, his devotees, pursue it by all means? Subsistence is one and surplus quite another.

29. It is important that Ramakrishna Mission be helped by devotees to complete their projects fast for it conduces to world welfare.

30. A drop of water added to the ocean fills it, fulfils it. Contribute your mite for the Master's Mission. The work demands it.

31. Youth is lovely but will pass. Recognise the imperishable youth that lies beyond the body.

32. Having gone through the mill of life, I resign myself to Thee, O Lord.

33. So long as egocentric attachment remains to kith and kin, a universal love that is the soul of spirituality is far off.

34. Too much of levity in Vedanta discussion may attract audience but will not conduce to transmission of the message. Be forewarned.

35. The festival season is on yet. Waste as much as you like, then blame the government for creating poverty all around.

36. If my own one suffers, I feel it and rush to redress. If the nation suffers, what is it to me? This is the limit of our practice of the Vedanta.

37. It is tyranny everywhere. Old mother suffers and men care not. The price of old age is indignity, inhumanity heaped and insults.

38. If life is but the sunshine of youth and old age a waste for the recycle bin, I shall desist from living.

39. It is a continuous suction of wealth upwards in society. The masses get poorer by the day as the privileged prosper further.

40. Poor people are toiling,
My blood here is boiling,
And you people are oiling the West.

41. Let us combine forces to serve the Ramakrishna Mission. In it lies the good of the world. Bring service of any kind and be at peace.

42. The intelligent, the proficient, the crème de la crème of Indian society migrate and settle in the West. Mother, I shan't leave you.

43. They who farm the land and give birth to crops have not enough to eat. Their children eat baked grass. This is the stark reality.

44. They fast and we feast. This much for our practice of piety, thus far goes our practised Vedanta.

45. Unless Sanskrit is introduced into education on a national scale, all our education policies will be in vain. Follow Vivekananda.

46. We are a heartless country that has forgotten its roots, selfish to the core and, yet, pretending to be practitioners of piety.

47. Swami Nirmalananda founded 18 ashramas of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. Has this feat ever been equalled by anyone else in the history of the Order? I beg to be informed.

48. Why seek the fruits of work that bind?
      Forsake the fruits and freedom find.

49. Too much of practicality is the sign of inferior understanding of truth. Idealism must be an integral part of one's being.

50. Material attachment hides its face as practicality sometimes.

51. Association with monks remains the only way left for us, householders, to find peace and tranquillity. Their sattva rubs on to us.

52. What next -- 200 m high Netaji statue?

53. Do good to others and make others happy. This is the gist of unselfish living which is the beginning of spirituality.

54. How far does the building of a statue of a great one help in improving the human condition of the masses?

55. This life is precious and must not be frittered away in the pursuit of sense pleasure. God must be seen.

56. Earlier it was the drainage of India's natural resources to England. Now it is the drainage of her human resource (brain) to the West.

57. In this ocean of drowning work may the name of the Master be the one buoy that helps me float!


Spiritual well-being is the basis of economic well-being. Morality in public life is an imperative for economic flourishing of a nation and it is this quality that is a derivative of spirituality.

59. Turiyananda was Ramakrishna's apostle exemplar of asceticism. His constant stress on chastity was infectious and inspired the monks.

60. Of what avail is staying in the mind when the Spirit goes unheeded, undeciphered?

61. Maintain your truth and you shall see the light. A word given must be a word kept.

62. What a phenomenal memory Mahendranath Gupta had! He literally reproduced the words of Sri Ramakrishna at a distance of decades.

63. As I watch the bucket fill up drop by drop with water from the tap, I wonder if this is the way of my spiritual filling up as well.

64. The monks of the Mission are making a mad rush for the Master. But who will win the race?

65. Devotees of Thakur, spend less for Dewali. Donate what you save thereby to the Ramakrishna Mission.

66. Be careful while handling fireworks during Dewali. Mothers, do not wear pin-ups and synthetic sarees.

67. Make this Dewali an occasion for the dispossessed to remember. Give away wealth in charity liberally.

68. May this Deepawali illumine the hearts of the rich and make them feel for their poor brethren!

69. May this Deepawali illumine the hearts of the learned and sublimate their vanity for good!

70. May the children be protected by the close watch of their parents during this Deepawali!

71. Burn/burst fireworks/crackers less. Save the environment. The asthma patients cry out in agony when you have your fleeting pleasure.

72. If burning fireworks makes you religious, surely, burning desires makes you more so. Donate, this Dewali.

73. Intellectual attainment in a monk does not necessarily imply spiritual attainment. The same holds for the laity.

74. Too much of talk, too many repetitive words in explanation of a point during a discourse betray a lack of spiritual perception.

75. Between expression and restraint there ought to be an optimal balance. A refusal to talk and verbosity are both worth avoiding.

76. Emotional effusion, uncontrolled and ill-directed, is not devotion. Sentimentality is not spirituality.

77. Be reasonable first if you wish to transcend reason unto truth transcendental.

78. A steady building up of the personality and character is the prerequisite for the attainment of spirituality.

79. Between superstition and spirituality is often a hairline difference but that micron thickness is seemingly insurmountable.

80. Must we not as householders look after the financial needs of the helpless monastics who have renounced in the name of Mother?

81. Time to cut down on Dewali expenses and give away the saved sum to monastics in distress. Their medical expenses must be borne.

82. Of what avail is devotion if nuns/monks in medical distress be not supported financially? Devotees, join hands with me to help.

83. The plight of monastics in medical distress and with no recourse to treatment on account of poverty moves me and I ask for help.

84. Where is our famed charity which was the hallmark of our civilisation? Come, let us join hands and do something fruitful.

85. Do not say, ''Mother, give.''
Say, ''Mother, take.''


Somebody is suffering. In comes a devotee, smiles and says, "Oh, we have to go through our karma," and smilingly departs. Here Swamiji has a message : If it be your karma to suffer, it ought to be my karma to help you overcome it.
Shubha Kali Puja!

87. Greetings to all on the occasion of Deepavali and caution to all to be wary of fire. May Mother Kali bless all! Shubha Kali Puja!

88. Fire! It lights and it burns, too. Be careful while delighting in its display. Shun synthetics, pin-ups and dangling chunnis. Keep watch over children.

89. Mother, sever my head to adorn Thy flashing form.

90. One cannot rest on one's laurels but must achieve and keep achieving till one can forsake it all and be free.

91. There are two classes of monks, the serene ones and the fiery ones. But these moods alternate often, though, the dominant one holds.

92. Why is there no YouTube video on Swami Nirmalananda (Tulsi Maharaj)? It will spread the message like lightning.

93. Whatever in charity you give, comes back to you a thousandfold. So said Swamiji. So, freely give without thought of return.

94. This form is divine, yet, it will pass and perish anytime. But the one behind shall hold, for time is born and dies in it.

95. Hindus must make it a point to get their children taught Sanskrit. Only then will they be able to know their sanskriti (culture).

96. Of what avail is life if it be not lived for God-vision?

97. Every Hindu must religiously read 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna'. In it God Himself speaks of the essence of life and dharma.

98. Work to purify the mind-stuff that it may lead to freedom. Work not for any finite end. Break free of the causal chain that binds.

99. In this world of unreal dreams let us dream of discrimination that will smash all dreams and release us unto freedom.

100. Easy it is to be humble when you know the Lord alone lives.

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