Tuesday, 23 October 2018



Those that are harbouring the erroneous notion that I am a fake Sugata Bose are insulting my predecessors, my parents, my family and my person. They are being requested to wind up their miscarriage of a facebook friendship with me instead of insinuating charges at me every other day.

I am tired of these frequent insults and seek relief from them. Just imagine how it would have felt had you been at the receiving end of such heaped indignities simply because you bear a name which someone else also happily bears. Our family does not heap insults on such a person or his parents and kith and kin, neither should any do the same on us. Is this not expected of a civilised society?

Today when a professor of a reputed university of this city called me a fake person on account of my name being Sugata Bose and threatened to block me, I felt ashamed of her for she is my fellow citizen and so lacking in manners, etiquette, culture et al. It is at these times that I feel our illiterate villagers are better off without the perversion of western education. Forget not Swamiji had warned us saying, " ... Bring light to the ignorant, and more light to the educated, for the vanities of the education of our time are tremendous! ...'' Today, I got a perfect proof of it. No wonder they call Swamiji 'siddhavaak' (one whose uttered words are inviolable).

Thank you for your patience as I continue to pay the price of my dear mother's folly in naming me what she did.

Yours sincerely in Thakur-Ma-Swamiji,
Sugata Bose

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