Wednesday, 3 October 2018




It is a pitiless society that permits profit-making out of the poor, that helps businessmen reduce millions of the middle class to slow but inevitable economic deprivation and caters only to the glorification of Mammon in the homes of the heartless masquerading as mansions of Lakshmi. Roguish plundering of the earth's resources with religion playing second fiddle to it and missionary organisations subsisting out of the blood-stained charity of these mercenaries among men has reduced the earth's brightest and the best to either criminals in complicity or silent sufferers of a living death that ought not to have been their lot in a just world of God and man.

The Shvetashvatar Upanishad in trumpet voice declares the divinity of man, honouring him with the epithet 'अमृतस्य पुत्रा ' (child of immortal bliss) and the Ishopanishad exhorts man not to engage in greed when it says : 

ईशावास्यमिदँ् सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत् ।
तेन त्यक्तेन भुञ्जीथा मा गृधः कस्य स्विद्धनम् ।। 1.1.1।।.

।। 1.1.1।।. Om. All this whatsoever moves on the earth – should be covered by the Lord. Protect (your Self) through that detachment. Do not covet anybody’s wealth. (Or – Do not covet, for whose is wealth?)

But there the application of the text remains confined, limited to scriptural quote for the pundit while the pariah, the child of immortal bliss or the very incarnation of divinity itself, goes about, as Swamiji says, being the hewers of wood and the drawers of water for centuries without hope of redemption anywhere in the horizon. And now in this modern age, capitalism, that cruel system of blood-extraction of the masses and scientific conversion to wealth for the few, is reducing to the dust the image of godhead even before death has dealt the final blow. Life is being reduced to hell for the people as the prosperous thrive on their satanic enterprise that cares for profit ill-begotten but not the tears of the dispossessed who have not even heard that they are men, much less the gods their forefathers declared them to be. 

Industry is the name of the game and the State is its cohort in this corruption of mass extortion. Where is there hope, my friend, to rebel and redress the evil that has befallen the emblem of divinity on earth? It is a silent and crushing system of mass pilferage, a despoliation of the earths's resources by a few and the reduction of innate divinity to a coarse animal nature that clothes man in want and hunger and utter loss of human dignity.

Do you hear, devotees that dance to the tune of divine music, oblivious of your futile fate that waits you at no distant date and is right now killing by the millions children of the very Lord you dance to? Are you aware that in this land of the Vedas that declare subsistence minimum and no more as the prescribed lot for all so that all may well survive, Mammon has become the reigning deity and the Hindus have lost their religion, their dharma to the foul fell force of gluttony that wields its wicked will on the innocence that it sucks the vitality of? If so, then act now and reverse the trend that is destroying the soul of a nation even in political freedom. And, if not, then God help us survive the ordeal that is murdering His form in every man and woman that treads this holy soil of Aryavarta.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : This lady endured lifelong poverty for some of the reasons stated above and had to survive the ordeal of heaped indignity when she starved and had none to look after her, not even her divine husband who had quit the scene of earthly sport by then. She remained in dire poverty all her life and epitomised the best of human culture even in distress. Threshing paddy to obtain a pittance thereby, she lived her life thus at a most crucial juncture when she had been just widowed and had borne sufficient insult to be exhorted by her divine husband in a vision to report to her village home and there cultivate her spinach and rice to spend her days in contemplation of the divine. This she did and lived a life so glorious still that we, her children, wonder thus -- was it after all real?

Indeed it was but we have failed her and continue to do so by engaging in evil pursuit of money that she and her husband would never approve of. What shall we do then? Shall we renounce our claims to Mammon and restore our divinity or shall we succumb to our temptations and give in to this evil system that reduces the human form to a beast of burden and, in so doing, renounce our claims to being the children of this divine duo?

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