Sunday, 28 October 2018



Swami Sampurnananda : Swami Vivekananda once chided Raja Ajit Singh for showing too much respect to him. Sri Ramakrishna asked his disciples to test him thoroughly. The true allegiance of any devotee or monk or nun is to God & Truth. Organisation or person comes consequent to that. Speak the Truth; speak pleasantly; try not to speak out the unpleasant truth but for God's sake, never, ever speak an untruth though it makes for political correctness or is pleasant to hear.
In a way Ramakrishna devotees in Kerala are the best. They taken their time to part with their hard earned money but when they do donate, that they make it sure that the money goes to the right person and the right cause and not to some casual geruadhari or an organization which doesn't care for them.

Sugata Bose : I bow down to you, Swami Sampurnanandaji, for this forthright statement which is an articulation in truth of fact hard-felt by so many of us and, yet, how few even take care to analyse and give utterance to it. This sort of unsheathed expression of the reality as it is, as opposed to the reality imagined by dreamy idealists with feet hanging in the air, is not only conducive to setting the rational discourse right about individual and organisational attitudes and bearings but is also a beacon for men seeking direction in the dark night of pervasive delusion.

Few dare to speak the truth. Most are reticent in doing so for fear of divine retribution of sorts or the incurring of the wrath of authority. These latter ones fail to live by the truth they on paper uphold as their ideal and live lives steeped in the misery of mixed allegiance to God and man, knowing not how to separate fact from fancy, loyalty from blind allegiance, and reverence from servility. It is on account of this vast mass of supporters of sterile leadership gone astray by miles from the original mission of a spiritual master that organisational corruption sets in at long last and steers course unto extinction. That such a thing does not eventually happen in our blessed land as a whole is on account of the infinite grace of the Master who remains yet the helmsman in this rough ride of earthly evolution and sets the direction right of this nation's spiritual movement.

In truth we abide as a nation and in truth shall triumph over earthly vicissitudes. Let this be our motto that we shall hold on to truth come what may and never dilute its standards for convenience or comfort. Jai Ramakrishna!

Swami Sampurnananda : Well, it need not be so difficult to speak the truth. It only takes a bit of trying. But to speak pleasantly, and not to speak unpleasant truth takes a lot. Then not to fall into the trap of telling a pleasant piece of untruth which is given as a strict NO, takes one's all braking powers.

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