Friday 12 October 2018



It is easy to criticise monks of the Order while sitting on the fence and watching proceedings. It were better if critics were more selfless themselves and put into action what they feel is lacking in the Mission.

Perfection in any endeavour is not easily achieved. Hence, even RKM's efforts may be improved. But what they have done and are still doing is matchless in this selfish world of ours. Dear critic, you may rest assured that Thakur himself is guiding their efforts and will keep careering the service in the right direction. Join in the effort yourself. I am doing my wee bit as well. May Thakur-Ma-Swamiji bless you and all conscientious citizens who care for the Mission and may they bless even more all those merely criticise and do not show any concern for the selfless service provided by the Mission! Jai Ramakrishna!

Written by Sugata Bose

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