Ignorance leads to intolerance. The enlightened are neither exclusive nor intolerant. Fanaticism is the outflow of a flawed understanding of life.
Written by Sugata Bose
Photo : Rishi Yajnavalkya who like other enlightened sages of yore was the epitome of the universal spiritual culture that embraced the whole of humanity, nay, the whole of sentience within its ambit.
These luminaries of the Spirit wrote the first pages of the recorded history of humanity in glowing terms that quickened civilisation in India and the world. India sent emissaries across the then known world to fertilise its diverse races with the real catholicity, never doctrinaire but that of the realised oneness of all that exists.
The inner essence of phenomena is the one transcendental Reality that is beyond space, time and causality and is the supreme unifying link and impulse of the conflicting elements of Nature.
The Upanishads declare the divinity of man in trumpet voice and it is to these ancient texts of hoary India that we must once more resort to in order to reset our national course and in turn help humanity at large to overcome the problems of exclusive religious and ideological culture. The problem of Christian and Islamic proselytising can also be then best tackled as men well versed in the thought of the Vedanta reject the narrow sectarian outlook.
Universality is the key and the Upanishads hold the key to it.
May the Word of the Veda diffuse through human society to usher in a renaissance of all that is true, good and beautiful !
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