Sunday 3 November 2019



Swami Gahanananda was a rare combination of intense activity and absolute calm. These opposite attributes merged in him to make him the truly complete man, the harmony of contrary forces in transcendental realisation which was natural to him.

He had extraordinary self-control and never allowed anger to overpower him even in the midst of the direst of inciting circumstances. His intrepid being executed action with grace and consummate skill, raising hardly a stir in the environs. His tranquil personality epitomised the monk in him while his herculean efforts to expand the work-base of the Mission was a pointer to his devotion to the cyclonic monk he idolised and whose inspiration he bore from his early youth to his Presidency.

Blessed indeed are those who were spiritually initiated by him for personages such as Swami Gahanananda are rare and rarer are the occasions when the floodgates of their divine mercy are thrown open. Jai Gurudev!

Written by Sugata Bose

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