Monday 18 November 2019



The strength of a nation does not depend on the number of raucous supporters for the nationalist cause but on the number of efficient workers who can sacrifice their all for the nation. It is the quality of a following that determines the success of a movement, as Netaji so clearly enunciated in his historical treatise, 'The Indian Struggle', and not on the quantity of such. A great number of disoriented followers who are clueless as to the purpose and method of a movement are more of an appendage than assistance, and as such must be held in abeyance if the movement is not to be marooned in an island of obsolete usages and practices which have no bearing on the modern life and its requirements. Hence, it is meet that moderation be maintained in the vocalisation of patriotism and effective groundwork done to educate the polity in Indian culture and civilisation.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Maharana Pratap Singh

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