Saturday 16 November 2019



1. A human being of merit must not be valued in terms of his money-earning capacity. Talent, genius, exceptional gifts are of direct value themselves. It requires a modicum of culture to appreciate culture itself. Else, the divine incarnation of the age who shunned money and repudiated its preeminence in life will have to be relegated to second-class citizenry for he was incapable of reducing himself to the standards of the trader who values everything in terms of the copper coin alone.

2. Proselytising Christianity is no better than proselytising Islam. Both convert adherents of other faiths to their fold, and conversion is sin. I repeat, conversion is sin. It is the worst heresy perpetrated in the name of God who is the indwelling Spirit in all. It is the greatest violence done on the soul of man.

Conversion tears away a person from his natural self, from his habitual environment and imposes an alien culture, both religious and social, on him. It is the one of the biggest impediments to peace, the most regressive attitude that modern man may yet possess by way of inheritance from his medieval ancestry of little understanding and massive folly.

Written by Sugata Bose

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