Sunday, 3 November 2019



It is time for Christianity and Islam to give up their agenda of converting Hindus to their fold. Converting in the name of the Prince of Peace and in the name of the Religion of Peace is a contradiction in terms for conversion is in itself a violent idea and practice. If social amity and religious harmony is to obtain, conversion at the time of marriage by doctrinaire compulsion must be given up. Children born of parents with different religions must be brought up in both the traditions without any attempt made to convert them to either creed. Such liberal upbringing will create millions of broad-minded citizens of the future who shall by their inclusive living influence many to be as liberal as them. Thus shall fanaticism reduce and social cohesion increase which is so very vital for the nation's well-being.

Christianity and Islam are both exclusive proselytising religions whose tenets cannot be changed by human hand for they are believed to be divinely inspired. Thus, in the Middle Ages, Christianity was a highly persecuting religion that killed millions of non-Christians in their bid to subjugate and convert them. Christians also fought civil wars when they killed each other by the millions. The Thirty Years' War between the Catholics and the Protestants is an illustrative case of this. Likewise, the Sunnis and the Shias have endlessly fought ever since the early days of Islam.

Christians and Muslims have waged war on each other for centuries over political control of territory. Both being proselytising religions, their numbers game meant that they invade each other' region of influence to expand their respective bases. The tussle is still on for global hegemony.

Thus, for all their pretensions to peace and grandiloquent declarations of divine injunction impelling them to proselytise, albeit even in the violent way where necessary, these two Semitic religions are ever at each other's throat and will not spare the world religious harmony and amity.

Into this scenario come in the dharma traditions of India, namely, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism with their message of benign co-existence. Hinduism or the Sanatan Dharma goes further to even declare all religions of the world as true.

End of Part 1
To be continued...

Written by Sugata Bose

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