Sunday 10 November 2019



The voice still sounds in the early hours of dawn as Bulbul rages outside. Hope still burns bright in a heart that survived an early death but the cares of the world drive sleep away. A day will yet dawn as a dawn will yet be when the spirit shall fly to freedom, shorn of the cares and worries of the world, free as a lark singing in bliss the lullaby that had sent the babe in its mother's lap to sleep. The Ancient Mother comes and I shall seek my rest, my rest for a long long time. God bless you!

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi, the divine consort of Sri Ramakrishna, the mother of all who incarnated herself to set right her erring children and reorient their earthly direction unto the path of peace and enlightenment. She is the embodiment of all the highest human and divine virtues and is the concreted essence of universal motherhood which she has left behind as the ideal for all of future womanhood.The ideal daughter, the ideal sister, the ideal mother, the ideal preceptor and the divine guide for the Ramakrishna Order, Holy Mother remains our hope, inspiration, refuge and succour as we wend our way through the tortuous paths of terrestrial life en route to spiritual liberation.

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