Sri Ramakrishna had said that He who had appeared in the past as Rama, He who had appeared as Krishna, had again manifested His form as Ramakrishna. Now our enlightened intellectuals claim Rama to be merely a mythological character and not an actual historical reality. Was Sri Ramakrishna wrong then about his perception, nay, immediate realisation of his earlier earthly identities? Had he then earlier appeared merely as myths? What is your take on it?
Written by Sugata Bose
Photo : The peerless Paramahamsa of Dakshineshwar who was the proof and the verification of the Vedas and was the culmination of all the seminal sages and saints, Avatars and Rishis of bygone ages when India shone with a stellar lustre in the firmament of the world's spiritual culture.
Ramakrishna remains the living testimony of all that is true of our scriptures and he, again, is the proof, to me its seems, that such stalwarts of the Spirit as Rama and Krishna did in the flesh once exist. The myths that were subsequently built about them had a nucleus which was essentially and terrestrially true and I, thus, reckon that Rama and Krishna were not mere mythological characters but had historically existed once in flesh and form. Their spiritual stature was so uncommonly great relative to the other Rishis of the age that were they raised unto a special plane of adoration as the Avatar, and that, too, for sure, on the basis not of fanciful elevation but that of spiritual realisation by the greats of the age, much like Bhairavi Brahmani, Gauri Pandit, Vaishnavcharan, Vivekananda, Brahmananda, Premenanda and the rest realised the spiritual altitude of Sri Ramakrishna and venerated him thus as the Divine Incarnation of the Age.
So, to sum it up, I hold Rama and Krishna to have been historical characters whose exploits have, perhaps, been over-amplified and recorded in the epics in the mythical manner as was the wont of the age, for India did not have the tradition of chronicling history the modern way or in the way the ancient Greeks and the medieval Muslims did. But all said and done, the palpable tradition of these two Avatars is pointer enough to the plausibility of they having been historical personalities in the remotest antiquity of our national life. Our civilisation has been built much on the twin foundation of the spiritual culture of Rama and Krishna, and it is now unfolding in modern times in the synthesis of the twain in the personality of Ramakrishna. Glory unto the Master ! Glory unto eternal India !
Sri Ramakrishna had said that He who had appeared in the past as Rama, He who had appeared as Krishna, had again manifested His form as Ramakrishna. Now our enlightened intellectuals claim Rama to be merely a mythological character and not an actual historical reality. Was Sri Ramakrishna wrong then about his perception, nay, immediate realisation of his earlier earthly identities? Had he then earlier appeared merely as myths? What is your take on it?
Written by Sugata Bose
Photo : The peerless Paramahamsa of Dakshineshwar who was the proof and the verification of the Vedas and was the culmination of all the seminal sages and saints, Avatars and Rishis of bygone ages when India shone with a stellar lustre in the firmament of the world's spiritual culture.
Ramakrishna remains the living testimony of all that is true of our scriptures and he, again, is the proof, to me its seems, that such stalwarts of the Spirit as Rama and Krishna did in the flesh once exist. The myths that were subsequently built about them had a nucleus which was essentially and terrestrially true and I, thus, reckon that Rama and Krishna were not mere mythological characters but had historically existed once in flesh and form. Their spiritual stature was so uncommonly great relative to the other Rishis of the age that were they raised unto a special plane of adoration as the Avatar, and that, too, for sure, on the basis not of fanciful elevation but that of spiritual realisation by the greats of the age, much like Bhairavi Brahmani, Gauri Pandit, Vaishnavcharan, Vivekananda, Brahmananda, Premenanda and the rest realised the spiritual altitude of Sri Ramakrishna and venerated him thus as the Divine Incarnation of the Age.
So, to sum it up, I hold Rama and Krishna to have been historical characters whose exploits have, perhaps, been over-amplified and recorded in the epics in the mythical manner as was the wont of the age, for India did not have the tradition of chronicling history the modern way or in the way the ancient Greeks and the medieval Muslims did. But all said and done, the palpable tradition of these two Avatars is pointer enough to the plausibility of they having been historical personalities in the remotest antiquity of our national life. Our civilisation has been built much on the twin foundation of the spiritual culture of Rama and Krishna, and it is now unfolding in modern times in the synthesis of the twain in the personality of Ramakrishna. Glory unto the Master ! Glory unto eternal India !
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