1. My love is my religion, my religion is love.
2. দুদিনের এই রঙ্গমঞ্চে কী অপূর্ব অভিনয় !
3. প্রয়াতা নবনীতা দেব সেন | তাঁর রচনায় বেঁচে রইলেন | আমার প্রণাম |
4. I hold myself a servant to you all, my countrymen. My motherland first, myself last. This is the motto.My
5. The hour of reflection is the hour of intense work.
6. Live a life of truth and Truth shall protect you.
7. Misconceptions are engendered about men when suppositions rule hasty judgement in the arbitrary court of one's preferences.
8. Policies about poverty are inconsequential so long as the Vidarbha farmers keep committing suicide out of extreme want.
9. Be responsible for the fate of humanity. Act to save civilisation. Give up selfishness and start the war on decadence of every sort.
10. A vast spiritual movement must be built up. This is the call of the hour. We are threatened with extinction today. Act now.
11. There is no greater act of virtue today than planting a tree. We need to set an example before the Government.
12. Human selfishness is at the root of all evils. It is that which impels man towards his perilous self-destructive path. Awake !
13. Can you not unite to do welfare work for the collective good of all?
14. I exhort each one of you to contribute to rebuilding the flora of the world to arrest global warming.
15. My heart bleeds to see our brightest students leave the shores of India to settle in the West. Whither love for the motherland?
16. Ever since the advent of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda, Hinduism is on the rise. Nothing can now stop its irresistible progress.
17. The nation awakes to a a sense of pride in its heritage even as culture plummets. The study of the scriptures will arrest this decline. We, as a nation, must learn Sanskrit.
18. অর্থোপার্জন সাফল্যের মাপকাঠি হতে পারে না | প্রয়োজন ও আদর্শের মধ্যে পার্থক্যটি পরিস্ফুট হওয়া চাই |
19. Swami Divyananda of RKM is a powerful speaker, full of the fire of spirituality. Listen to his addresses in person and on YouTube.
20. A historic verdict has been passed today.Let Ramakrishna come alive in this national evolution with the flag of harmony and peace.
21. There is no substitute for hard work. Disciplined labour of love alone achieves, attains the cherished goal.
22. Commerce has corrupted relations. Spirituality should steer clear of it.
23. Men interpret judgement as per their preferences but the sage sees through the troubled times unto future human good.
24. Meditation is shutting down the sensory centres of the brain and recoiling into pure consciousness.
25. Is the Uniform Civil Code next in line?
26. For a vastly populated country like ours, agriculture and cottage industry alone can combat unemployment to an appreciable degree.
27. Today is Guru Nanak Devji's 550th birth anniversary. My prostrations at his hallowed feet.
28. Wahe Guru ! My prostrations at the hallowed feet of Guru Nanak Devji on his 550 birth anniversary.
29. Greetings to all my Sikh friends on this auspicious day of Guru Nanak Devji's 550th birth anniversary. (1469-2019)
30. Celebrate a daily dental festival -- brush twice.
31. Was Gandhi truly a Mahatma? If so, how? If not, why?
32. জে.এন.ইউ.তে স্বামীজীর মূর্তির অবমাননা, ভারতবর্ষের অবমাননা |
33. The desecration of the Vivekananda statue in JNU is the desecration of India.
34. হাবে ভাবে বিদেশীয়ানা, খালি অবিদ্যার চর্চা | পাশ্চাত্যের অনুকরণকারী হৃতচৈতন্য স্বদেশবাসী কী মাতৃভূমির মর্যাদা রক্ষা করতে সক্ষম ?
35. We must with a vengeance follow our own culture. There is no glory in becoming Anglophiles.
36. For all their vaunted European civilisation, it was with the advent of these brutal people from Europe that India went down.
37. The Portuguese atrocities in Western India, their campaigns of forced conversions to Christianity must never be forgotten.
38. The British not only looted us, they destroyed our cultural fabric. We are still recovering from the European onslaughts on us.
39. Be nationalistic in every way, from attire to manners, from knowledge of our nation's history to identification with our culture.
40. The cunning Englishmen sowed dissension amongst us and, by playing one Indian force against another, gained control over them all.
41. Our infighting, disunity, vying with each other for petty power, and British deceit and organisation cost us our Independence.
42. The Constitution gives you equal opportunities in every sphere but do not become opportunists to the detriment of the nation.
43. A park is not just a boundary but a fertile patch within. So is man.
44. সম্মানের পাত্র পূর্ণ, অপমানের পাত্রটিও পূর্ণ | এখন দিলাম উভয়কে জলাঞ্জলি |
45.God corrects the current but tampers not with the boat.
46. Krishna does not bear insult more than hundred, Shishupal, remember.
47. টাকা মাটি, মাটি টাকা না হলে, না হয় সন্ন্যাস, না হয় গার্হস্থ্য | ত্যাগই জীবনের মূলমন্ত্র, ত্যাগই উত্তোরণের উপায় |
48. The very language of our indigenous imitating photocopies of the Anglo-American nauseates me. No national identity whatsoever.
49. The world is ruled by the lure of power and money.
50. The patience of the python or the chase of the cheetah -- which one is preferable as we meander our way through life?
51. Learn from all traditions but hold fast onto your own.
52. Look upon people as human beings and not as adherents of a particular faith.
53. A united India alone can be strong and never a fractured one along religious lines.
54. Love all irrespective of their religious affiliation. Be progressive in outlook.
55. Be rational. Cultivate a scientific temper. That is modernism and that is the way for our nation’s progress.
56. Hindutva is essentially the recognition of the divinity of all.
57. We can no more afford to vote any political party to power that does not make the environment the topmost agenda.
58. Save the tree to save human life.
59. Do not let industrialists despoil national resources in an indiscriminate manner. Resist environmental degradation.
60. Defend your own rights with all your might but do not infringe upon that of others.
61. A liberal, not a pretentious self-deluded one at that, is far more of a nationalist than a fanatic, devoid of morals and decency.
62. Hindutva is practising the precepts of the Sanatan Dharma and not merely clamouring against the adherents of other faiths.
63. Historical injustices against the Hindus can't be redressed by dividing the polity along communal lines. Empower through education.
64. Resist conversion with knowledge and intelligence. Study your sacred texts.
65. Those who clamour on behalf of Hindutva, how many of them have read 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' ?
66. Shouting is tamas and will never win this ideological war. What is needed is calm reflection on the principles of the dharma.
67. Educate yourself in the principles of the Sanatan Dharma, then proceed to perceive the truths. Defend your faith thus.
68. Study Ramakrishna-Vivekananda to become comprehensive Hindus, to become universal men and women.
69. My reverence for myself spreads to my reverence for all.
70. Hating others is a psychological weakness. Love is the strengthening feature of the mind.
71. Wish to develop personality? Love all.
72. Smile a hundred times a day. You shall be spreading health. And the healthiest you shall remain.
73. Life is of two days. Do not waste it pursuing decadent politics. Learn and love every moment and be free.
74. If you wish to pride yourself in being a nationalist, be efficient in your work. Do it in the spirit of service to the nation.
75. There is today a dearth of good teachers. Hence, there is this steep decline in academic standards.
76. Gluttonous capitalism in the name of economic growth must be resisted. Else, the planet will perish.
77. Raise water from the Ganga, then 'gift' the river the raised water. Donation indeed. Now relate to the rich and their charity.
78. Endless are the waves and endless the streams of light. Inexhaustible is the storehouse of the Mother.
79. The antiquity of man far predates the advent of religion or science. Yet, the seeking of the beyond was ever in the soul of man.
80. As old associations disappear, new ones befriend. So the vanishing act ever persists in the apparent constancy of the present.
81. The present is a shifting dream of past events and of a future unfolding. It is but the quantized moment that dies as it lives.
82. The present is the frozen reality of consciousness and existence absolute.
83. Dreams of gods and goddesses, sages and saints, Avatars and Acharyas are indications of spiritual progress.
84. The human brain is diversely programmed. Hence, there is so much diversity. Attempting homogeneity through conversion is futile.
85. Long ago Tagore started the 'Vriksharopan Utsav'. It is time to celebrate this festival on a global scale.
Are we at all grateful to Swami Vivekananda for the seminal work he did in the West of propagating Hinduism? Then how is it that we neglect the study of the same? Can we call ourselves Hindus worth the salt when we remain so ignorant of the essentials principles of our grand spiritual tradition? It is time to reflect on this and not to hide behind pretentious assertions to avoid self-censure.
Written by Sugata Bose
87. The times are pregnant with possibilities, the age is set to enter a new phase of human evolution where the integrated vision of the Vedanta is about to unfold in the common consciousness.
Written by Sugata Bose
88. Is Hindu Rashtra inevitable? Is it desirable?
89. This song and dance sequence must give way to kshatriya valour. Otherwise, there is no way out for our country.
90. Spread the teachings of Swami Vivekananda to stop conversion from Hinduism to Christianity and Islam.
91. I exhort every Hindu to daily read the works of Swami Vivekananda to understand the spirit of this ancient motherland of ours.
92. How weak these political leaders are that they lose their night's sleep if they fail to woo their minority community voters !
93. Our first allegiance ought to be to our nation and not to any foreign spiritual organisation or entity, however holy.
94. The life of a nation depends on the condition of its masses n it is this we must focus our attention on and not on trivial issues.
95. The sign of holiness is not in how many converts you make in your lifetime but in how many lives you truly transform spiritually.
96. The sign of holiness is not in how many converts you make in your lifetime but in the degree you transform yourself spiritually.
97. Religious conversion is the worst form of violence in the name of spreading peace and love and saving souls. Save souls? Laughable!
98. Aggressive Hinduism ought to be replaced with enlightening Hinduism for in wisdom lies both strength and self-defence.
99. This ego is the bar between man and God.
100. How far worse was Hitler than Churchill or Stalin or Mao?
2. দুদিনের এই রঙ্গমঞ্চে কী অপূর্ব অভিনয় !
3. প্রয়াতা নবনীতা দেব সেন | তাঁর রচনায় বেঁচে রইলেন | আমার প্রণাম |
4. I hold myself a servant to you all, my countrymen. My motherland first, myself last. This is the motto.My
5. The hour of reflection is the hour of intense work.
6. Live a life of truth and Truth shall protect you.
7. Misconceptions are engendered about men when suppositions rule hasty judgement in the arbitrary court of one's preferences.
8. Policies about poverty are inconsequential so long as the Vidarbha farmers keep committing suicide out of extreme want.
9. Be responsible for the fate of humanity. Act to save civilisation. Give up selfishness and start the war on decadence of every sort.
10. A vast spiritual movement must be built up. This is the call of the hour. We are threatened with extinction today. Act now.
11. There is no greater act of virtue today than planting a tree. We need to set an example before the Government.
12. Human selfishness is at the root of all evils. It is that which impels man towards his perilous self-destructive path. Awake !
13. Can you not unite to do welfare work for the collective good of all?
14. I exhort each one of you to contribute to rebuilding the flora of the world to arrest global warming.
15. My heart bleeds to see our brightest students leave the shores of India to settle in the West. Whither love for the motherland?
16. Ever since the advent of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda, Hinduism is on the rise. Nothing can now stop its irresistible progress.
17. The nation awakes to a a sense of pride in its heritage even as culture plummets. The study of the scriptures will arrest this decline. We, as a nation, must learn Sanskrit.
18. অর্থোপার্জন সাফল্যের মাপকাঠি হতে পারে না | প্রয়োজন ও আদর্শের মধ্যে পার্থক্যটি পরিস্ফুট হওয়া চাই |
19. Swami Divyananda of RKM is a powerful speaker, full of the fire of spirituality. Listen to his addresses in person and on YouTube.
20. A historic verdict has been passed today.Let Ramakrishna come alive in this national evolution with the flag of harmony and peace.
21. There is no substitute for hard work. Disciplined labour of love alone achieves, attains the cherished goal.
22. Commerce has corrupted relations. Spirituality should steer clear of it.
23. Men interpret judgement as per their preferences but the sage sees through the troubled times unto future human good.
24. Meditation is shutting down the sensory centres of the brain and recoiling into pure consciousness.
25. Is the Uniform Civil Code next in line?
26. For a vastly populated country like ours, agriculture and cottage industry alone can combat unemployment to an appreciable degree.
27. Today is Guru Nanak Devji's 550th birth anniversary. My prostrations at his hallowed feet.
28. Wahe Guru ! My prostrations at the hallowed feet of Guru Nanak Devji on his 550 birth anniversary.
29. Greetings to all my Sikh friends on this auspicious day of Guru Nanak Devji's 550th birth anniversary. (1469-2019)
30. Celebrate a daily dental festival -- brush twice.
31. Was Gandhi truly a Mahatma? If so, how? If not, why?
32. জে.এন.ইউ.তে স্বামীজীর মূর্তির অবমাননা, ভারতবর্ষের অবমাননা |
33. The desecration of the Vivekananda statue in JNU is the desecration of India.
34. হাবে ভাবে বিদেশীয়ানা, খালি অবিদ্যার চর্চা | পাশ্চাত্যের অনুকরণকারী হৃতচৈতন্য স্বদেশবাসী কী মাতৃভূমির মর্যাদা রক্ষা করতে সক্ষম ?
35. We must with a vengeance follow our own culture. There is no glory in becoming Anglophiles.
36. For all their vaunted European civilisation, it was with the advent of these brutal people from Europe that India went down.
37. The Portuguese atrocities in Western India, their campaigns of forced conversions to Christianity must never be forgotten.
38. The British not only looted us, they destroyed our cultural fabric. We are still recovering from the European onslaughts on us.
39. Be nationalistic in every way, from attire to manners, from knowledge of our nation's history to identification with our culture.
40. The cunning Englishmen sowed dissension amongst us and, by playing one Indian force against another, gained control over them all.
41. Our infighting, disunity, vying with each other for petty power, and British deceit and organisation cost us our Independence.
42. The Constitution gives you equal opportunities in every sphere but do not become opportunists to the detriment of the nation.
43. A park is not just a boundary but a fertile patch within. So is man.
44. সম্মানের পাত্র পূর্ণ, অপমানের পাত্রটিও পূর্ণ | এখন দিলাম উভয়কে জলাঞ্জলি |
45.God corrects the current but tampers not with the boat.
46. Krishna does not bear insult more than hundred, Shishupal, remember.
47. টাকা মাটি, মাটি টাকা না হলে, না হয় সন্ন্যাস, না হয় গার্হস্থ্য | ত্যাগই জীবনের মূলমন্ত্র, ত্যাগই উত্তোরণের উপায় |
48. The very language of our indigenous imitating photocopies of the Anglo-American nauseates me. No national identity whatsoever.
49. The world is ruled by the lure of power and money.
50. The patience of the python or the chase of the cheetah -- which one is preferable as we meander our way through life?
51. Learn from all traditions but hold fast onto your own.
52. Look upon people as human beings and not as adherents of a particular faith.
53. A united India alone can be strong and never a fractured one along religious lines.
54. Love all irrespective of their religious affiliation. Be progressive in outlook.
55. Be rational. Cultivate a scientific temper. That is modernism and that is the way for our nation’s progress.
56. Hindutva is essentially the recognition of the divinity of all.
57. We can no more afford to vote any political party to power that does not make the environment the topmost agenda.
58. Save the tree to save human life.
59. Do not let industrialists despoil national resources in an indiscriminate manner. Resist environmental degradation.
60. Defend your own rights with all your might but do not infringe upon that of others.
61. A liberal, not a pretentious self-deluded one at that, is far more of a nationalist than a fanatic, devoid of morals and decency.
62. Hindutva is practising the precepts of the Sanatan Dharma and not merely clamouring against the adherents of other faiths.
63. Historical injustices against the Hindus can't be redressed by dividing the polity along communal lines. Empower through education.
64. Resist conversion with knowledge and intelligence. Study your sacred texts.
65. Those who clamour on behalf of Hindutva, how many of them have read 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' ?
66. Shouting is tamas and will never win this ideological war. What is needed is calm reflection on the principles of the dharma.
67. Educate yourself in the principles of the Sanatan Dharma, then proceed to perceive the truths. Defend your faith thus.
68. Study Ramakrishna-Vivekananda to become comprehensive Hindus, to become universal men and women.
69. My reverence for myself spreads to my reverence for all.
70. Hating others is a psychological weakness. Love is the strengthening feature of the mind.
71. Wish to develop personality? Love all.
72. Smile a hundred times a day. You shall be spreading health. And the healthiest you shall remain.
73. Life is of two days. Do not waste it pursuing decadent politics. Learn and love every moment and be free.
74. If you wish to pride yourself in being a nationalist, be efficient in your work. Do it in the spirit of service to the nation.
75. There is today a dearth of good teachers. Hence, there is this steep decline in academic standards.
76. Gluttonous capitalism in the name of economic growth must be resisted. Else, the planet will perish.
77. Raise water from the Ganga, then 'gift' the river the raised water. Donation indeed. Now relate to the rich and their charity.
78. Endless are the waves and endless the streams of light. Inexhaustible is the storehouse of the Mother.
79. The antiquity of man far predates the advent of religion or science. Yet, the seeking of the beyond was ever in the soul of man.
80. As old associations disappear, new ones befriend. So the vanishing act ever persists in the apparent constancy of the present.
81. The present is a shifting dream of past events and of a future unfolding. It is but the quantized moment that dies as it lives.
82. The present is the frozen reality of consciousness and existence absolute.
83. Dreams of gods and goddesses, sages and saints, Avatars and Acharyas are indications of spiritual progress.
84. The human brain is diversely programmed. Hence, there is so much diversity. Attempting homogeneity through conversion is futile.
85. Long ago Tagore started the 'Vriksharopan Utsav'. It is time to celebrate this festival on a global scale.
Are we at all grateful to Swami Vivekananda for the seminal work he did in the West of propagating Hinduism? Then how is it that we neglect the study of the same? Can we call ourselves Hindus worth the salt when we remain so ignorant of the essentials principles of our grand spiritual tradition? It is time to reflect on this and not to hide behind pretentious assertions to avoid self-censure.
Written by Sugata Bose
87. The times are pregnant with possibilities, the age is set to enter a new phase of human evolution where the integrated vision of the Vedanta is about to unfold in the common consciousness.
Written by Sugata Bose
88. Is Hindu Rashtra inevitable? Is it desirable?
89. This song and dance sequence must give way to kshatriya valour. Otherwise, there is no way out for our country.
90. Spread the teachings of Swami Vivekananda to stop conversion from Hinduism to Christianity and Islam.
91. I exhort every Hindu to daily read the works of Swami Vivekananda to understand the spirit of this ancient motherland of ours.
92. How weak these political leaders are that they lose their night's sleep if they fail to woo their minority community voters !
93. Our first allegiance ought to be to our nation and not to any foreign spiritual organisation or entity, however holy.
94. The life of a nation depends on the condition of its masses n it is this we must focus our attention on and not on trivial issues.
95. The sign of holiness is not in how many converts you make in your lifetime but in how many lives you truly transform spiritually.
96. The sign of holiness is not in how many converts you make in your lifetime but in the degree you transform yourself spiritually.
97. Religious conversion is the worst form of violence in the name of spreading peace and love and saving souls. Save souls? Laughable!
98. Aggressive Hinduism ought to be replaced with enlightening Hinduism for in wisdom lies both strength and self-defence.
99. This ego is the bar between man and God.
100. How far worse was Hitler than Churchill or Stalin or Mao?
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