Wednesday 13 November 2019



1. There is no religion that one may find peace in save the one of progressive purified love. God is love and so is man and in love they meet.

2. True love issues from the heart and not from the flesh. Love frees, illumines, never binds. All that binds is infatuation.

3. Spiritual love begins from the fourth plane of consciousness, the centre of the heart or the Anahata Chakra, and refines upwards.

4. Love may be focused on one to begin with but must expand till it embraces all. Expansion is not only the law of life but it is the law of love as well, for life is love.

Life arises out of love, subsists in it and dissolves in it in the end to outlive personality in principle. Some hold on to personality, though, to savour the sublimity of love.

Written by Sugata Bose

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