Children, on this day which is especially yours, take a pledge to create environmental awareness and make a resolve to find ways and means of protecting the environment. We, who are advanced in years, will be dead and gone soon but the environment, damaged and depleted, will be there to keep you in foul company unless you set yourselves to resolving the malady of climate change from today. Your young age and inexperience should not bar you from taking up the challenge as some of your compatriots across the world, by taking the lead in this sphere, have shown already, Rather, your young minds with their uncluttered innovative thinking will be able to make headway in seeking viable solutions to this seemingly intractable problem which threatens human existence on earth in such a menacing way.
This day you will celebrate with music and dance, drama and debate, elocution and quiz, and what not, for this is your day after all, and that, too, in an officially sanctioned way. But remember, unless your focus from now on is the environment, you have danger awaiting you in the years ahead such that your optimistic young minds cannot even contemplate now, perhaps. Danger and death lurk us round the corner, hanging from every bit of the air that we breathe or try to do so, for our masked faces reveal that the atmosphere has turned quite toxic for us to liberally partake of it anymore.
Into this scenario you step in, children, and take it upon yourselves to resolve this issue, for upon it depends your own survival in the coming years when you shall comprise the citizenry. The future with all its inherited problems from the past is yours and an effective war waged in the fullness of time against such will alone ensure sustained life on earth in the decades and centuries ahead. It is, thus, most meet that environmental study and field work by you, children, with individual enterprise and collective effort spearheading the conservation movement, will wonders for the resuscitation of our dying planet.
We, adults, have created a monster out of this erstwhile affable companion of ours, this our all-encompassing environment in degenerate mode, and, having failed miserably to set its crooked course straight with our insincere efforts, we have the shamelessness to bequeath unto you our legacy of licentious living in the lingering hope that you will do better than us and restore the environment to its pristine state through your enlightened approach, through your labour of love and through the very act that the environmental exigencies of the times impel you to engage in.
Unto you then rest the discovery of the solutions of the current complexities that the world is throwing up and unto your ingenuity lie their resolution unto nothingness.
Happy Children's Day !
Written by Sugata Bose
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