Saturday 2 November 2019



When, alas, when did we become so constricted that we reduced ourselves to becoming fanatical critics of Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa?

Critical appraisal is welcome but assertions based on assumptions, flawed logic and prejudiced preconditioning surely ought not to gather public support. Let truth see the light of day and people will judge for themselves.

Distortion of facts or over-emphasis on certain facets to tilt public opinion in a specified direction is not how seminal figures ought to be projected. Their essential greatness in all its sublimity and human failing will best shine in the statement of fact about their lives, and editing or mis-stating such is neither necessary nor proper.

But to be able to criticise them constructively and not unduly, one must raise oneself to a semblance of their heights of human excellence. Else, one will merely manifest one's meanness and ignorance born of such lowly grovelling in the mire of material existence. Hence, self-evolution is the key to the attainment of such spiritual and intellectual altitude wherefrom correct criticism of such luminaries among men may be made for a balanced understanding of their attainments and failings.

Written by Sugata Bose

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