Sunday 10 November 2019



He who has renounced is spiritual. But such renunciation must not be tinged with worldliness that surreptitiously creeps in. It must be a blazing fire that ever burns in the soul of man that reduces all dross instantly to ashes. Then and then alone words carry power and the monk becomes equipped to penetrate the depths of the consciousness of his audience who enraptured listen to his life-giving words that transform their personalities.

The least touch of money or the hankering for power and promotion in the organisational hierarchy dilutes the concentration of the soul and lends material buoyancy to the mind, making it unfit for the work of spiritual propagation. And this is so often the bane of spiritual organisations that hang on to the sleeves of the rich and the powerful in order to advance their cause of otherwise well-intentioned welfare work. When such an association becomes the order of the day, decay sets in and the spirituality of the organisation like ether evaporates, leaving behind a solid material framework for further social good but no more genuine spiritual good.

These are contentious matters that we must ponder to preserve the sanctity of our best spiritual institutions and the strength of our holy spiritual orders.

Written by Sugata Bose

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