A new class of commercial elite is being created whose income is exploitative, interests colonial and culture camouflaged. Beware of these indigenous disruptors of national life, these sugar-coated poison-pills in the name of neo-entrepreneurs who are creating a new economic super class-divide in much the same way as Marx had predicted.
This posing to be pious before God, smiling sweetly in affable cordiality and then proceeding to extract the juice out of the sugarcane with mechanical efficiency while all along putting up the nationalistic pretence, does not detract from the brutal fact that these are the very agencies of exploitation against whom we must fight to preserve our socioeconomic structural solidarity on an equitable basis and our heritage on the grand principles of the Sanatan Dharma, the latter, not merely in grandiloquent affirmations but in equal practice as well.
May public resistance to neo-colonialism, progressive westernisation despite protestations to the contrary by the very agencies of such corruption keep us on the right track of genuine nationalism and not a mere show of it ! May we implement in our lives the principles of spirituality we so vehemently espouse in clamorous social conversation and, so, resist this cancerous commercial corruption of our country's corporeal form ! Let enlightenment consist in rejection of crass consumerism and acceptance of genuine socioeconomic advance that is geared to lifting a billion of our brethren from poverty to a decency of human living !
Written by Sugata Bose
A new class of commercial elite is being created whose income is exploitative, interests colonial and culture camouflaged. Beware of these indigenous disruptors of national life, these sugar-coated poison-pills in the name of neo-entrepreneurs who are creating a new economic super class-divide in much the same way as Marx had predicted.
This posing to be pious before God, smiling sweetly in affable cordiality and then proceeding to extract the juice out of the sugarcane with mechanical efficiency while all along putting up the nationalistic pretence, does not detract from the brutal fact that these are the very agencies of exploitation against whom we must fight to preserve our socioeconomic structural solidarity on an equitable basis and our heritage on the grand principles of the Sanatan Dharma, the latter, not merely in grandiloquent affirmations but in equal practice as well.
May public resistance to neo-colonialism, progressive westernisation despite protestations to the contrary by the very agencies of such corruption keep us on the right track of genuine nationalism and not a mere show of it ! May we implement in our lives the principles of spirituality we so vehemently espouse in clamorous social conversation and, so, resist this cancerous commercial corruption of our country's corporeal form ! Let enlightenment consist in rejection of crass consumerism and acceptance of genuine socioeconomic advance that is geared to lifting a billion of our brethren from poverty to a decency of human living !
Written by Sugata Bose
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