Friday 29 November 2019



Only in Hinduism is the concept of the supreme non-dual Self, the Atman or the Brahman, the ultimate Reality. The Semitic religions, namely, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, have no clue to this ultimate Truth. Yet, Christianity and Islam prodelytise in India and attempt to convert the Hindus to their fold. This is blasphemous, indeed, if anything blasphemous is.

Hinduism, much wounded, survives still on account of its inherent philosophical strength and on account of the countless sages and saints who have lent vigour to the dharma by their realisations. And Hinduism shall invincible stand if we lend it our life's labour, our love and sacrifice to keep its flag flying. In it lies the good of our nation, in it lies the good of the world.

Written by Sugata Bose

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