1. Preach Vivekananda through the length and breadth of the country and resist conversion to Christianity and Islam.
2. When politicians excite your emotions and spur you on to an irrational course, refrain from reacting and reflect calmly to understand motives. Lose not your judgement in the heat of the moment and act unwisely. And this is dharma.
3. One is religious conversion. The other is cultural desecration. And a third one, even more violent, is capitalist exploitation. And over and above all these, the environment degrades. There is no end to the treachery of man. And who loses? Why? man himself.
4. Why is the Uniform Civil Code not being implemented in India?
5. Give up westernised thinking in an Indian garb. Imitation is dangerous, suicidal for indigenous culture.
6. Through the murky sky of material life yet shines the divine beloved.
7. A single disjointed life on earth does not seem to be a rational proposition. In reincarnation it seems lies the truth.
8. When we weakened as a nation through infighting, barbarians from abroad invaded us. Therefore, even today we must ever be vigilant. We must forge national unity.
9. Akbar, despite his religious liberalism, was a brutal expansionist in line with imperialist principles of the day.
10. Simplify your lifestyle, save the environment. The planet warms up. It is for you to cool it.
11. Denounce the atomic bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki directly in unequivocal terms without watering it down.
12. We are precariously placed with pollution threatening to snuff out life on earth. Act now. Plant trees.
13. I meet my friend every morning, at night I bid him goodbye.
14. A prayer at dawn to our men of morning memory to help raise our spirits high and clean would do our polity a world of good.
15. Your effort is not insignificant. It can but make all the difference to your life and those around you. Arise !
16. Skyscrapers have come but the huts are still there to link us to our pastoral past. Transition ever overlaps, movement reforms.
17. The Pope denounces nuclear armament as a threat to peace. Why does he not denounce Christian conversion as a like threat?
18. শুধু ব্যবহারটি ভাল হলেই হল না, আন্তরিক ভাল হওয়া চাই | নইলে, কপটতার মুখোশ খুলতে আর কতক্ষণ ?
19. This body is the temple of my beloved Lord. If I deny it light and love, I will have defiled it in so many terms.
20. The traitor Man Singh fought for the Mughals against the cause of India's freedom from the barbarians.
21. Akbar was not an Indian. He,like his father Humayun and grandfather Babur, was a foreign invader. We must not glorify him as 'great'.
22. If Aurangzeb Road was renamed in New Delhi, why not Akbar Road as well? The Mughals have their self-built memorials after all.
23. Man Singh sided with the invader Akbar against his own countrymen. Shame! But his treachery could not soil the Rajput reputation.
24. Babies are being born into this polluted environment. What will happen to them?
25. Akbar was not great. It's an attribute wrongly ascribed to an alien invader and a ruthless expansionist, an occupier of Hindustan.
26. Babur invaded India in 1526 and Humayun in 1555. Akbar,a foreigner, carried on with the conquest and was a merciless expansionist. Great?
27. Chhatrapati Shivaji the Great, Maharana Pratap the Great, Guru Gobind Singh the Great !
28. Akbar is not idolised in India, MaharanaPratap is. His exploits live on in the hearts of millions, inspiring love for the motherland.
29. Do not imitate. Stop imitating the West. My countrymen, have you forgotten Swami Vivekananda's Svadesh Mantra?
30. Let us concentrate and unite our wills for conjoined harmonic work for the nation.
31. Those who fail to realise the significance of Vivekananda quotes need self-examination and rectification thereof. Om Svadesh Mantra!
32. From Shankaracharya to Vivekananda runs the resurgence of the Sanatan Dharma and the tradition continues ad infinitum.
33. There is no comparison between the sages and saints of India and the semi-illumined ones of the rest of the world.
34. Do not listen to these materialists who by convoluted logic attempt to undermine your faith in your dharma. They have no character.
35. সনাতন ধর্মের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধাবান হোন | শাস্ত্র অধ্যয়ন করুন | তারপর গভীর ধ্যানে নিমগ্ন হয়ে অধ্যাত্ম সম্পদ আবিষ্কার করুন | পরিশেষে, মাতৃভূমিকে সর্বস্য অর্পণ করুন |
36. মাতৃভূমিকে ভালবাসতে পারল না যে, সে সমস্ত জগতকে ভালবাসবে, এটি অলীক কল্পনা |
37. Weekly indoctrination of violent precepts and daily recitation of such tend to produce fanatics more abundantly than otherwise.
38. The leftists are rarely liberals. Why call them so? Call a spade a spade.
39. Liberalism comes from expansion of the heart. The man of universal sympathies is truly a liberal. 'Left liberal'? What is that?
40. Please plant trees wherever you get the opportunity to do so. Persuade colleagues and neighbours to do likewise.
41. The rise of womanhood worldwide in its true essence is Mother's mission.
42. These western ideas of being aspirational Indians in pursuit of individual dreams are selfish. What is needed is to imbue ourselves with the spirit of service and sacrifice for the quickening of the greater life of the nation.
43. The call of duty must beckon you ahead of the call of delight. Trample desire under the heels of honour n emerge heroes among men.
44. Britain is but a province compared to vast India.And Britain's vaunted civilisation was built on Indian wealth. 45 trillion US dollars stolen!
45. Maharana Pratap, Shivaji, Guru Gobind Singh and Netaji remain our iconic symbols of national resistance to foreign domination.
46. Dr. Priyanka Reddy -- a life snuffed out early, unduly, and there is no nationwide protest.
ডঃ প্রিয়াঙ্কা রেড্ডি -- দীপশিখা নির্বাপিত, এক অকাল অবসান, আর, দেশজুড়ে কোনো প্রতিবাদ নেই তার !
এ আমাদেরই মেয়ে |
49. Pakistan is the hub of global terror. But who created Pakistan, Mr. Brit?
50. Alexander was not great. He was as barbaric an expansionist as the rest of his tribe.
51. The British have left but have left behind their mores n manners n we, who vaunt freedom, abjectly abide by them. Freedom indeed !
52. Anglophilia seems to be the affliction of the urban educated, and the virus spreads with proliferating commercial communication.
53. The quality of the population has to be raised, not merely by education but by purer birth and, thence, dissemination of culture.
54. Commercialisation of culture is ruining the kshatriya spirit of the country. Mere growth rate does not make a nation.
55. The perfect chastity of the Rajput women gave birth to the heroes of Rajputana.
56. Muhammad Bin Qasim attacked Sindh first in 664 CE and it still has not been freed from alien occupation after 1355 years.
57. ব্রহ্মচর্যের শক্তিতে আমাদের দেশকে জাগাতে হবে | ক্ষাত্রবীর্য ব্রহ্মচর্য ব্যতীত অসম্ভব |
58. The Rajput rejoices in tragedy. For him every moment is the celebration of death. The call of the dharma is supreme.
59. We are the universal Spirit trapped in bodies. As such we are not separate individuals but are the one undivided Being.
60. The deeper the thought, the less the following. The coarser the expression, the greater the response. Modernity indeed !
61. There must come a new light into the world, a new ray of hope for humanity. A great awakening is in the offing.
62. শক্তির উৎস ভগবান | সেই ভগবানকে ভুলে গেলে শক্তিহীন হয়ে পড়তে হবে | তাই সদা স্মরণ মনন চাই |
63. বিবেকানন্দ শুধু প্রণম্য মহাপুরুষ নন, বিবেকানন্দ মহা শক্তির আধার | তাঁর আরাধনায়, অনুধাবনে হৃদয়ে সিংহবিক্রমের সঞ্চার হয় |
64. The thoughts of the Guru are inscrutable and the disciple heavily undermines his training and development in doubting his motives.
65. Devotion to one's Guru? Alas, what a rare attribute it is!
66. Constant aggression in social parlance is a sure sign of weakness of personality.
67. ঘরে ঘরে যেদিন মহারাণা প্রতাপ সিংহের ন্যায় সন্তান জন্মাবে, সেদিন ভারতের কল্যাণ ও সুরক্ষা সুনিশ্চিত হবে |
68. The enemy attacks from the front and from behind. Beware ! And such are our country's predicaments.
We have to mend our ruptured civilisation by giving birth to a million heroes and heroines who will have none of the weaknesses as taint the current lot.
Photo : Guru Tegh Bahadurji, the ninth Sikh Guru, holding audience along with son, the future tenth and last Guru of the Sikhs, Gobind Singhji, then a child.
70. আমার ভারত !
71. Never trust the enemy even once or that sole lapse will be your permanent undoing. Destruction assumes the shape of affability.
72. Evil is ever befriended to untruth.
73. Flood the land with spirituality. But spirituality is purity, vigour, strength. Continence and self-restraint are its pillars and valour its exhibition in responding to the call of duty.
At Ramakrishna Math, Antpur, the birthplace of Baburam Maharaj (Swami Premananda) where on the evening of 24 December, 1886, the intimate disciples of Sri Ramakrishna took informal sannyas.
75. এত লিখি, তবু জাগে না বলবীর্য ?
76. দেশের কল্যাণের জন্য জপ-ধ্যান করুন | স্বদেশমন্ত্র সপ্রেম সঘর্ষে উচ্চারণ করুন বারংবার |
77. অনুশাসন, অনুশীলন ও অনুধ্যান -- এই তিন অনু-সহায়ে যে কোন বৃহৎ সিদ্ধি সম্ভব |
78. The intellectual battle of patriotism must be won the intellectual way. Repression cannot be the method for it will finally fail.
79. Mean what you say and act upon what you mean. Hypocrisy cannot hold a civilisation.
80. It is the will that has to be strengthened. A powerful will achieves everything within the bounds of structural possibilities.
81. Give up your conversion act on the Hindu, friend. Practice peacefully your own religion if indeed you religion allows that.
82. Conversion to Islam is welcome but conversion out of it blasphemy. What a beautiful display of fair-play!
83. Why demote a Hindu in spiritual culture by converting him? Civilisation goes backward thus.
84. Proselytising religions can never peacefully coexist. They must persecute to survive. History bears testimony to it.
85. To dominate the world you need to have a world view. Localised thinking ensures neither civilisational safety nor national security.
86. CAB নিয়ে বিক্ষোভকারীদের ঠিক সমস্যাটা কোথায় ?
87. Where exactly is CAB hurting the interests of the vandalising protesters and their protagonists in the chair?
88. Secular in tiny minority, vociferous in sizeable minority, violent in major minority and ruthlessly repressive when in majority.
89. Live a few years in Pakistan to find out how liberal they are to Hindus. Bangladesh? Let residents speak.
90. How can those who believe in God also be secular?
91. 10000 years of Hindu civilisation cannot be wiped out by imposition of foreign culture. Hinduism invincible will rise to glory.
92. God is silent because He is omniscient and does not wish to disturb our erroneous conversation that leads to self-education.
93. I am indebted to cross-cultural influence for my peripheral efflorescence but am rooted to my Hindu gene for the substance that I am.
94. Spiritual people can never be by definition secular.
95. I pay my respects to my aunt but fail to do so to my mother. Alas, that is the Indian predicament !
96. We are at the crossroads of an epochal national evolution that will direct the course of our life as a people. Whither hence?
97. It is time to develop a bit of character fibre in our so-called patriotic selves and do something worthwhile for the nation.
98. ক্ষত্রিয়ের অভিনয় কি কখনও বৈশ্য করতে পারে ? অভিনয়ই হল না, তা আবার প্রকৃত প্রকাশ !
99. বলবীর্য প্রকাশ বড় সহজ কথা নয় | পবিত্র জন্ম ও সুসংস্কারসম্পন্ন না হলে ব্রহ্মতেজ ও ক্ষাত্রবীর্য প্রকাশ অসম্ভব |
100. Love is a deep state of consciousness, of memory, of union and of bliss.