Wednesday 2 May 2018


'tis a long-lost love of yesteryears,
Crossing a century and more.
'tis a love, lost for so long,
Fading far in misty dreams
And yet, clear I remember.
The setting sun in its flaming hues
Charring my heart for good,
Sweeping waters of tidal times
Wrenching the love-locks free,
Sundering blossoming bonds,
They've carried her,
Carried her far away
Whither I know not.
But I remain to see,
See through the mist of times
Where fresh perchance
A bud so new
Has burst the bonds to forge,
Forge a fresher bond.
Or, perhaps, the dewy morn
Is shorn of fruit
Though springtime is
Alive everywhere.
My day is lost, 'tis evensong
And the birds must perch
In their leafy nests
And the boat sail off
With the rushing tide
To shores unknown,
Never to come this way.
Yesteryears of sunshine gone,
Lunar moods, stellar shine,
Melted into memory fine,
Wafer-thin mind's watery mark,
Rippling through subliminal streams,
Setting my soul on fire.
And here am I
The charred remains
Of a blossoming dream
That broke midstream
In patient wait
For my love long-lost
To set the dream aright.
The eve draws in,
The birds return,
The sky darkens,
The moon is up,
The shadowy night
Envelopes all
Save my hope
Of my love's return
Before I set afloat.
O Lord! a hundred years,
Is that not a long, long lapse
For the heart to fail
To feel its pulse,
For the soul to fall
Into oblivion
Of long-lost times,
Of Sunday chimes
Ushering the wakeful dawn?
Sleep my soul,
My love slumber,
In turbulent tide
My thoughts lumber
Sinking in to truth.
'tis a watchful dream,
A conscious stream,
A love-lost summer's
Bright sunbeam,
Autumn eve's
August form
That sunders law,
Dissolves all norm,
In icy chill
The cosmic thrill
Sweeping through
Every dale and hill,
Till springtime new
Freshens all
And blossoming buds
Send forth the call,
And the cuckoo sings
Her heart's delight
From eve to morn
And morn to night,
And all that clings
To this earthly face,
Melts to nought
Sans a trace.
The deeds are done,
The play's undone,
All that were
Have sunk to none,
Whence we sprang,
Thence we sink,
From love sublime
To the love-lost brink,
Broken, shattered, smashed the dream
In Knowledge, Existence, Bliss Supreme.
Composed by Sugata Bose

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