Sunday, 20 May 2018


1. The public is fickle and must be kept focused by consistent maintenance of the line of discussion within a limited ambit whose scope should be allowed gradual expansion for the masses to absorb and well assimilate. Else, confusion will reign in the public mind instead of clarity.

2. India's defence must gain paramountcy. China, more than Pakistan, ever remains the threat. If India does not realise this, she will bleed for it. The subcontinent must be conquered culturally through the propagation of the Vedanta effectively in India and missions sent to China.

3. Partition created a permanent enemy in the form of Pakistan and the solution lies in eventually absorbing it back into the political landmass of India. The entire religious discourse must be solved on the basis of State secularism with religion kept as private pursuit entirely.

4. Gandhian non-violence is Utopian and cannot be a settled policy of statecraft in the world of realpolitik. It is, thus, entirely irrelevant for us in practical terms today, although, as an ideal to be attained at a higher stage of human evolution, it does serve some purpose.

5. Spread the Vedanta in a vigorous way and see how many of the problems that beset the world will take to flight. This simplistic view will never work in effective countering of religious fundamentalism of the Muslims and the Christians. Strength alone is the panacea for such ills.

6. The armed revolutionaries who had sacrificed their all to bring us freedom had written their autobiographies which are no more in print today. Republication of these is an imperative to refocus attention on their exploits and bring home their contributions to freedom.

7. Sachindranath Sanyal's autobiography in Hindi, 'Bandi Jeevan', needs to be translated forthwith into English for wide dissemination of the life and times of this redoubtable revolutionary and of the knowledge of prison conditions obtaining in the Cellular Jail during the Raj.

8. The law and order situation in West Bengal is plummeting by the day and every election throws up fresh instances of ever-increasing violence. Democracy in West Bengal, today, implies booth-capturing, tampering with the ballot box, fake voting, murder and prevention from voting.

9. Imperialism is gone but the dictum 'might is right' which was its principle prop remains very much in place today as the prop of people's democracy as well. Politicians can scarce trust the mandate of the people to perpetuate their power. Thus, hoodlums are hired to do the same.

10. This will remain when you are gone as your priceless gift of self-giving after a lifelong giving of your talent and sacrifice for the betterment of humanity. This single act of yours will encourage many a kindred soul to do likewise and bring about renunciation in rationality. @Taslima Nasreen on announcement of her formal assent given to AIIMS for full-body donation after death for scientific research and teaching purpose.

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