Wednesday 9 May 2018


Our country belongs to us, not to a handful of businessmen and politicians alone. Our revolutionaries have bled for her freedom and we will fulfil their dreams. We will sacrifice our all for the sustenance of her liberty and for the regaining of her territorial integrity. India is one and undivided, one people, one race, one grand spiritual culture despite surface divergences. The Partition must be undone in due course of time and it will be undone, for sure, when circumstances are propitious. For all this each one of us must build up his/her character for it is strength alone that wins freedom and strength alone that sustains it. Our country is our mother and we will accord her due honour and love as one's mother must be. It is futile crying over spilt milk and pointless blaming all and sundry for our present predicament. Better by far will be to study the historical causes for the present downfall in a free and unbiased manner and then proceed to redress it. The knowledge of our true history is an imperative to avoid future pitfalls and to gain the reserves of power from our heritage to equip us to usher in a brighter morrow.

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