Contradictory features about Netaji's life must be presented in a non-comical, civilised and cultured manner with good diction and focus on the subject. The object must be to highlight the pertinent points and neither beat about the bush nor attempt to create self-importance before the audience. The seriousness of the matter must be realised by the presenter and he must in no way bring himself to the fore unnecessarily to impress upon the audience his erudition, for it distracts attention from the contentious issue.
Knowing about a subject sufficiently is one and presenting facts or one's findings on the same quite another. Everybody is not a born orator nor are all gifted adequately with organisation of the mind to be able to present facts with precision and power to carry home the argument and the audience with it. Those who aspire to communicate well with the audience would do well to take classes in oratorical exercises and, should they succeed in attaining proficiency in speaking, only then ought they to hazard facing the audience with their subject matter to convey. Else, an inadequate speaker will mess up the whole business and make a sham of his presentation. Consequently, the audience will neither be convinced about the veracity of the facts presented chaotically and in poor diction nor will it be interested in hearing further deliberations by the same speaker on the selfsame subject. The loser will be the emerging truths about Netaji which will fail to grip the imagination of the public and, to all intents and purposes, remain buried under the myths carefully crafted by wily politicians and deft speakers. Such an event is the most likely outcome of a great truth being carried by a weak vehicle and it is meet that expert presenters be employed to do the same.
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