7 MAY 2018 — Not all are amenable to the idea that the trinity of heroes ought to be awarded the Bharat Ratna for they feel that it will reduce them in public estimation to the level of Nehru and Rajiv Gandhi. I have written copiously my defence against this charge but seemingly to not much effect. These venerable ones hold on to the idea that the conferring of the Bharat Ratna will demean these builders of our freedom. I solicit your response without reservations.
I, for one, feel that the very movement will generate public enthusiasm for the cause and inspire interest in these redoubtable revolutionaries, now lying in relative oblivion thanks to official unconcern and public preoccupation with the material imperatives of life.
The awarding of the Nobel Prize for Physics to Einstein did not lower his status by any stretch of imagination despite the fact that other awardees were nowhere near his level in terms of scientific attainment. Not all Nobel Peace Prizes have been well given but the likes of Mother Teresa, Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King (Jr.) have in receiving the prize rather raised its status instead of themselves having been lowered by its conferment.
Bagha Jatin, Rash Behari Bose and Masterda Surjya Sen stand preeminent in their revolutionary sacrificial glory which no decoration can do justice to. But the point is not that. Like the worship of God in the image does not do justice to His impersonal infinitude and the worshipper does the ritual act of seeking forgiveness for the same, yet, continues with his worship, for culture demands it as a social and psychological imperative that contributes to the maintenance of character in the polity, so also, the conferring of the Bharat Ratna individually to the three revolutionaries, despite being not the best way to remember them, perhaps, is, nonetheless, a national need at a time when sinister forces are plotting their eventual demise from public memory, and we seek their forgiveness for any unintended offence that may thus attend on them.
The award will bring a near-forgotten chapter of the freedom movement, one that played the most crucial role in liberating India from colonial fetters, back into the limelight and inspire a generation of young learners to take up its study and do research into the actual causes of our achieving freedom. Thus, the simple act of decorating the heroes will open up the Pandora's Box wherein lie buried the remains of our revolutionaries to rot away to oblivion. Must we allow it? No, we will not. And herein lies the significance of the motion we are crusading for.
Written by Sugata Bose
Comments :
Abhishek Sanyal It would have been much better if you had not written this language in the petition Sugata Babu. This petition should follow an inclusive approach rather than an antagonising and alienating approach. Any petition should have the approach of trying to include all sections of people with different and varied mentalities. To me that is the essence of democratic success. This petition may be a success or maybe a failure that does not matter but it is the noble intention and effort behind this petition which matters to me the most. I have always believed that it is not necessary to criticise another individual to establish the greatness of any person. That cannot be the essence of any ideology. If that becomes the essence of any ideology then to me that ideology has failed and has become a communal one. Many people have criticised this petition when I had approached them but many people have signed it too. Lets take the positives with us and carry on with our efforts. It is really not necessary to justify the cause of this petition. Let the people themselves understand it.Sugata Bose I have not criticised any. I have merely put forth the criticisms being levelled against the motion by many. Please keep your ideas about my intentions to yourself and stop misinterpreting me or giving us lectures. Your carping criticisms about this and that are not always warranted and I do not appreciate them at all, not that I say this to deter you from doing it but that I cannot bear this being on all boats at the same time. One must be honest to one's convictions and I am to mine. So be you to yours. God bless you! P.S.: You are requested to read thoroughly the post before formulating your fantastic ideas about it and my stated stance in your oblique reference. @ Abhishek SanyalSugata Bose No one has to oblige us by signing the Petition or getting signatures for it even as they reserve the right to keep on criticising our every move that is not in conformity with theirs. I, for one, cannot be a hypocrite to appease all quarters of the past political dispensation and will strongly adhere to Netaji-Bagha Jatin-Rash Behari Bose-Masterda-and the whole body of revolutionaries. I am not a Gandhian nor do I subscribe to his views, nor am I in any way a Nehruvian. The deeds that they have done to Netaji have permanently damaged the cause of India and with it lowered my estimation of them. Nonetheless, in the latest post update I have merely mentioned the types of criticisms that are being raised in many a quarter and I personally have not made any criticism as such. Therefore, I do not quite appreciate unwholesome remarks made about my supposed intention neither do I welcome so-called salutary suggestions being offered by professed but not practised liberals. I have been handling this petition, courtesy the blessings of some ardent devotees of the revolutionaries, and with their graces can carry on doing so. If no one will help me, I can help myself and the trinity for whom I do it will help me attain to whatever aspiration I have from this project that I have undertaken.Abhishek Sanyal কেউ কিছু বললেই এত রেগে ওঠেন কেন ? নেতাজী এত রাগ করতেন না। এত রাগ করলে উনি কি এত বিশাল INA বানাতে পারতেন নাকি? To win a war one has to have a cool head. No army in the world won a war because of their emotions rather they won it with intelligent strategies.Sugata Bose Abhishek Sanyal, do not venture beyond civil bounds for I know how to handle impertinence. Your extraneous comments are not worth responding to and, henceforth, they will be meted the treatment they deserve. If you speak irrationally without substance to your assertions, you expose your debility as a person.Abhishek Sanyal Sugata Bose আজকে খুব রেগে আছেন বুঝতে পারছি।Sugata Bose Abhishek Sanyal, not at all but people like you who overreach themselves must be shown their position.Abhishek Sanyal Sugata Bose যাই হোক এখনো 2000 সই জোগাড় হয়নি। অনেক পথচলা বাকি।Sugata Bose Abhishek Sanyal, I do not seek from you all this advice and guidance. Go to the relevant group and keep commenting to your heart's content.Abhishek Sanyal Sugata Bose একটি question শুধু মাথায় আসছে। আপনার Gandhi বিরোধী পোস্ট তো এত লোক লাইক করে এত কমেনট করত। তাঁরা নিজেদেরকে নেতাজী বা Armed Revolutionary র সমর্থক বলে দাবি করতেন। আজকে যখন আপনি নিজের একার চেষটায় একটা ভাল কাজ শুরু করলেন তখন এই সব আদর্শবাদী মানুষরা কোথায় গেলেন? নাকি তাঁদের interest ছিল খালি নেতাজী আর গান্ধীজী কে নিয়ে ঝগড়া বা scandal এর গল্পের চর্চাতে? আমার এই কথাটি হয়ত আজকে শুনতে ভালো লাগবে না, পরে ভেবে দেখবেন। একটু খেয়াল করে দেখুন যে গত কয়েক মাসে আপনার কোন পোস্টগুলো বেশী লাইক বা কমেনট পাচ্ছে। মানুষকে instigate করা খুব সহজ কিন্তু মানুষকে দিয়ে ভাল কাজ করানো এত সোজা নয়। ভালো থাকবেন। নমস্কার।Sugata Bose Abhishek Sanyal, I had asked you to keep commenting in the group so that others may also profit from your luminosity and may have the opportunity to respond. But you continue to engage me in extraneous matters, thinking overly high of yourself. If you have no other work worthwhile than to keep irritating me with these comments, you will be exposing your inner attributes in not too bright a light and I sincerely pray that you will not do so. Regarding others' comments and stances, I am not equipped or authorised to speak. Hence, it will be worthwhile of you to ask them who have thus set your mind wondering. God bless you!Samir Majumdar While l fully agree with and endorse the petition,l humbly suggest there are some others in different States worthy of the honour like Chapekar brothers in Pune.Sugata Bose I know, and we are working towards this wider objective of the resurrection of all these heroes of armed rebellion and revolution against the British from the depths of imposed oblivion. Thank you for mentioning the valiant trio of the Chapekar brothers.
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