Tuesday, 22 May 2018


Pakistan fires at us with impunity. They terrorise our country as and how they like. Yet, we can scarce do anything about it. Why? Because we are a divided nation with uncoordinated wills threatening ever to break and not make India.

What we need is a strong national narrative which will inspire patriotism in us and imbue us with a strong sense of belonging to the motherland with our life's service at her disposal and our very lives to safeguard her sovereignty and integrity whenever the need arises.

We must not live on borrowed ideology and continue to 'thrive' as Macaulay's children, ever intent on receiving the best from our nation since birth and then, on academic fruition, conveniently leaving her shores to settle elsewhere in the developed West to serve their interests, oblivious of the pangs the motherland thus suffers from the loss of her best and the brightest to those that have reduced her to this level of abysmal misery.

Only when we truly take pride in our glorious history and heritage that dates back several millenia that we can rebuild our nation to such an impregnable state that no external or internal enemy will dare offend us through these blatant violations of the principles of civilisation.

It is strength alone that safeguards nationhood and it is this strength in every sphere of human endeavour that we must cultivate. Each citizen must be educated in the spiritual principles of pristine India and developed into a powerhouse for the generation of energy that will foster national good and not national disaster as a section of the intelligentsia are hell-bent on doing today.

A nation is nothing but the living and vibrant summation of its citizens and when each citizen is well looked after, the nation thrives in every way.

The citizens must not only be provided with ample opportunities for academic and vocational training but they must be given compulsory military training as well. The whole country must have martial discipline. Only then will the nation march into the millenium that ever beckons us but ever recedes by the day.

The health of the individual is the wealth of the nation. This must be the motto and it is with this sense of fraternal feeling that we should deal with each other in our daily intercourse. Each and every citizen of this nation is my own --- this ought to be the spirit, and for this we will not depend on the leadership of politicians nor blame them for their failure to perform their allotted public duty. Remember what Swami Vivekananda used to say : the individual is my motto.

The life of the nation is in the flourishing of the individual. All great advances in civilisation have taken place by the seminal achievements of individuals responding to the exigencies of the times, the need of the hour and, oftentimes, simply by the impulsion of their own irrepressible creative energy struggling to break through the bounds of finite understanding of Life and Nature. It is, thus, here that work needs to be done, this strengthening of the individual for the strengthening of the nation.

A strong military, a strong government and a strong judicial system must all be in due place but the central focus must be the child who must be nurtured with care and wisdom for the final fruition to be beneficial for the nation.

Children are the fairest flowers of our motherland and they must be imparted the right training in national culture, the history and heritage of this ancient Aryavarta and its pristine language of the gods, the 'devabhasha', Sanskrit. Enlightened generations coming up will bring about a magic change in the polity and safeguard the motherland which no amount of mock-friendliness with a dastardly enemy nation will manage.

Remember, the battle has just begun and Pakistan has started firing its first salvos. But the sequel to it will be written by India and it is this : Pakistan, which is a part of ancient eternal India, along with Bangladesh, will be absorbed into the motherland for her to become whole again. And so will Aksai Chin and the annexed part of Arunachal be won back by India as she emerges a lion from the meshes of a millenium-old Maya.

Bande Mataram!

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