Wednesday, 30 May 2018


1. Once more the debate is raging : Did Netaji have a wife and child or was he a bachelor throughout? Your response, please.

2. The more fanatical a faith, the faster does it spread and the greater the harm it does to humanity.

3. Hindus must resist conversion to Islam and Christianity at all costs.

4. A religion that converts must be deficient in some way which through gain in numbers it tries to overcome.

5. Read Vivekananda, resist conversion.

6. Rare is the politician who craves nothing for himself and works only for the good of the polity.

7. Only rejection of fanatical faiths and systems can save civilisation.

8. There is such a thing called selfish love and there is such a thing called selfless love. O politician of tall claims, which one is yours?

9. Muslims suffer the most at the hands of Islam and then the virus spreads all around. How long must man subscribe to an almighty God whose existence has never been proved nor can it ever be save in personal experience liable to be flawed. Time for man to have faith in himself instead.

10. In West Bengal democracy has taken to wings and the old-style feudal culture has returned where might overrules the right to political opposition. Culture overall is on a precipitous path even as ministerial participation puts up the pretence of patronage. A dismal state overall.

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