Thursday, 24 May 2018


The British tortured our revolutionaries by using our countrymen serving them in the police and the military to do so. And then there were the countless traitors who put paid to so many of the revolutionary plots to oust the British from the motherland. These cowards brought about the downfall of their own country for the sake of money, position and employment. Else, how could a handful of thieves who came from Britain hold down a country of over 30 crores? It was our men who did that job for them. Traitors then and traitors now who have ruined the motherland and continue to do so even today. But in this wilderness was born a valiant son of Mother India who would resist British rule lifelong till he had ruined its very basis and ensured its inevitable downfall and demise. He was Rash Behari Bose. Bose was born on this day many years ago. It was like today, the 25th of May, the year, 1886. Our prostrations at his feet.

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