Sunday, 6 May 2018


Let leaders practice truthfulness and see what a wonderful change comes in our polity. To show them the way, be truthful yourselves, for often the leader needs to be led and the follower shows the way.

Character is on the decline in society in general and it is showing up so glaringly in the lives of the leaders who have quit morals, ethics, principles et al. If you wish to redress this pernicious state of things beyond the odd word of mock condemnation, stop hero-worshipping your leaders and intellectuals who have cast the country's interests to the winds and are busy in securing self-stability in the quicksands of earthly existence. But such a thing can never be and they will, despite their ardent assumptions and contrary claims to conscientiousness, be swept aside by the tide of times, for the masses are awakening and if the leaders do not mend their ways today, they will have no tomorrow, mark my words. There is a limit to human endurance and this mass desecration of the motherland by a handful of corporate magnates and corrupt politicians have had their day and must now make way for a brighter polity who in turn will cast them aside just as they have thus far cast aside the country's interests for self-gain.

But for this massive change to take place a mighty revolution of ideas is necessary, for the inertia of the past will not let go of its hold and the new age will not see its birth till the past perfidies are done away with. There must be a fresh onrush of ideas, a new interpretation of all that is sublime in our spiritual tradition, a dissociation from the current corruptions and a course-correction thereof, for mass support taken away form these mass leaders, they will be rendered sterile. It is here that work needs to be done, this orientation of the masses to higher ideas whereby they regain their individuality and assert their freedom from the servitude that afflicts them.

The idea is omnipotent. It wields its influence from subliminal levels to shape human destiny. No wonder that revolutions in the real world have ever been preceded by revolution in the world of ideas. The idea spelt out in effective terms and in the fullness of circumstance grips the consciousness of the masses and moves them to effect revolutionary change. The philosopher brews up the idea in the distillery of his mind and the leader picks it up to give it concrete shape and form. Then the masses fall in line to lend their labour for the transformation to be.    

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